Seeing these women so determined, Wang Mingyang stopped talking nonsense.

He pretended to walk to the next door and came back with a backpack.

He opened the backpack and grabbed fourteen first-level crystal cores from it, which were scattered on the round table.

Looking at the crystal cores on the table, these women were a little confused.

But two or three of them showed a strange look. Obviously, they had seen these things.

"We dug these crystal cores out of the zombies' heads."

"If you want to gain power, each of you come up and take one. I will teach you how to absorb it in a while!"

"Before that, it's the same thing. These crystal cores may allow you to awaken your superpowers and gain power."

"But the absorption process will be accompanied by great pain!"

"The result of not being able to bear it is... you will explode and die!"

Wang Mingyang pointed to the crystal cores on the table and said calmly. There is indeed a chance of awakening superpowers by absorbing crystal cores, but the process is extremely painful.

Those who can't bear it will die directly on the spot.

The crystal cores of ordinary zombies are also effective, but the probability is only one in ten!

Since he had decided to help these poor women, Wang Mingyang didn't want to be a villain in vain.

There were more than ten people, and only one or two were left. What was the point?

"It's just a death anyway, there's no need to hesitate, I'll go first!"

The girl in her twenties stood up and walked over, grabbing a crystal core.

The other women also stood up and grabbed a crystal core in their hands.

"Okay! Since you have all made your choice, then I'll tell you what to do next."

Wang Mingyang nodded, stood up and took the women to the corridor.

"Separate three meters from each other and find a place to sit down."

The corridor of the mall was extremely spacious. Fourteen women sat in a row, looking up at Wang Mingyang.

"Hold the crystal core in your hand, empty your mind, and imagine that there is energy in the crystal core, flowing into your body through your arm."

"No matter how painful it is, you must grit your teeth and hold on."

"If you can't hold on, you will die!"

Wang Mingyang's voice, with a trace of spiritual power, seemed to ring in the minds of the women, and they all began to close their eyes and meditate.

"Boss Wang, is this really useful?"

Seeing that all the women closed their eyes and began to try, Wang Mingyang led the three of them back several meters. Li Yuchan approached him and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but this is the only way I can think of that might work."

Wang Mingyang shook his head. This method is actually feasible.

The awakening potion in the previous life was to purify the energy in the crystal core so that ordinary people could also awaken their superpowers.

But that kind of potion was too mild and did not squeeze the potential of the human body enough. The highest achievement of people who awakened their superpowers through this potion was only the sixth level.

You can also awaken by directly absorbing the crystal core, but the probability is too low. Even for a first-level crystal core, it is only a 50-50 situation.

Most people can't stand the pain of thousands of ants gnawing at their bones, and eventually fail and explode.

Wang Mingyang had no idea how many of the fourteen women in front of him could survive.

"Why do we absorb the crystal core without any pain?"

"How should I know..."

Li Yuchan looked doubtful, "Then how do you know that they will be in excruciating pain when absorbing the crystal core?"

"Uh... It's written in the novel, and you haven't seen that those who have become zombies have distorted faces and look crazy!" Wang Mingyang's back was slightly cold, and a cold sweat broke out instantly.

"Tsk, just based on what is written in the novel, you dare to be so sensational!"

Li Yuchan speechlessly raised his middle finger, followed by Su Yu and Mu Ningxue.

Wang Mingyang pouted speechlessly, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a close call, and it almost got exposed...

Ten minutes later, finally, the crystal cores in the hands of two girls began to emit a faint light, and an invisible energy flowed into the body along the palm.

"Hey! There are changes..."

Li Yuchan had been observing these women with his mental power, and he couldn't help but be happy when he saw this.

"This is just the beginning, and the next step is the most dangerous."

Wang Mingyang sighed, and the energy contained in the crystal core was directly infused into the body. For people who have not awakened their own abilities and have been strengthened, it is extremely dangerous.

Twenty minutes later, the fourteen women began to absorb the crystal core.

The first few women who absorbed it had distorted faces and their teeth were bleeding, but they still endured it and said nothing.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mingyang couldn't help but nod.

These women who have experienced hell have stronger spirits and wills than ordinary people.

Thirty minutes later, the fourteen women were trembling all over and pale.

The youngest ones couldn't help but start to scream.

"Cherry! Hold on! Don't forget, you have to live for Sister Mei Hong!"

The girl in her twenties opened her bloodshot eyes and stared at the screaming sixteen-year-old girl Cherry, shouting hysterically.

This girl was also the first one to absorb the crystal core. Following her shout, all the women began to shout angrily, desperately cheering each other up.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mingyang's heart as hard as stone was also slightly moved.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue covered their mouths tightly, with great respect in their eyes.

"May the Heavenly Venerable be blessed with infinite happiness!"

"The Supreme Taiyi Heavenly Venerable for Rescuing Suffering!"

Li Yuchan made a hand seal to pray for the gods and pray silently for these poor women.

One hour...

Two hours...

It was not until more than two hours later that these women stopped struggling one after another. Their voices had been lost an hour ago.

Waves of energy surged from their bodies, and flames, frost, dust, vines and other forces began to emerge.

Unfortunately, even with their strong wills, two of them could never stand up again.

Wang Mingyang and Li Yuchan walked forward silently, gently picked up the two women who were bleeding from all seven orifices and had no breath, and put them aside.

Two packs of wet wipes were taken out of the space and handed to Su Yu and Mu Ningxue. The two women took the wet wipes silently with tears in their eyes, squatted down and wiped their remains.

When the energy fluctuations subsided, the twelve women who had collapsed on the ground slowly opened their eyes.

The girl in her twenties struggled to get up, a wind blade appeared in her palm, and she raised her hand and waved it at the fence opposite.

The wind blade made a faint whistling sound, cutting through the fence cleanly and neatly, leaving a deep mark on the wall of the shop.

"Is this... the power of the wind?!"

The girl muttered to herself, looking at her palm in disbelief.

"Mine is... flame!"

"Mine is frost!"

"Mine... is speed!"

"My power is so strong!"


The women stood up and tried to use the energy in their bodies.

For a moment, various superpowers flew around, and the wall of the opposite shop collapsed after a bombardment.

There were twelve women, six of them were elemental, four of them were strengthening, one was a transformation, and there was even a spiritual awakener.

And the awakener of the transformation system could directly turn his hands into a pair of sharp wings. Although he could not fly yet, he could shoot out feathers like steel knives.

After testing the superpowers, the women found that there were two sisters lying on the side.

They put away their superpowers, surrounded them silently, knelt down on the ground together, and cried silently.

Wang Mingyang and the other four also made way and stood in the distance, watching them quietly without disturbing them.

After a while, the girl who had awakened the wind power wiped her tears, stood up and walked over.

"My name is Rong Lan, thank you for your kindness!"

"I can't repay your kindness. Whenever you call us, the twelve of us will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Rong Lan knelt on the ground and kowtowed deeply.

The other women stood up, led by Rong Lan, and knelt together.

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