Just as a group of people were chattering, the man with glasses noticed that Wang Mingyang's face was getting gloomier and gloomier, and the other three people were also frowning and their eyes were getting colder.

He could not help but slowly retreat to one side and shrink directly into the crowd.

And a few guys who didn't know how to live or die actually surrounded him unconsciously.

"Shut up!"

Wang Mingyang finally couldn't suppress his anger. He shouted angrily and stepped out suddenly. The solid asphalt road surface instantly cracked.

The sudden burst of momentum directly scared the survivors and made them retreat again and again. The few people who surrounded the front even took a few steps back and sat on the ground.

"A bunch of ignorant things, who gave you the confidence to come to me for food?"

"If you want to eat, go find it yourself!"

"If you don't want to be starved to death, go kill zombies!"

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, you don't have to wait to starve to death. I will send him off!"

Wang Mingyang threw out a basin-sized fireball and hit the rocks not far away.

The violent explosion was accompanied by a sky-high flame, and the debris and dust fell in a sparse manner.

This huge power immediately made several people who were angry and ready to move immediately lower their heads, fearing that their eyes would meet the young man in front of them.

The corners of the glasses man's mouth twitched uncontrollably, and his back felt cold.

The palms of his hands behind his back would flash and disappear immediately.

"Who else has something to say?"

A fireball appeared in Wang Mingyang's palm again, and his eyes swept the whole audience coldly.

"No more."

"No more."

The few people who collapsed on the ground saw Wang Mingyang's eyes moving over, and immediately waved their hands and trembled.

Others also avoided their eyes and dared not speak.

"Since there is no... why don't you get out of here!"

Wang Mingyang shouted again, scaring everyone present to tremble again.

He hurriedly stumbled down the mountain, and the few people who collapsed also got up tremblingly and ran down staggeringly.

"What a bunch of bastards..."

Wang Mingyang extinguished the fireball, spat, and cursed in a low voice.

"Well, these people are used to being high and mighty, and they think it's a peaceful time now."

Mu Ningxue smiled slightly and stepped forward to persuade.

"Hmph, these people won't cry until they see the coffin..."

"Just wait and see, there will be more first-level zombies and mutant creatures in a few days, and by then, these people will be either dead or disabled."

Wang Mingyang smiled coldly and turned to walk into the mansion.

Li Yuchan shrugged at the two of them, Su Yu and Mu Ningxue smiled indifferently, and returned to the villa together.

"Boss Wang, I think there are some restless factors among these people."

Li Yuchan sat down with his buttocks, his hands on the sofa, and a smile of watching the fun.

"Did you notice it too? Haha, there are a few people who should be awakened."

Wang Mingyang laughed and didn't care at all. People who have awakened their superpowers always think that they are the most special and powerful people.

Without experiencing the beatings of the end of the world, how can you know that there are people who are better than you?

"What should we do? There is no reason to be a thief for a thousand days."

Li Yuchan's tone was calm, but with a hint of murderous intent.

This fake Taoist priest, under Wang Mingyang's persuasion, has been eating meat twice, and has already had some killing intentions.

"You are right, after dinner, Lai Gebao, you will go out with me."

"Su Yu, you and Mu Ningxue stay to watch the house, and anyone who enters the villa..."


Wang Mingyang nodded, thought for a while, and said coldly.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue were startled, looked at each other, and then nodded silently.

"But if the two of us go out, those people will know that the two sisters stayed in the villa!"

Li Yuchan was a little confused.

"Don't worry, eat first, I will have a way later."

Wang Mingyang smiled mysteriously, with a confident face.

Seeing him say so, Li Yuchan and the other two stopped talking.

After a simple lunch at noon, Wang Mingyang and Li Yuchan packed up and went to the basement to drive.

"Sister Xue, what do you think Brother Mingyang can do to deceive those people?" Su Yu asked after cleaning up the dishes and sitting next to Mu Ningxue.

Mu Ningxue wiped the horizontal sword and smiled slightly, "I don't know, but since he said so, there must be a way."

"We just need to guard the villa..."

"Oh, that's true."

Su Yu nodded, but there was still a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

An off-road vehicle rushed out of the underground parking lot and drove out of the courtyard quickly.

The huge metal door opened a door and then closed again.

"Boss Wang, we are about to pass the villa area, what are you going to do?"

Li Yuchan sat in the co-pilot and looked at Wang Mingyang with curiosity.

"Haha, watch it!"

Wang Mingyang smiled mysteriously, and a wave of energy gently spread out.

Li Yuchan looked left and right, but there was no movement...

"Look back."

Wang Mingyang curled his lips, Li Yuchan turned his head in confusion, and then his mouth slowly opened.

"Fuck! What's going on?!"

In Li Yuchan's sight, Su Yu and Mu Ningxue suddenly appeared in the back seat.

It was only him and Wang Mingyang who got on the car just now, how come two beautiful women suddenly appeared? !

Suddenly, Li Yuchan frowned slightly, and his mental power surged out of his mind, and he leaned towards the two people in the back seat...

"Fuck! Fuck! Boss Wang, how did you do it?!"

Under Li Yuchan's mental detection, the back seat was actually empty...

But his eyes clearly saw Su Yu and Mu Ningxue sitting in the back seat with expressionless faces?

"Making a shadow to keep one's identity...it's just a small trick."

Wang Mingyang smiled and looked proud.

"A shadow remains? You mean... this is just an image?"

Li Yuchan was stunned for a moment, then reacted and looked at Wang Mingyang speechlessly.

"It's just a phantom, it has no other functions."

Wang Mingyang nodded, "However, it is enough to deceive those restless people."

Li Yuchan was speechless, "How fucking capable are you? Why are you so scary every two days!"

"Damn, this is just an E-level power, why are you surprised!" Wang Mingyang showed his middle finger.

Li Yuchan:......

This is not a matter of level, okay!

However, Li Yuchan was already somewhat used to Wang Mingyang's strange abilities appearing from time to time.

Everyone has secrets, and as a brother he recognized, Li Yuchan would not delve into them.

Anyway, this is a good thing for myself!

"Hey, I knew you didn't have any good intentions."

"Someone is going to be in trouble!"

Li Yuchan had already begun to imagine the desperate expressions on those people's faces when they stepped into the villa and faced two beauties with murderous intent.

The two looked at each other and then laughed.

In the villa area, a middle-aged man with glasses and a few survivors sat in a villa facing the street with gloomy expressions, smoking cigarettes in silence.

It wasn't until the faint rustle of cars was heard on the passage leading to Banpo's mansion that everyone showed excitement. They all came to the windows, quietly pulled up a corner of the curtains, and peeked out.

An off-road vehicle sped by. The middle-aged man with glasses squinted his eyes slightly, trying to see clearly the people in the off-road vehicle.

"Mr. Wu Sheng, all those people are out!" A rich second generation shouted excitedly.

"Keep your voice down...but there are indeed four of them." A fat man with a big belly shouted in a low voice.

"Don't worry, the soundproofing effect of my villa is very good. I couldn't hear anything outside the unobstructed conference before, haha!" The rich second generation chuckled, seeming to think of some beautiful scene.

Another middle-aged man nodded and whispered softly: "Yes, there are two men in front and two women sitting in the back."

"It's a pity that those two girls also went out... These two girls are really seductive!" A middle-aged man in security uniform smiled lewdly.

"How long has it been and you still think about women?"

Wu Sheng, the man with glasses, snorted coldly. When he saw the off-road vehicle driving out of the villa area, he casually lowered the curtains and sat down.

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