Zhu Bai drove the off-road vehicle towards the city center.

Perhaps because the army's actions caused too much noise, there were obviously fewer zombies wandering the streets along the way.

As they got closer to the city center, everyone could faintly hear some rumbling sounds.

"Boss Wang, this sounds like the sound of an exploding artillery shell..." Tang Bao, who was sitting in the back seat, listened carefully for a while and then said lying on the back of the seat.

Wang Mingyang nodded, "Indeed, it seems that the army is under great pressure and they actually started to use artillery shells."

"It may be a mortar. The urban terrain is narrow and there are many survivors. It is too powerful and easy to cause accidental damage."

Zhu Bai analyzed it while driving.

"Whatever it is, it's a good thing for us."

Wang Mingyang casually knocked away several cars blocking the road and said calmly.

The sound of the army fighting has attracted most of the wandering zombies, making the obstacles in front of them smaller, which is indeed a good thing.

Wang Mingyang looked back and saw dense zombies following closely behind him.

With a cold snort, Wang Mingyang's heart moved. The vehicles on the road ahead flew to both sides one after another, disintegrating and melting in mid-air. The massive metal formed a huge wall three meters high and two meters thick.

When the off-road vehicle sped past, the giant metal wall crashed down, and some of the zombies rushing in front were smashed into meat patties.

The giant metal wall shook violently and slid forward along the road, making a harsh friction sound.

The corpses hit the giant metal wall like waves, and finally spread out slowly like waves blocked by a dam.

This huge wall was firmly stuck in the houses on both sides, blocking the corpses and buying time for the off-road vehicles to leave.

On the top of the mountain in the north, Ye Jianfeng's lips were chapped and he kept issuing orders. The group of corpses had already approached fifty meters away from the high wall.

But even the barrels of those heavy machine guns had been replaced no less than five times. They had all turned off and could no longer fire.

Even if the awakened elemental system has crystal nuclei to assist in recovery, there is a certain upper limit for absorbing crystal nuclei.

After absorbing too much in a short period of time and constantly spreading it out, all the elemental awakeners felt their whole bodies swell and ache, and the speed of absorbing crystal nuclei became slower and slower.

Both the melee awakeners and the long-range element awakeners have been rotated more than three times. Even the reserve team of superpowers formed on the spot during this period have all gone up to fight for a round.

More than 300,000 zombies have been killed, but even with such fire support, nearly 500 soldiers have died.

These are elite soldiers who have survived a zombie outbreak...

Ye Jianfeng's heart kept bleeding, but he had to do this.

He could not forget the old chief's heartfelt but painful words before leaving:

——Jianfeng, your mission is not just to carry out rescue.

——Without harming the survivors, try to make the noise as loud as possible.

Ye Jianfeng still didn't understand it at the time, but as the battle continued and zombies swarmed in the city, he finally understood the old chief's last words.

——The greater the movement on your side, the greater the chance of survival for those possible survivors in the city center...

No wonder the old chief asked him to prepare for a battle in which he might be besieged by millions of zombies.

Only by attracting all the zombies wandering the streets and hiding in the corners can the survivors reduce the probability of death on their way to seeking salvation.

"Old chief, these odds are all earned with the lives of our soldiers..."

Looking at the soldiers who were knocked down by a group of zombies from time to time due to lack of timely fire support, Ye Jianfeng's eyes turned red.

"Flight formation, drop incendiary bombs on me!"

Ye Jianfeng wiped his eyes hard and roared!

"Roger! Commander-in-Chief!"

The deep response of the flying formation came from the headset, and several helicopters roared past, dropping dozens of incendiary bombs towards the middle of the corpse group.

Violent flames rose into the sky and directly ignited the densely packed zombies. The hot flames blocked the zombies behind, and the flames continued to spread towards the rear.

At this moment, Ye Jianfeng could no longer guarantee that he could avoid hurting possible survivors.

Fortunately, the range where incendiary bombs are thrown is mostly open roads and community squares. Overall, the impact is not very big.

Gong Zhan was still fighting at the forefront, with two second-order crystal nuclei in his mouth.

At this time, the rifle in his hand had been thrown away. He was holding the arms of two second-level hunters. Every time he waved the sharp claws, three or four zombies were cut into pieces.

Even though he was already at the third level, Gong Zhan still felt so powerless.

Although the Vajra body is powerful, its strengths lie in defense and strength, and it lacks attack methods.

"It would be great if that boy Wang Mingyang was here. His metal manipulation ability is simply a natural killing machine..."

Gong Zhan's body flashed sharply, and he saved an exhausted warrior with a claw blade in his hand. He couldn't help but think so in his heart.

At this moment, Wang Mingyang was guiding Zhu Bai and stopped in front of a building. He looked at the blue door with the national emblem hanging on it and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

"This is... the Municipal Public Security Bureau?!" Su Yu jumped out of the car, looked up and saw the door, and couldn't help covering his mouth in surprise.

She didn't expect that Wang Mingyang pointed at the twists and turns on the road and actually ran to the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Immediately, Su Yu's heart moved, and his eyes couldn't help but feel wet.

"Su Yu, I don't know where Aunt Liu is, but I remember your father seems to be a policeman in the Municipal Bureau, right?"

Wang Mingyang walked into the police compound and asked Su Yu.

"Well, my father used to be a member of the Criminal Police Team of the Municipal Bureau. Uncle Zhang was the captain and Uncle Li was the deputy captain."

Su Yu's eyes were red and he nodded gently.

"The bullet found in your supermarket was probably fired by the police. But the zombies broke out, and I don't know if Aunt Liu and the people who saved her will come back here."

"So, instead of blindly searching, why not come here and take a look."

Wang Mingyang nodded and casually controlled the metal to kill a zombie policeman in the guard room.

"Whether I can find my mother or not, thank you, Brother Mingyang." Su Yu wiped the corners of his eyes and said with a sob.

Walking into the Municipal Bureau compound, there were several police cars parked inside, and there were many rotting corpses on the ground of the compound, gathering many zombies.

Only a few of them were wearing uniforms, and the rest were all zombies transformed from ordinary people.

Obviously, when the zombies broke out, many people ran in to seek help, but unfortunately, the police could not avoid becoming zombies.

Without Wang Mingyang's help, Su Yu rushed up with a knife, and the dark flame of the knife burst out, cleaning up the zombies cleanly and neatly.

In fact, Wang Mingyang came here without much hope.

The situation in the supermarket shows that the zombies had not yet broken out. Aunt Liu was not in the store or at home, and it was very likely that she was taken away from the house in advance.

But there were corpses in the store. Normally, Aunt Liu and the person who saved her would stay there and wait for other police to arrive.

At that time, no other police corpses or zombies were found around, and there were no police cars or anything like that.

It was difficult to judge where Aunt Liu and the person who saved her went.

After the spiritual energy broke out, Wang Mingyang found that Su Yu was a little abnormal, and after thinking about it, the only reason was Aunt Liu.

At this time, his strength increased greatly, and Wang Mingyang also decided to take the time to do his best.

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