There are indeed many mutant creatures at night. After flying for half an hour, Wang Mingyang encountered two waves of mutant mosquitoes.

There is also a wave of mutated bats that appear out of nowhere.

But the number wasn't too much, and most of them were cleared with just a burst of flames.

An hour later, Wang Mingyang returned to the hill in the military area again.

Under the big tree, Gong Zhan, wearing camouflage uniform, was sitting there leisurely.

Wang Mingyang landed quietly not far away and walked over.

"Captain Gong, if you call me out so late, if you don't give me good news, see how I deal with you."

A faint voice sounded, with a hint of coldness.

Gong Zhan quickly turned around and saw Wang Mingyang walking towards him with his hands in his pockets.

"Don't worry, it must be good news!"

Gong Zhan laughed and stood up.

"Tell me about it..." Wang Mingyang stood beside him and looked at the military area opposite.

In his eyes, there seemed to be more tents in the entire military area than last time.

It seems that during this period, many survivors have gathered.

"Beside Sun Jian, there is indeed a healing power user, and they used crystal cores to pile it up to the third level. Hou Jun's palm is the masterpiece of this healing power user."

Gong Zhan pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"It's a reasonable thing." Wang Mingyang nodded.

"We have discovered some of Sun Jian's abilities... He seems to have super recovery abilities."

"The day before yesterday, we created an opportunity to remove part of his flesh and blood tissue."

Gong Zhan's eyes became serious, even with a hint of envy.

"Oh, what do you say?" Wang Mingyang also became curious.

"After Professor Gu's research and testing, Sun Jian's flesh and blood tissue has the ability to rapidly proliferate."

"Moreover, burning with flames and corroding with strong acid have not been able to completely eliminate this small piece of flesh and blood tissue."

"According to Professor Care's estimate, a flame temperature of at least nearly two thousand degrees is required to completely kill these tissue cells."

Gong Zhan took a deep breath and said solemnly.

Wang Mingyang frowned when he heard this, "In other words, if you want to kill him completely, you must have ultra-high-temperature flames?"

"It can be said that another thing is that the recovery speed of these flesh and blood tissues is very fast."

"According to Professor Care's estimate, if it were Sun Jian himself, he would be able to fully recover from an ordinary stab wound in less than a minute."

"Furthermore, Sun Jian was originally in his sixties and had been weak from long-term illness."

"But now, he is nearly twenty years younger, and his body is even healthier than other people's."

Gong Zhan nodded and continued.

"Regain your youth?"

"Is this A-level extraordinary recovery or S-level super-speed regeneration..." Wang Mingyang murmured in his heart. This ability is very similar to a certain ability he heard in his previous life.

"There won't be any Aikman metal claw blades or anything like that on his hands, right?"

"Damn, you thought it was Wolverine?" Gong Zhan rolled his eyes, "This is the only known ability so far, but his strength and speed are also extraordinary."

"All-round physical strengthening capabilities are inevitable." Wang Mingyang sighed lightly, it was really not easy to kill.

With this ability, there is no fear of injury at all, unless he is imprisoned entirely and burned with high-temperature flames.

He cannot be completely killed until he is burned to ashes.

"What level is he now?" Wang Mingyang suddenly thought of something and asked quickly.

"I haven't seen how he took action, but he should still be a third-level superpower." Gong Zhan thought for a moment and responded.

The military region is in a state of rest during this period, and most of the third-order crystal cores obtained previously are also in the hands of Gong Zhan and the others.

Sun Jian controls the Chuncheng Military Division, but the overall mobilization power of the army is still in the hands of the old leader.

Sun Jian did not stop the last rescue operation, and his subordinate troops also contributed a lot.

Therefore, some of the crystal nuclei collected on the battlefield were also obtained.

But only a few third-order crystal nuclei were obtained.

"For the third level, it's okay, you can operate it..." Wang Mingyang nodded.

The third level of super speed regeneration is not too abnormal.

It's a little different at the fourth level, but for Wang Mingyang, it's still within control.

"What are you going to do?" Gong Zhan asked curiously.

Wang Mingyang glanced at him and said, "I just found out about his abilities. How could I find a solution so quickly?"

"Well, I thought... you were omnipotent." Gong Zhan scratched his head and laughed.

"Okay, I'll go over there and kill him now!"

Wang Mingyang rolled up his sleeves and prepared to leave.

Gong Zhan quickly grabbed him and said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this is a military area, it won't be good if the soldiers see it."

"Tch! I knew you were a coward!" Wang Mingyang waved his hand and said disdainfully.

Gong Zhan said with an angry look on his face: "This is not cowardice, this is looking out for the overall situation!"

"You don't care about the overall situation. If Sun Jian can raise a guy like Sun Jie, I don't believe how good his reputation can be."

"Hey, don't mention this. The lower-level soldiers still have a good reputation for Sun Jian."

"Impossible? Don't they know about Sun Jie's scandal?"

"Let's put it this way, you know Sun Jie's fucking Li He, right?" Gong Zhan raised his eyebrows.

Wang Mingyang: "I know, what's wrong?"

"Li He was the main person behind Sun Jie's affairs. Sun Jian even pretended to be unlucky in his family and sacrificed his relatives for the sake of justice in front of the military district leaders."

Gong Zhan said sarcastically: "On the surface, he even divorced Li He for this... but he still made a lot of efforts in private."

"There is also this matter?" Wang Mingyang was speechless.

"So, in the military district, especially in the Chuncheng Military Sub-district, Sun Jie has a very good reputation."

"What's more, Sun Jie was sentenced to death at the beginning, and the things that happened later were full of twists and turns."

"But you also know that some things, once the heat is over, few people will pay attention to them."

"Therefore, Sun Jian's sacrifice of his relatives for the sake of justice has spread throughout the military district."

Gong Zhan spread his hands. Since Sun Jie was sentenced to death, people in the army have no longer paid attention to this matter.

Most people praised Sun Jian's sacrifice of his relatives for the sake of justice.

Before the end of the world, many leaders wanted him to go further.

But the end of the world came and interrupted all this.

"This is fucking..." Wang Mingyang spat and looked at Gong Zhan, "Ignore him for now, didn't you say that your old leader wanted to talk to me?"

"What exactly do you want to talk about?"

"How would I know... The old leader is in the office, you change into this outfit first, and then come with me!"

Gong Zhan spread his hands, picked up a tactical backpack from the ground, and took out the combat uniform inside.

"It seems that you are also being monitored."

Wang Mingyang couldn't help but laugh when he saw Gong Zhan's operation.

"Alas, there are many things you don't know..." Gong Zhan sighed helplessly, thinking of the old leader who was almost assassinated before.

"Okay, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. I have never seen a real general!"

Wang Mingyang didn't care, and picked up the combat uniform and changed.

The person he was about to meet was the legendary major general of the military region.

In peacetime, he had no chance to see such a person.

For ordinary people, the generals of China are still full of curiosity and admiration.

After changing their clothes, the two of them took advantage of the night and quickly moved towards the command building.

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