[Ding! The second system upgrade is complete, and the new function has been enabled! ]

A day later, the system upgrade arrived as scheduled.

Wang Mingyang sat on a big rock and silently observed the system prompts.

"System, how many reading points are needed to materialize the superpower?"

[Depending on the level of the superpower, only 10 points are needed for E-level, 100 points for D-level, 1000 points for C-level, and so on. ]

"Damn, so many?"

Wang Mingyang was speechless. After turning around, he still needed a lot of reading points.

Superpowers below level C are not very useful even if they are materialized to Su Yu and the others!

There are not two superpowers above level B in the system library.

Wang Mingyang suddenly thought of a question and asked hurriedly.

"System, can I extract the superpowers I have absorbed?"

[Yes, it requires the same reading points as when synthesizing superpowers. ]

It's okay. The reading points spent on synthesizing superpowers are not much.

This means that some of the superpowers he absorbed before and didn't use much can be recycled.

For example, the death scream of B-level...

"System, materialize the E-level supernatural power silk-spitting technique!"

[Deduct 10 points of reading value, and the materialization of the E-level supernatural power silk-spitting technique begins...]

[The materialization of the E-level supernatural power silk-spitting technique is completed, and the host's current reading value is: 340 points. ]

As the system prompt sounded, a gray-white light bead slowly emerged in front of Wang Mingyang.

But the subsequent system prompt made Wang Mingyang a little uneasy.

[The reading value reserve is about to meet the intermediate penalty standard. Please read the book as soon as possible. ]

"Isn't there still 340 points? How come it has reached the penalty line standard, and it's still intermediate?!"

Wang Mingyang was confused. It was 0 points of reading value before. You can understand the punishment.

There are still 340 points, how come it has passed the line?

[This system has been upgraded to the intermediate level, and the penalty standard has been increased. ]

[Please read the book as soon as possible...]


"Okay, what is the standard now?"

Wang Mingyang scratched his head and wanted to greet the family of the system.

But I really don't know who its parents are...

[Reading value below 1000 points, lasts for one day, primary punishment. ]

[Reading value below 500 points, lasts for 12 hours, intermediate punishment. ]

[Reading value below 100 points, lasts for 6 hours, advanced punishment. ]

[Reading value 0 points, lasts for 1 hour, ultimate punishment. ]

Wang Mingyang:...

"You mean, I still have 6 hours of safe period?"

You can't even count the time you upgrade for me!

That's really unfair.

[Yes, to be exact, it's 5 hours and 55 minutes. ]

"Not bad..."

"After I give this materialized ability to others, how long can it last, and can I take it back?"

Wang Mingyang asked the question he was most concerned about.

[The materialization of the ability is different from the materialization of the book. It can last until the other party dies and will be automatically recycled. ]

[The host can also consume the reading value to actively recycle. 】

"System, I have another question..." Wang Mingyang suddenly thought of something and frowned, saying, "After absorbing the superpower, it will be continuously developed and utilized by the user."

"Even a C-level superpower, under continuous development, its power can be comparable to B-level or even A-level."

"If the user develops this superpower too much, can I still take the initiative to recycle it?"

This question has to be considered. The initial manifestation of the superpower can be said to be just a seed.

It is impossible to remain unchanged!

If a superpower user awakens the fireball superpower, but after being promoted to the third or fourth level, he can only use fireballs.

That means that this superpower user is simply useless.

Wang Mingyang in his previous life was a three-star five-waste.

It's just that it's not that he doesn't want to develop his superpowers.

It's that those superpowers are different from others. In addition to increasing their power a little bit as his level increases.

There is no way to expand other abilities.

Bubble magic belongs to the water-based superpower, and Wang Mingyang has also tried to change the manifestation of bubble magic.

For example, release the bubble technique close to the body, instead of covering it outside like a ball...

But it's useless. No matter how it is released, it is a defensive bubble.

It's as if the energy circuit in his body has been nailed.

The only difference is that it can block two more attacks.

[No matter how the user develops it, the root seed of the superpower remains unchanged and can still be recovered. ]

[If the superpower is highly improved, the host can increase the reading value consumption for recovery. ]

"It's settled!"

With the system's answer, Wang Mingyang was relieved immediately.

If it's really difficult to judge a person, the person who gave the superpower betrayed him.

Wang Mingyang can also recover his superpower instantly, which is also a back-up.

Wang Mingyang took the materialized silk-spinning superpower back to the system library and smiled.

It's time to show real reading skills...

More than a dozen books materialized in front of him, and extraordinary thinking and mental imprinting started!

After the system upgrade, the fusion of superpowers is no longer limited to the same level, and is not limited to a maximum of three superpowers at a time.

Wang Mingyang plans to customize some special powers for Su Yu and the other two.

At present, he only plans to equip the three most trusted people with dual special powers.

For the others, we'll wait and see...

For example, Su Yu, who has the dark and fire attributes of Dark Flame, if she is given a B-level or A-level wind ability...

Wouldn't she be able to take off?

However, whether it is a fusion ability or a materialization ability.

It requires a lot of reading points.

But Wang Mingyang doesn't like C-level abilities...

This has become a dead end!

If you want to greatly enhance the strength of Su Yu and the other two, the reading points consumed are huge.

I feel like crying...

Fortunately, he is getting reading points countless times faster than before, otherwise the time spent is simply unimaginable.

Wang Mingyang squatted on this small hill covered with green grass for an afternoon, reading books in the breeze.

The reading value increased wildly, and at the same time, one ability after another was constantly extracted.

He consciously read books in the same series, which not only allows him to get a lot of reading points.

When fusing abilities, it also reduces the probability of strange abilities appearing.

Just like the magnetic burst fireball before, the effect is good.

But the knowledge involved is a bit miscellaneous.

Magnetism, flame, and explosion capabilities are difficult to improve and expand. At best, they can only increase their power.

The energy is also seriously dispersed.

The value of superpowers lies in their quality rather than quantity. For others, developing a series of superpowers has consumed too much energy.

Even Wang Mingyang himself has many superpowers in the system library.

Recently, he has only absorbed two A-level superpowers.

Even so, the progress of the two superpowers of space cutting and time stillness has been a bit slow recently.

Only the metal control superpower is okay, both in terms of release speed and display form, it is far superior to these two superpowers.

But it is still a long way from the imagined molecular level control.

It is not just a matter of development. Wang Mingyang's own level also limits the use of superpowers.

Even if he is now far superior to his peers, he may need to study for a long time at the fourth level, or even be promoted to the fifth level before he can do it.

The huge watershed between the fourth and fifth levels will also be reflected vividly in the display form of superpowers.

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