On the terrace of the Mid-Levels mansion, Wang Mingyang was holding a book and reading it carefully.

Beside him, a small metal man with facial features similar to Wang Mingyang was sitting on a low table with a pile of books in front of him.

The little metal man's eyes were flashing with aura, and he was constantly flipping through one of the books with his hands, at the same speed as Wang Mingyang.

S-level power—distraction and transformation into spirit.

This is a new ability that Wang Mingyang fused a month ago.

After constant experiments, Wang Mingyang has been able to separate part of his mental power.

Integrating this part of spiritual power into the metal villain produces such an effect.

This villain can make perfect use of Wang Mingyang's reading ability.

Including epiphany powers, the same applies.

Although the reading speed has not changed much, it cannot support two people at the same time.

Double the joy!

It's like turning on an automatic plug-in.

There is no need for Wang Mingyang to control it at all, this villain will automatically read books.

You can also get reading values ​​and extract abilities.

As long as this part of mental energy is recycled, a series of gains will be produced during reading.

It will be transferred to Wang Mingyang's mind instantly like transferring money on a mobile phone.

Wang Mingyang eats fish and sleeps without delaying his studies...

This little metal man was also nicknamed by Wang Mingyang as the ‘Fish No. 1’.

Seeing such a magical effect, Wang Mingyang planned to create one or two more little people to study.

When the time comes, he can play happily.

Leave the hard work to Mingyang No. 1, No. 2, No. 3...

Life in the apocalypse is a joy!

It's a pity that every time I want to divide the soul again, I feel that my mental strength is unstable, and even Moyu No. 1 will be taken back directly.

After repeated discussions with Li Yuchan.

In the end, the two believed that this ability required too much mental strength.

I am afraid that it will be possible to achieve another division only when Wang Mingyang is promoted to the fourth level.

However, just one Moyu No. 1 has more than doubled Wang Mingyang’s reading efficiency.

After all, this Fish No. 1 doesn’t need to eat, drink, or recycle once a day.

Once your mental power is restored to its peak, you can use your powers again.

"Brother Mingyang, it's time to eat!"

Su Yu stepped onto the terrace and shouted to Wang Mingyang with a smile.

"Okay, here you go!"

Wang Mingyang put away the book and glanced at Moyu No. 1, who was still reading, and couldn't hold back his lips.

He ducked to Su Yu's side, pinched her pretty face gently, and walked downstairs with a blushing Su Yu.

The mountain breeze blew, Moyu No. 1's eyes flashed with aura, and he read the books intently.

When he returned to the restaurant, everyone was already sitting around the table, waiting for him.

After eating, Mo Bei and the others reported today's events to Wang Mingyang.

Zhu Bai and Fatty recalled what they saw today. The wave of corpses seemed to have migrated from the city center.

Unfortunately, they happened to be blocking the road.

"Is it a third-level mind-controlled zombie?"

Wang Mingyang's eyes flickered, he thought for a moment and then shook his head.

If they encounter such zombies, I am afraid that except for Zhu Bai and Fatty, Nie Chuan and his team will have no chance to escape.

Along their evacuation route, there will definitely be a large number of zombies surrounding them.

Mentally controlled zombies can be said to be the wisest strategists among zombies.

There is no way such a big loophole could occur.

——Could it be that the hatching nest is about to mature?

It can make the third-level zombies migrate out. Currently, only the hatching nest has such a deterrent effect.

Counting the time, that hatching nest is almost mature.

"How are the losses to the combat team today?"

Wang Mingyang asked another question.

"The losses are quite heavy. Several teams may have to be reorganized."

Mo Bei explained the situation and sighed.

"It doesn't matter, we need elites, not rookies who will break at the touch of a touch."

Wang Mingyang smiled lightly, in the end of the world, dead people are common.

He is not a kind person. While enjoying the protection of Yunhu Base, he also needs to make corresponding contributions.

However, judging from today's losses.

The zombies in the city center are indeed migrating outward.

This also verified his judgment from the side.

"In the near future, let the teams that go out be more cautious. I'm afraid the urban area will not be peaceful."

After thinking for a while, Wang Mingyang asked Mo Bei to give some reminders.

Everyone nodded when they heard this. Today's battle losses can be said to be the largest in the past ten days.

"How are Chu Hui, Tong Ya, and Yinyin doing lately?"

Wang Mingyang turned to look at Mu Ningxue and Rong Lan. The three little guys were the youngest among the core members.

But compared to Cherry among the Twelve Girls, her fighting ability and willpower are much lower.

It's not that his powers are incompetent, but that he lacks the kind of life-and-death combat experience.

During this time, Mu Ningxue and Rong Lan took them out to fight zombies with real swords and guns.

"Not bad. I can fight zombies independently. If the three of them join forces, they can easily kill third-level zombies."

Mu Ningxue smiled slightly and glanced at the three little ones chatting with Cherry outside the courtyard.

"That's good. Their potential is higher than Cherry, but they just lack training."

The corners of Wang Mingyang's mouth curled up slightly, quite satisfied with the result.

Recently, most of the core members of the villa area have been promoted to the third level, but Wang Mingyang has not promoted these three little ones for the time being.

It would be more appropriate for them to polish for a while.

Others are better than the three little ones in terms of character and ability control.

As long as there is no physical obstacle, Wang Mingyang is open to the supply of crystal cores.

So, basically all members are at the third level.

And the crystal cores harvested during this period have long exceeded the part they paid for the promotion.

After talking about things, Mo Bei and his friends said goodbye and left.

In the villa area at the foot of the mountain, many combat teams are waiting for them to review together.

This is a compulsory course that every combat team must do when they come back.

In this way, not only will the combat effectiveness be rapidly improved, but the cohesion of the entire team will also be stronger.

The sense of belonging to the Yunhu base is getting deeper and deeper.

Of course, it is inevitable that some teams will have dirty things.

But under the strong pressure of Wang Mingyang, the superpower who serves as the team leader does not dare to be too harsh on the team members.

The allocation within the team ensures the minimum fairness.

After all, every three outings, it is basically the turn of the core members to accompany.

In this case, no team leader dares to be a troublemaker.

Wang Mingyang doesn't care much about the life and death of these people, but the corresponding system still needs to be continuously improved.

Under the guarantee of a certain degree of loyalty, people with potential will also be given a certain amount of training.

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