"Big cock, so beautiful,

Wearing a red crown and wearing floral clothes,

As soon as the sky breaks, he cries,

Call the sun, rise quickly. "

【bite! It was detected that the host was familiar with "Three Hundred Children's Songs" and extracted the E-level ability 'Lighting Technique'. Do you want to absorb it? 】

"Don't absorb it, put it on the bookshelf!" Wang Mingyang gave the order directly in his mind without raising his head.

【bite! ‘Illumination Technique’ has been put on the bookshelf, please host to study hard! 】

"Little dove,

Great skill,

Thousands of miles,

Send a letter home. "

【bite! It was detected that the host was familiar with "Three Hundred Children's Songs" and extracted the E-level ability 'Communication Technique'. Do you want to absorb it? 】

"Put it away on the bookshelf!"

【bite! ‘Messaging Technique’ has been put on the bookshelf, please host to study hard! 】

"The refrigerator is amazing,

Put fruits and vegetables neatly,

Filled with chicken, duck and fish,

Keeping it fresh and quality depends on you. "

【bite! It is detected that the host is familiar with "Three Hundred Children's Songs" and extracted the E-level ability 'Freezing Technique'. Do you want to absorb it? 】

"Put it away on the bookshelf!"

【bite! ‘Freezing Technique’ has been put on the bookshelf, host please study hard! 】


【bite! ‘Underwater Breathing’ has been put on the bookshelf, host please study hard! 】


【bite! ‘Bounce Technique’ has been put on the bookshelf, host please study hard! 】


【bite! ‘The Art of Spinning Silk’ has been put on the bookshelf, please host to study hard...read more advanced books! (▼ヘ▼#)】


After reading "Three Hundred Children's Songs" for more than ten minutes, Wang Mingyang was stunned for a moment when a different voice came from his mind.

"Read more advanced books? The system seems...a little angry?"

Wang Mingyang silently closed "Three Hundred Children's Songs" and put it into his backpack. Although the powers he obtained were relatively poor, this book did help him survive for five years in his previous life.

If he hadn't been betrayed by his teammates in the end, he would probably have continued to survive.

Wang Mingyang still has feelings for this children's book that has been with him for five years and has contributed a lot to it.

But now that I have been reborn and obtained the All-Heaven Reading System, I really need to read some advanced books to acquire more powerful powers. This is the right path.

"System, can I choose to fuse these E-level abilities?"

【bite! It can be fused, but the fused powers are unpredictable. 】

"If it's unpredictable, then it's unpredictable! The system has integrated these dozen abilities!" Wang Mingyang chose to fuse without hesitation.

【bite! Fusion failed! 】

"Gah! Why did it fail?!" Wang Mingyang was stunned. The first fusion failed. Isn't this a scam?

【bite! The host's reading value is insufficient. Basic fusion requires 100 reading points, and a maximum of 3 abilities can be fused at a time. The reading value currently possessed by the host is: 1 point. 】

"Damn, do you need a reading value? What is a reading value? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

【bite! The Zhutian Reading System requires the host to explore it by himself, everything is possible! 】

"You're cruel! How do you get this reading value?" Wang Mingyang quietly raised his middle finger and asked helplessly.

【bite! The reading value comes from the amount of reading of the host. The more books the host reads, the higher the knowledge content of the book, the more thorough the understanding, and the more reading value! 】

"Then why only 1 o'clock?"

【bite! The host is familiar with "Three Hundred Children's Songs" and understands it thoroughly. However, the knowledge content of this book is very low and it is a children's book. As the first book read by the host, 1 point of reading value will be given for encouragement! 】

Wang Mingyang understood that the amount of book reading, knowledge content, and knowledge understanding are the sources and requirements of reading value.

As an enlightenment book for children, "Three Hundred Children's Songs" does not have much knowledge content. No matter how thorough the understanding is, it is just that. This little reading value is really not unfair...

But why, Wang Mingyang felt that he had begun to burst into tears.

As a poor student, although he has the system, he still has to study hard...

You also need to understand it thoroughly...

This is too hard okay!

A bit miserable!

At this moment, Wang Mingyang just wants to ask: Which book can make people extremely smart? Waiting online is very urgent...

There was a harsh sound of braking, and the taxi suddenly stopped on the side of the road. Wang Mingyang's body leaned forward with the inertia, and was quickly pulled back to the seat by the seat belt. He groaned and covered his forehead with an ouch. .

"Young man, the Provincial Library is here!" The driver's aunt turned around and smiled. This speed is indeed amazing, as expected of a twenty-year-old driver.

Wang Mingyang rubbed his head and turned around to look, and saw a magnificent tall building rising from the ground on the right. A tall glass door stood on the steps, and the name of the Provincial Library was clearly visible.

"Thank you, aunt! Your car drives really fast!"

He picked up his mobile phone and quickly scanned the QR code to pay. One hundred yuan was quickly received. Wang Mingyang looked at the suddenly smaller number in his wallet and didn't care. He gave a thumbs up to the driver's aunt, opened the door and quickly got out of the car. .

"Good go! Welcome to come again next time." The driver's mother waved with a smile.

Wang Mingyang was about to step up the steps, but his body froze. He turned around and ran back to the taxi, lying on the passenger window.

"Young man, have you forgotten something?" The driver's aunt looked confused, but still asked with a smile.

"Auntie, tomorrow, I mean tomorrow, you'd better not go out and buy more food and drink to put at home." Wang Mingyang looked serious.

"Uh...what's going on? I still have to get out of the car during the day tomorrow." The driver's aunt looked confused.

"You're right, auntie, I know a little bit about physiognomy. Your eyes are a little dark, and there seem to be dark clouds around your eyes. I calculated that if you continue to go out in the next three days, there will be a bloody disaster." Wang Mingyang said seriously. .


Hearing this, the driver's aunt couldn't help but pull down the rearview mirror and looked at her cheek carefully. Her forehead seemed to be a little black, and there was also some faint black around her eyes.

"Auntie, I won't lie to you, and I won't charge you for anything. You heard me right. Don't go out for these three days. Buy some food and drink to put at home. Sit quietly for three days to ensure that you can spend it safely. What a calamity!" Wang Mingyang continued to lie.

"Then... how about I refund you a hundred yuan?" The driver's aunt's eyes flashed and she said with some uncertainty.

"It's really not necessary, auntie, it's fate that we met by chance. You helped me a lot by sending me here so quickly, so I just revealed the secret to remind you."

Wang Mingyang waved his hands repeatedly: "In the past three days, it is best for your family not to go out randomly. Before 12 o'clock tomorrow, everyone can sit alone in a room and meditate. Believe me, I won't hurt you!"

"Uh... Okay, thank you, young man!" The driver's aunt seemed really shaken, and nodded to Wang Mingyang to thank her.

"Goodbye, auntie, I wish you peace!" Wang Mingyang saw this and said no more, waved and turned and walked towards the steps.

The driver's aunt looked at his back and shook her head. The young man didn't look like a liar, and he didn't ask for money or things, even though he said a lot of things inexplicably.

But I think it should be for my own good. Thinking of this, the driver's aunt's heart moved slightly. As she skillfully started the car, she murmured in a low voice:

"Tomorrow happens to be the weekend. I haven't rested for a long time. I won't go out in the car tomorrow. I'll call my daughter back tonight and have a good meal together!"

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