Wang Mingyang kicked the big wave's foot, and the woman woke up on the spot.

After rolling and crawling, the short-haired girl was also awakened.

Looking at Wang Mingyang in front of them, the two women felt their scalps tingling.

"Ah! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

The two women's voices were a bit harsh, and they shrank in the corner with their heads in their hands and trembled.

Wang Mingyang raised his chin impatiently at the two people and shouted: "I won't kill you, but hurry up and move the debris at the door!"

The big wave and the short-haired girl looked at each other, and rolled and crawled to the door, working hard to move the furniture blocking the door.

Soon the door was cleared, and the two of them stood aside with their heads lowered.

"After we leave, you can do whatever you want. My personal suggestion is that it is best to stay on the sixth floor, where there is food..."

Wang Mingyang stretched out his hand to open the door and reminded casually, although he looked down on these two people.

But at this time, the other party was not a vicious person, so he just pointed his finger casually.

As for whether these two girls would develop into a happy lesbian family here, that was not something Wang Mingyang could guess.

"I understand, I understand..."

The girl with big waves and short hair nodded repeatedly with a flattering smile on their faces. Wang Mingyang didn't bother to pay attention and walked out directly.

The corridor was in a mess, but there was no fresh blood. There were only a few shrunken corpses lying on the ground.

Apparently, the mutant mosquitoes last night seemed to have sucked the blood and brains of these corpses dry.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue followed closely behind, and the three of them quickly walked towards the elevator.

Soon they arrived at the elevator. Su Yu reached out to press the elevator, but Wang Mingyang shook his head.

He vaguely remembered that in the last life, it seemed to be the morning of the second day of the apocalypse, and the whole city began to lose power on a large scale.

If you take the elevator at this time, it will be quite embarrassing if you accidentally get stuck in the air when the power goes out.

"Let's take the stairs! If there's a power outage, it'll be a big delay."

Wang Mingyang took the lead and walked towards the fire escape. He wasn't afraid of a power outage.

He had the ability to control metal, so the elevator wouldn't fall directly to the ground.

But this would indeed cause some delays. To be on the safe side, it would be smoother to take the stairs.

The eighteenth floor was not very high. The three of them spent less than ten minutes and only encountered a few shrunken zombie corpses.

The mutant mosquitoes last night cleared a lot of zombies, but the mutant mosquitoes also left many corpses.

Zombies and mutant creatures prey on each other to gain energy and strengthen themselves.

After successfully reaching the lobby on the first floor, Wang Mingyang walked to the door with the two women and pointed to the corner of the pedestrian street in the distance, where there was a black explosion-proof car covered with iron nets.

"I saw two armed police corpses next to the vehicle over there upstairs. If we're lucky, there should be a key."

"What if there's no there a backup plan?" Mu Ningxue observed the situation and asked in a low voice.

"Plan A is, after the attack of the mutant mosquitoes last night, there are not many zombies on the street now, the three of us will kill them, find the key and drive away."

"What about Plan B?"

"Plan B is, if we can't find the key, we will walk and see, if there is a car, we will drive, if there is no car, we will walk!"

Mu Ningxue:...

Su Yu:...

This plan is really well prepared, you are really good!

The two women gave Wang Mingyang a thumbs up speechlessly, and Wang Mingyang smiled awkwardly. In his previous life, he was not a gifted leader, and he had no experience in things like combat plans.

However, with his current strength, as long as he is not besieged by a large number of zombies, there will be basically no danger.

"By the way, Brother Mingyang, you can turn metal, why are you still looking for the key?" Su Yu asked puzzledly.

Mu Ningxue shook her head and explained: "Many cars are no longer traditional mechanical keys, but smart remote control keys. If the explosion-proof car is started in the traditional way, it's fine. If not, you can only find the corresponding key."

Smart remote control keys have electronic components inside, and you can't drive without a key.

The era in the movies where two strings can be pulled out and the fire can be started has long passed.

Moreover, this kind of key is not something that Wang Mingyang's metal control can handle.

"Okay, let's take it one step at a time. There will always be a way out when the car reaches the mountain!" Wang Mingyang waved his hand, pulled out the ink shadow, and stuffed the scabbard into the backpack.

"It can only be like this. Fortunately, there are not many zombies on the street..." Su Yu sighed helplessly.

She didn't expect that Wang Mingyang, who had always been so confident, was actually a "reckless" word...

The silver beads in Wang Mingyang's pocket flew into the air, turned into steel needles, and took the lead in pushing open the revolving door and walked out.

Mu Ningxue looked at this magical scene with great envy in her eyes.

Although Su Yu was also envious, she had her own superpowers, so she was not like Mu Ningxue, who was almost drooling.

The steel needles shot out, and the zombies along the way fell to the ground one after another. Wang Mingyang's unreasonable metal control ability made the zombies within a ten-meter range unable to get close to him. The three of them quickly rushed to the side of the explosion-proof car.

"Who of you can drive? Check to see if there are any keys in the car!" Wang Mingyang said anxiously while resisting the zombies that were gradually surrounding him.

Mu Ningxue stepped forward quickly and stretched out her hand to open the car door.


Mu Ningxue screamed, and Wang Mingyang immediately turned his head and saw a armed police zombie struggling desperately on the seat, thanks to the strong seat belt that tied it up.

But this sudden scene scared Mu Ningxue and she stepped back repeatedly.

Su Yu, however, held up a knife and stabbed it into the zombie's mouth without hesitation, piercing through the back of its head.

He waited until the zombie stopped moving, then stepped forward to unfasten the seat belt, pulled the corpse out and threw it aside.

"You come, I can't drive..."

Su Yu raised his chin proudly to Mu Ningxue, and drew his knife to stand aside to assist Wang Mingyang.

Mu Ningxue bit her lip and hurried forward to check. Fortunately, their luck seemed good, and the key was still inserted in the keyhole.

He tried to start the explosion-proof car and found that it could still start.

"It can be driven! Get in the car quickly!" Mu Ningxue shouted outside the car.

"Su Yu, you get in the car first." Wang Mingyang ordered without looking back, and Su Yu understood and quickly opened the back door and jumped in.

Wang Mingyang increased the output, controlling dozens of steel needles, like a rainstorm of pear blossoms, clearing most of the zombies that gathered, and turned around to jump into the passenger seat.

"Drive to Xicheng District! Take Minhang Road and get on the elevated road!"

Wang Mingyang quickly pointed out the direction. Mu Ningxue was quite familiar with this area.

Then he started the explosion-proof car and stepped on the accelerator. The explosion-proof car made a roar and rushed out, knocking away several zombies.

The black explosion-proof car turned a corner and a wide street came into view.

But now there are many cars blocking this street.

Wang Mingyang looked ahead and raised his right hand quickly, and the metal control ability was fully activated.

The cars ten meters in front of the explosion-proof car seemed to be repelled by a huge force and spontaneously moved to the sides.

Under Wang Mingyang's full control, the explosion-proof car was like an icebreaker, opening a smooth path in the congested lane.

With the metal control ability, it is much more convenient to take the elevated road than to travel in the city.

Mu Ningxue pursed her lips, controlled the explosion-proof vehicle to drive through a lane of more than one kilometer, turned the steering wheel sharply at the intersection, and rushed straight up a slope.

The road condition after the slope was better, although there were also many abandoned vehicles on the road.

But at least it was not as densely packed as the pedestrian street.

Wang Mingyang breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back on the seat somewhat dejectedly, and waved his hands from both sides from time to time, using his supernatural power to clear the road.

The large amount of energy consumed in a short period of time made his face pale, and fine beads of sweat slid down his cheeks.

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