The next morning, Wang Mingyang once again led the well-rested Yunhu people to the designated location.

According to the planned plan, it is estimated that this part of the zombie group can be eliminated in four or five times.

The three major urban areas of East, West and North have been liberated.

Unfortunately, there is still no trace of Aunt Liu.

Wang Mingyang and Su Yu can only pin their hopes on Nancheng District and Gongcheng New District.

In this regard, the two people are more anxious.

The battle began, and the superpowers were already familiar with it.

The zombie group was annihilated bit by bit as the bombing began.

This time, Ye Jianfeng decided to completely eliminate the zombies before launching a rescue.

Five days later, the zombie group was completely cleared.

Except for some towns in the suburbs, there are only some zombies left in the buildings of Nancheng District and Gongcheng New District in Chuncheng District.

However, what followed was the outbreak of conflicts among many superpowers.

In Nancheng District and Gongcheng New District, the leaders of several large bases built on the basis of communities seemed reluctant to accept the reorganization of the military district.

Even some leaders in Dongcheng District and Xicheng District, which had been conquered, began to stir.

These superpowers who had experienced more than two months of being local tyrants.

They did not want to return to the era of being controlled by others.

They did not dare to conflict with the military district directly on the surface.

But they kept making small moves in private.

A large number of zombies outside were eliminated, and some people were ready to coerce the people in the base to move to other cities.

There were even some third-level superpowers who secretly colluded and wanted to intervene in the control of the military district.

The third-level superpowers in the civilian world are much more than the third-level warriors in the military district.

Wang Mingyang ignored all this.

The junction of Nancheng District and Gongcheng New District.

"These people, once the threat is gone, they start to find ways to compete for interests."

Gong Zhan stood beside Wang Mingyang with a helpless look on his face and said slowly.

"You are a fourth-level superpower, are you afraid of these people jumping?" Wang Mingyang glanced at him and said contemptuously.

This guy digested three blood essences a few days ago, and his mental power and body were compressed to the extreme, and he was finally promoted to the fourth level.

He became the real strongest person in the military district shelter.

"I'm not afraid, but they didn't force me, and I can't kill them directly."

Gong Zhan sighed, these people did help a lot during this period.

Although the military district also provided rewards, these people began to swell up once the threat of the zombies was removed.

The order of the peacetime era is gone forever, and the military district still needs these people to help recover the entire Yunnan Province.

Therefore, the current approach is still to appease.

"What are you afraid of? Kill a few people who are jumping, and others can still be disobedient?"

"You make it easy, others won't jump, but they can leave!" Gong Zhan rolled his eyes and said, "By then, the strength of the military district will be much worse. The recovery speed of other cities will definitely be much slower, and I don't know how many people will die."

What Gong Zhan said is also the problem facing the military district now.

The longer it drags on, there will definitely be many survivors killed.

This is something the army cannot accept. They clearly have the strength to quickly rescue these people.

But they cannot concentrate their strength.

"It is important to save yourself. Just do your best and don't put too much pressure on yourself." Wang Mingyang laughed.

Gong Zhan hesitated for a moment and whispered, "I say, you, the King of Yunhu, don't you have any ideas?"

Wang Mingyang snorted coldly, glanced at him, and said lightly:

"You want to ask, have those people come to me?"

"Haha, brother Wang, you understand me. I do have this worry."

Gong Zhan scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"Lu Zeming, Li Duojun, He Xiaoli, Wu Zeyong, Gu Hang... There are about a dozen of them who came to me together."

Wang Mingyang said calmly. Each name is the boss of a large base in Chuncheng.

Now all these people have been taken into the military district shelter, all of them are third-level superpowers.

It can be said that they are the most powerful group of civilian forces in the military district shelter.

As Wang Mingyang called out the names, Gong Zhan's face became solemn.

Each of these people has many supporters, and the total number is close to 10,000.

"It's really troublesome. We saved them from the zombies." Gong Zhan said indignantly.

Wang Mingyang waved his hand, "Forget it, they are domineering in their own territory, but now they have to be controlled by the military system. Do you think they will really be grateful to you?"

Gong Zhan couldn't refute these words.

"Damn, if you really want to blame someone, you should blame you!"

"No way, Captain Gong, why do you blame me?"

"Didn't you propose the zombie elimination plan?"

"Uh... it really is."

"That's right, if it weren't for you, wouldn't they still be domineering now?" Gong Zhan laughed with gloating.

Wang Mingyang bared his teeth, "They dare to come and fight with me?"

"Uh... that's his mother, you are such a dog!"

Gong Zhan was speechless and cursed.

Wang Mingyang patted Gong Zhan on the shoulder and laughed. Making Captain Gong embarrassed was one of his few pleasures.

"Boss, we found Aunt Liu!"

In the distance, Li Hua, the team leader, ran over quickly and shouted from a distance.


"Where is Aunt Liu?"

Wang Mingyang's smile stopped abruptly, and he asked anxiously with joy in his eyes.

"In... not far ahead... in a survivor base."

Li Hua gasped for breath and spoke intermittently.


Wang Mingyang's eyes flashed, he grabbed Li Hua and jumped into the sky.

At the junction of Nancheng District and Gongcheng New District.

Outside the lobby of Star Garden Hotel.

Members of Li Ming's team were confronting another group of people.

"The zombies in this hotel have been cleaned up by us a long time ago. We don't need your help."

A middle-aged man stood in the middle of the crowd and said loudly.

"It's okay if you don't need help. Please come out, everyone, and just report to the military area resettlement point."

Li Ming took a step forward and said loudly.

"We don't want to go to the military shelter. Please leave."

The middle-aged man responded coldly.

The rest of the people also had indifferent faces, and their attitudes were surprisingly consistent.

Li Ming frowned, took out a photo sticker from his arms, and compared it carefully with the person opposite.

"Excuse me, auntie, is your name Liu Qinghe?"

Li Ming looked at a middle-aged woman wearing a black casual coat behind the middle-aged man and asked.

The woman's face was haggard and covered with dust. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to spot her true appearance.

She didn't answer, holding a sharp knife in her hand and still looking at him with an indifferent expression.

"Boy, there is no one you are looking for here, leave now!"

The middle-aged man's eyes flashed, he moved his body a step sideways without any trace, and said coldly.

"Sorry, auntie, we need to take you away. Please cooperate."

Li Ming put away the photo sticker, took a step forward and said solemnly.

"These are all my people, why should I let you take them away?"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly and refused to give in at all.

Around him, dozens of people were surging with energy, and many of them had supernatural brilliance in their hands.

It seems that the next moment, he will take action directly.

Li Ming's eyes were slightly cold, with a hint of anxiety.

That middle-aged woman looked very much like the Aunt Liu that the boss asked them to find.

But I don’t know why, among these people, only this middle-aged man kept talking.

Everyone else was silent, no matter how he asked, there was no response.

Instead, he wanted to take action with a cold face.

Li Ming was not afraid of taking action, but if he hurt someone who was suspected of being Aunt Liu, it would be a serious crime.

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