The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 344 Analyzing the pros and cons, four major threats

"Spring City is too small..."

Ye Jianfeng and Gong Zhan murmured.

"Spring City is indeed too small for you."

Ye Jianfeng sighed, whether in terms of strength or courage, Wang Mingyang far exceeded their imagination.

When the zombie eradication plan was first proposed, he didn't agree with it at all.

But it turns out that Wang Mingyang did it.

And it's a few days ahead of schedule.

"The zombies and mutated creatures in Spring City have basically been eliminated."

"But, this will actually do more harm than good to you."

Wang Mingyang said lightly that the zombies in several major urban areas of Spring City have been cleared.

Even those mutant creatures, third-level mutant beasts such as the flaming golden monkey, the shadow black panther, and the dark gold giant eagle.

Those who were killed were killed, and those who fled fled, all of them disappeared from Spring City.

The mutated mosquito swarm was also almost wiped out in his and Su Yu's hands.

Now there are only those mutated rats left underground, and some can still pop up from time to time.

However, facing the integrated Spring City base, it is nothing more than a scabies disease.

"It does more harm than good...why?"

Gong Zhan said in confusion, while Ye Jianfeng frowned in thought.

Wang Mingyang ignored him, just picked up the tea vat on the coffee table and took a sip.

His eyes were turned to Ye Jianfeng.

Captain Gong is sometimes a smart girl, but most of the time...

"You mean, without these dangerous trainings, our progress will stagnate?"

Ye Jianfeng thought for a long time and said quietly.

Wang Mingyang nodded, turned to look out the window, and saw the flow of people visible to the naked eye in the distance.

There were even some vehicles moving around, and there was a peaceful and busy scene everywhere.

It’s hard to imagine that we are now in the apocalypse.

"Well, don't look at the peacefulness of Spring City Base right now."

"However, zombies in other cities still exist."

"In fact, because of the existence of these zombies, the superpowers in those places will become more powerful."

"Whether it's zombies or mutated creatures, including humans, they will continue to grow stronger in this battle."

"Spring City only has a population of four to five million. Compared to cities with tens of millions, Spring City is just a city in other provinces."

Wang Mingyang turned around and said lightly.

In the apocalypse, zombies are the primary threat facing mankind.

The second threat is the mutant beasts on land. The mutant insects appear in swarms in the early stage, which seems to be a huge threat.

But as human strength improves, the threat of these mutated insects becomes smaller and smaller.

Instead, there is a herd of mutated beasts that are gradually entering the breeding period.

By that time, the number of mutant beasts will increase exponentially.

The food source is countless zombies.

The third threat is the mutated sea beast that will land on the coast in three months.

These are all external threats, and human beings who are united are not unable to contend with them.

However, the fourth threat is mankind itself.

Humanity, which is gradually gaining a foothold in the apocalypse, will surely start internal struggles.

From major military regions, major civilian refuge bases, to provinces and countries...

Faced with the threat of extinction, external pressure will bring humanity together.

But once it gains a foothold, the internal strife within humanity begins.

History has already witnessed this.

Humanity's desire for power and greed will never change.

In the apocalypse, order has collapsed, and people with super powers are rampant.

It has even given rise to great ambitions among many people who were originally content with the status quo.

This is how the Blue Star in the previous life evolved step by step.

Wang Mingyang looked calm and slowly recounted his analysis.

The Spring City base, which is located in the inland hilly area, is basically free from external threats.

The survivors in Spring City who lacked training would definitely improve their strength much more slowly than the survivors in other places.

But these have nothing to do with him, Wang Mingyang.

Now, this is what Ye Jianfeng, the actual controller, needs to consider.

Wang Mingyang's words made Ye Jianfeng fall into deep thought again.

Even the careless Gong Zhan was silent at this moment.

Obviously, Wang Mingyang's analysis really touched the hearts of both of them.

After a long time, Ye Jianfeng finally let out a long breath.

With a bitter look on his face, he said: "Brother Wang, I admire you from the bottom of my heart..."

"You do see further than I do."

Having said this, Ye Jianfeng straightened up, sat upright, looked at Wang Mingyang and said seriously:

"Originally, I thought that by clearing out the zombies in Spring City, we could slowly rebuild a civilized society."

"Obviously, this idea is a bit too idealistic."

"Thank you for waking me up, please accept my courtesy!"

Ye Jianfeng stood up, adjusted his military uniform, and saluted Wang Mingyang solemnly.

Gong Zhan followed closely and saluted together.

"Sit down. Although I want to leave, I don't want Chuncheng to be lost in history."

"This is also my hometown..."

Wang Mingyang accepted the salutes of the two men calmly.

He can bear this gift!

"There are currently 400,000 survivors in Spring City Base, and there will definitely be more in the future."

"I don't know, how do you solve the food problem?"

As the two sat down, Wang Mingyang asked curiously.

"Well, to tell you the truth, we have collected a lot of supplies."

"But food can last up to two months."

"I also have a headache now. Over at the institute, several old professors have been busy for a long time, but there is no good solution."

Ye Jianfeng shook his head and smiled bitterly, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Look at this..."

Wang Mingyang smiled slightly, touched his hand on the coffee table, and several fresh cabbages and cabbages appeared out of thin air.

"Is this... a vegetable?"

"Damn, it's fresh!"

Ye Jianfeng and Gong Zhan were stunned for a moment, then shouted in shock.

Gong Zhan even grabbed a piece of cabbage and put it to his mouth, taking a big bite.

"Oh~~it's so delicious!"

"Yes, fresh vegetables."

Wang Mingyang nodded and smiled as Gong Zhan transformed into a white rabbit and kept nibbling on the cabbage.

"Brother Wang, how did you do it? This... is incredible!"

Ye Jianfeng held a cabbage in both hands and shouted excitedly.

Does being able to produce fresh vegetables mean...

Is it possible to get fresh grain?

The two were excited for a long time, but Wang Mingyang didn't continue to speak.

After looking at each other, Ye Jianfeng reluctantly put down the cabbage and looked at Wang Mingyang.

"Brother Wang, tell us what price we need to pay before you can tell us how to grow vegetables."

Ye Jianfeng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with some pain.

"Haha, don't be so nervous. I will tell you the method. You don't have to pay any price."

After giving the two of them a teasing look, Wang Mingyang smiled.



"That's embarrassing." Ye Jianfeng rubbed his hands and smiled.

Gong Zhan stretched out his thumb and said with a click of his tongue: "You are worthy of being the king of Yun Lake. Brother Wang, you understand the righteousness!"

"Tch, if you don't know how to praise others, then praise know how to be righteous."

Wang Mingyang rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to Gong Zhan's conspicuous package.

Looking at Ye Jianfeng, he continued: "It is not difficult to grow vegetables, but it is not easy to say that it is easy..."

Later, Wang Mingyang explained to the two of them how to grow these fresh vegetables.

The presence of the planter surprised and delighted the two of them.

But when I heard that it needed to be supplemented with crystal nuclei, it could be planted in large quantities.

This made the two of them speechless again.

"In addition, you can also try hydroponic technology, but it should consume some additional water-based crystal nuclei."

Wang Mingyang said lightly that this method has been verified in previous lives.

This technology is suitable for large-scale cultivation.

Yunhu Base currently has less than 2,000 people, so it has not used this method for the time being.

But no matter what method, the grower plays a vital role in it.

There is simply no substitute.

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