Snow's forward figure and Han Yue's fist of the sand giant all stopped abruptly.

Everyone stared at the figure that suddenly appeared with dull eyes.

There was also a cat and a dog that were obviously mutant beasts.

There was some doubt in their eyes.

The one who appeared in the field was Wang Mingyang and his two little ones who were running towards the Sichuan University Library.

Along the way, he also encountered some superpowers fighting.

But he ignored them all.

When passing over this area, he suddenly saw the battle below.

Unexpectedly, the girl slapped down with a palm, and the energy fluctuations that the boy had originally sensed to be exhausted.

Suddenly filled up again, and directly performed a move of giantization.

The huge sand giant made him look familiar.

Before in Chuncheng, he had also met a person with this superpower.

However, the grave was probably covered with grass.

If he had the ability to dig graves...

"Little girl, can your ability restore energy for others or amplify superpowers?"

Wang Mingyang looked at Shen Ling curiously and asked.

There are all kinds of mysterious superpowers, among which there are superpowers that can be used as power banks for others.

Or amplify other people's superpowers to improve the effect and exert great power.

There are also some that can even bless others or plant curses.

These are relatively normal and easy to understand.

The more mysterious ones involve some specific rules or something.

Anyway, they are all weird, and the direct lethality is not very good.

But if you are not careful, you may capsize in the gutter and die without knowing how.

"I, I...I can do it."

Shen Ling was stunned, and then stumbled back.

The man in front of her had an ethereal and elusive aura. Even with her extremely keen perception of energy, she couldn't tell what level he was at.

But his temperament made Shen Ling feel both alienated and close.

Fortunately, the other party was not a foreigner and seemed to be kind to him, so he couldn't help but tell the truth.

"All right... Really good!"

Wang Mingyang's eyes lit up. He didn't have time to let the book spirit analyze the other party's ability just now, otherwise he wouldn't have asked.

It seems that in a short period of time, this girl can't use her ability for the second time.

Her energy and mental strength are almost at the bottom.

"Hey! Who are you... Who are you?"

Snow saw that the man had his back to him and started chatting with the girl opposite.

He couldn't help but feel angry.

But the two mutant beasts, a cat and a dog, made him feel frightened.

The curse that he wanted to say was stuck in his throat and turned into a cautious inquiry.

Wang Mingyang turned sideways and saw that it was a black man, and his eyes immediately showed a hint of displeasure.

Just now in the air, due to the perspective problem, he didn't see the big black man standing on the steps.

Unexpectedly, they were fighting with foreigners.

"What's going on with him?"

Wang Mingyang ignored him and looked at Han Yue with a questioning look.

"He is an international student in our school, named Snow."

Han Yue maintained the form of the Sand Giant, lowered his head and looked at Wang Mingyang and said.

"I'm not asking about his identity..." Wang Mingyang frowned slightly and said impatiently.

A gleam of light flashed in Shen Ling's eyes, and she took the initiative to say: "He wants to keep me and Meng Wan, and wants to kill Han Yue and the others."

At this time, the people in the hall had broken free from the quicksand and stood at the gate.

"Don't talk nonsense, we just want to keep you and Meng Wan, Han Yue and the others want to leave, we won't stop them."

"That's right, isn't it better with three fewer people!"

"Boy, who are you? If you have nothing to do, leave quickly, don't delay our work!"

"Get out, or we'll keep you too!"

Seeing Shen Ling say this, some people were immediately unhappy.

A few foreigners even scolded in poor Chinese.

These people didn't see Wang Mingyang falling from the sky.

Moreover, Zhaocai and Wangcai lay at Wang Mingyang's feet, looking extremely docile.

Even though they knew that the two were just mutant beasts.

But they were not very conspicuous, and it was impossible to tell that they were mutant beasts at the peak of the third level.

For a moment, these people seemed very arrogant.

"Forget about the foreigners, those few should be your classmates, right?"

"Why, do they want to keep you too?"

Wang Mingyang pointed at Wei Zheng and the others and asked lightly.

This man was full of ice fluctuations, and the ice shield left in front of the black man should be his masterpiece.

"They were originally with us, but now they are standing on the opposite side..."

Han Yue's sand giant nodded slightly and replied in a muffled voice.

His words were full of contempt and anger.

"Hey, no matter who you are, take your pet away quickly!"

The black man Snow narrowed his eyes slightly, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

The man in front of him, with two mutant beasts, could he have the legendary ability to tame beasts?

The two mutant beasts made him feel uneasy, and he subconsciously didn't want to be enemies with them.

"Heh... they are really ugly."

Wang Mingyang didn't even want to open his telepathy. Anyone who was smart could see the situation now.

A trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, like a bone-chilling cold wind sweeping across the dozen people on the steps.


The black man Snow had been staring at Wang Mingyang, and the fleeting killing intent was immediately caught by him.

With his heart beating wildly, he wanted to retreat into the hall and escape.

The next moment, an extremely thin black line flashed and passed through the dozen people at the gate.

The movement of Snow's lower body stopped abruptly.

And his upper body slid down directly with a slight turn.

Blood spurted out from his lower body that remained in place.

Seeing this, the others all moved slightly, wanting to move forward or retreat.

It would have been better if they didn't move. With this movement, more than a dozen fountains of blood suddenly appeared.

"Ah! Where is my butt?!"

"Ah! My stomach..."

"Wow, save me, Meng Wan, save me quickly!"

"It hurts! I'm going to die, die, die..."

More than a dozen people cried and howled, and their bodies were broken into two pieces, but they would not die immediately.

Wei Zheng and several Chinese students even called Meng Wan's name directly.

Obviously, they all knew that Meng Wan had healing abilities.

Han Yue, Meng Wan and the other five people were full of disbelief.

With a little fear in their eyes, they looked at the bloody scene opposite.

With a little pleasure in their hearts, but afraid of Wang Mingyang's strength and cruelty, they were speechless.

"It's so noisy... Zhaocai, Wangcai, go and clean up those zombies."

Without moving a finger, he cut more than a dozen people in half, and Wang Mingyang's eyes were indeed calm.

Instead, he was a little impatient with the zombies around him who were attracted by the previous sound waves and screams.


"Woof... Woof..."

A cat and a dog growled, stood up but did not move.

"Okay, okay, I'll make braised pork for you tonight."

Wang Mingyang smiled slightly and rubbed the two little heads lovingly.

The two little ones were asking for credit from him and wanted to eat something good in the evening.

They were fed raw meat these days, and they were a little unhappy.

After getting the owner's promise, the cat and the dog showed excitement in their eyes.

Each chose a side of the road and shot away.

For a moment, the wind was blowing and the lightning was shining.

The powerful strength of the third-level peak was undoubtedly revealed.

"Third-level peak..."

Han Yue and the other five widened their eyes and looked around in disbelief.

Among them, Han Yue felt the most deeply, and he could feel the threat.

After the two little ones burst out with all their strength, the huge pressure made him understand instantly.

The two mutant beasts in front of them were actually at the peak of the third level!

This is stronger than the third-level zombie they encountered in the afternoon.

But even that third-level zombie that had not even reached the peak was besieged by more than ten of them.

It still exhausted their energy and paid a huge price to kill it.

An indescribable sense of gap arose spontaneously.

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