Taichu Lakeside, Genting Base.

The outbreak of the sea beast tide did not trigger a large-scale corpse tide here.

It seems to be attracted by the sea beasts landing at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

Many zombies in downtown Shuicheng followed the loudspeakers placed along the way and rushed straight towards the bank of the Yangtze River.

As for the effect, Qi Sen and others who stayed behind did not delve into it.

A dozen teams were even arranged to enter Taichu Lake to hunt mutant fish on a daily basis.

They cleared away all the zombies nearby.

This incident did not affect the Genting base.

Towards evening, these team members returned to the Genting base with the fully loaded trucks.

"Brother Qi, there is something here for you to take a look at."

Ding Cheng held a dark stone and slowly walked towards Qi Sen who was staying at the base headquarters.

It seems that this big stone is very heavy, and Ding Cheng's strength is not enough to move quickly.

"What the hell?"

Qi Sen came forward and looked at the stone in Ding Cheng's arms with some confusion.

Ding Cheng didn't reply. He just loosened his hands two or three meters away from Qi Sen.


The black stone sank suddenly and hit the road heavily.

The extremely solid road surface was actually smashed into a deep pit.

The black boulder as big as a bowl was entirely embedded in the road.

"Fuck! Is it so heavy?!"

Qi Sen was shocked. The weight was a bit exaggerated!

"I don't know if it's some special ore, but my horizontal knife hit it and it broke into pieces."

Ding Cheng exhaled and said helplessly.

In the afternoon, I took my team members to catch fish and encountered a larger mutant fish.

With one strike of the knife, the fish died.

However, the knife was also broken.

After careful inspection, I discovered this dark stone on top of a huge boulder submerged in the mud in the lake.

After cleaning it, I saw that Ding Cheng's powerful and heavy knife didn't even make a cut.

This surprised them.

Simply bring the stone back and let everyone see what's going on.

Qi Sen used his earth power to push the stone out of the pit.

When I tried it, it didn't move at all.

Qi Sen is already a fourth-level superpower user, although he is not of the physical enhancement type.

But its own strength is at least several hundred kilograms.

Unexpectedly, I couldn't lift this big stone.

No wonder Ding Cheng's steps were slow and heavy just now.

"I'm afraid it's not a meteorite. There are rumors in Taichu Lake that it was thrown out by a meteorite!"

Qi Sen looked at the pitted black stone for a while, rubbed his chin and said.

"That's what I thought, so I brought it back."

Ding Cheng nodded and chuckled.

"Take it in and leave it until the boss comes back to show it to him."

Qi Sen patted the stone and said.


Ding Cheng picked up the stone, walked slowly into the house, and placed it in a corner.

The two chatted for a while, and there was a noise outside.

"Let's go out and take a look. I guess the boss and the others are back."

Qi Sen stood up and walked out quickly with Ding Cheng.

After a while, the two of them arrived at the square where the Yunding warriors had previously lined up.

A huge flying boat was parked in the center of the square.

The scarred soldiers all lined up and were extremely silent at this moment.

In front of them were dozens of corpses covered with white cloth.

Qi Sen and Ding Cheng suddenly felt bad in their hearts and ran over quickly.

Subsequently, other soldiers who stayed at the base also rushed over one after another.

Seeing this scene, I didn't realize that dozens of my comrades had disappeared forever.

Wang Mingyang stood at the front, waiting silently for everyone to arrive.

Then he slowly turned around, looked around at everyone, and said in a heavy tone:

"We lost eighty-five comrades in today's battle."

"They were very brave and didn't take a step back!"

"The sea beasts we killed together covered the entire rugged island!"

"Although, they have left us."

"But their names will be engraved on the monument forever!"

"We will never forget every comrade who sacrificed their lives, and their voices and smiles will always exist in our hearts!"

"Salute to our fallen comrades... rest in peace!"

Wang Mingyang yelled out the last sentence.


They clenched their fists and beat their chests in unison, and thousands of voices converged into one.

At this moment, the cloud top is filled with a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Putting down his right hand, Wang Mingyang burned the bodies of these comrades with his own hands.

The blue flames quickly burned all the corpses to ashes.

Li Yuchan stepped forward, collected all the ashes, and flew them towards the sea.

Rong Lan, Han Yinyin, Fang Fei, and Hua Luo all spread their wings and flew to escort them.

Wang Mingyang released numerous metals from the mustard space.

A huge monument was slowly shaped in front of him.

At Wang Mingyang's instruction, Qi Sen used the earth-type ability.

At the front of the square, a foundation that was ten meters deep collapsed.

The gray-black metal monument fell slowly and stood firmly in the square.

Above the huge base is a monument more than thirty meters high.

More than four hundred names slowly emerged on it.

These names also include members who died in the air raids at Yunhu Base.

There is also a list of members who died during the zombie eradication plan in Spring City and the zombie eradication process in Chengdu.

After the name, their gender, age, and powers are also recorded.

The battles he participated in and when he died.

Each of these incidents was recorded by Wang Mingyang.

Everyone stood quietly in the square, looking up at the monument.

After a long time, Li Yuchan and others finally returned after scattering the ashes of their comrades into the sea.

Wang Mingyang once again led everyone and bowed deeply.

At this moment, nearly a thousand stars quickly lit up in his spiritual world.

They correspond to those members who have never lit up the stars before.

And the stars that were already lit seemed even brighter.

Only the more than a hundred stars, which had long since dimmed, only emitted a trace of undetectable light.

In the apocalypse, life is like a piece of grass.

But as long as this monument exists, everyone will die.

There will be people who will remember me.

In this way, it is not in vain for me to come to this world.

It seems that the erection of this monument.

Let everyone really have a sense of belonging.

The admiration and recognition of Wang Mingyang, the identification and destination of Genting Base, reached its peak at this moment.

I believe that in the coming days, everyone will often take the time to come here to visit and remember their comrades.

Maybe one day, my name will be recorded on it.

By then, there will definitely be other comrades coming here to pay their respects!

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