"They... should have eaten meteorite gold from outer space, and are about to be promoted to the fourth level."

Wang Mingyang stood up and said with a smile.

Mu Ningxue: "Eat meteorite gold?"

Su Yu: "Promoted to the fourth level?"

"Well, there is still some meteorite gold in their bodies that has not been digested."

"You are too concerned. Just use your mental power to investigate and you will know!"

Wang Mingyang said speechlessly. In addition to him and Li Yuchan, only Xiao Huanyan can compare with these two girls in terms of mental power cultivation.

In a hurry, he didn't even know to check it himself.

"Oh, I didn't remember that we are next door. When Jinbao and Fubao had problems, I thought of you first."

Su Yu bit his lip and lowered his head to mutter.

Mu Ningxue also felt a little embarrassed. The two of them really relied on him too much.

When there was a problem, the first thing he thought of was to find him.

"Okay, I'm not blaming you."

"It's just that the two little ones are about to advance. Take them outside, otherwise they will make too much noise and destroy the books in the library."

Wang Mingyang smiled and took the hands of the two girls. The gravity ability made the two little ones float up.

He took them downstairs.

Along the way, Su Yu and Mu Ningxue also reacted.

They didn't go out these two days. They stayed in the library to read books.

The meteorite sword was placed in the house, and it seemed that the two little ones found it.

Sure enough, when passing by the villa, Su Yu and Mu Ningxue ran in to take a look.

When they came out, one of them was holding a sword in his hand.

However, the two swords only had a small section of the handle left.

On the remaining blade, there were several teeth marks visible to the naked eye.

"It really was... eaten by them!"

Mu Ningxue handed the handle to Wang Mingyang with a helpless look.

Su Yu couldn't help but pat the buttocks of the two little ones.

Why eat anything else but your own knife?

It's a pity that the two little ones are in a coma now.

If they were awake, they would probably be crying while hugging their master's thigh.

"Okay, I'll make another knife when it's gone."

"However, it's really beyond my expectation that these two little ones can chew off this meteorite gold horizontal knife."

Wang Mingyang put away the handle of the knife and said with a smile.

"In ancient times, giant pandas were called iron-eating beasts..." Mu Ningxue smiled with narrowed eyes.

The focus of the Mu Group is in Rongcheng, and she has been to the giant panda breeding base many times.

She has learned a lot about various knowledge about giant pandas.

"Before calling them iron-eating beasts, it doesn't mean that they can really digest metal."

"Now, the mutated giant pandas can even digest meteorite gold from outer space, which is really amazing."

Wang Mingyang smiled bitterly, Jinbao and Fubao, who are at the peak of the third level, can eat two meteorite gold horizontal knives.

After being promoted to the fourth level, they may eat more.

Fortunately, he had a large stock of meteorite gold.

Otherwise, he might not be able to feed these two veritable iron-eating beasts.

He took the two iron-eating babies outside the base and found an open space for them to settle down.

Wang Mingyang also thoughtfully made two temporary houses with metal.

Placed them separately.

No one knows whether the two little ones will affect each other if they are promoted together.

It seems that it will not be completed in a short time.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue decided to stay aside and wait.

When the mutant beast is promoted to the fourth level, it will be unable to move for a while.

Zhaocai and Wangcai were also like this, but the two little ones were not unconscious at that time.

Jinbao and Fubao's state is probably related to the meteorite gold.

Their crystal cores have been stained with those little gold stars, which is completely different from Zhaocai and Wangcai.

"I'll accompany you, don't worry."

Wang Mingyang saw that the two women were unwilling to leave, so he simply got three chairs to sit down.

As time went by, Wang Mingyang closed his eyes and thought about his abilities.

If arranged according to the five elements, he already has three of the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Metal control, water control, and life blossom are about the same level as wood control.

As for fire, oxygen and hydrogen control can provide powerful flame ability, but it is much worse than Su Yu.

He did not absorb any earth-related abilities.

There are many earth-related abilities in the system library, but the level is low. He plans to wait until the reading value is sufficient before merging.

Get an ability similar to the lava fruit of Admiral Akainu in the anime, which will be both handsome and powerful when fighting.

If he can differentiate another spirit after being promoted to the fifth level, his spirit can be divided into another spirit.

Then his abilities are not enough.

Space, gravity, and thunder are mainly used by his main body.

Metal and water elements, when fighting, they are mostly used by No. 1 and No. 2.

If No. 3 and No. 4 appear, life blossom is not bad, and it is not bad to be a logistics nurse.

But the remaining abilities were much weaker.

I don’t know how long it took, when Wang Mingyang was thinking.

Two energy fluctuations suddenly rose.

Jinbao and Fubao, they have advanced!

The two metal huts flew away with a bang, and the light golden energy spread around.

The two little ones, who were a lot bigger in size, roared excitedly towards the sky.

It didn’t look like there was much change.

However, Wang Mingyang keenly discovered that the four claws of the two little ones seemed to be stained with a little gold.

On the dark claws, golden stars flickered.

It was like the meteorite from outer space.

The two little ones raised their right front paws and swung them towards the distance.

Five sharp golden rays shot out, as if they absorbed the scattered energy of heaven and earth during the flight.

The golden claw blades quickly grew larger, directly plowing five deep marks on the grass in front of the two little ones.

Finally, they disappeared more than ten meters away.

"Oh, they have long-range attack capabilities!"

Wang Mingyang laughed. The two little ones had never used this kind of claw blade before.

It seems that after being promoted to the fourth level, they have evolved in some way.

Seeing that their claws were so powerful, the two little ones couldn't help but stare at their own and each other's claws from left to right.

They also made happy bleating sounds.

"Okay, this is your new ability, don't use it on everyone!"

Wang Mingyang stepped forward and rubbed the heads of the two little ones. At this moment, they are close to the size of adult giant pandas.

"Yeah! Yeah!"

Jinbao and Fubao made coquettish sounds and stepped forward to hug Wang Mingyang's thighs.

"Two stinky treasures, you really scared us."

"Let's see if you dare to eat anything randomly in the future!"

Su Yu stepped forward and twisted Fubao's ears, gently pulled it, and rubbed it again.

Mu Ningxue was also scolding Jinbao on the side.

The two little ones usually don't eat randomly, and they will find the two girls to act coquettishly when they want to eat something.

With the spiritual imprint, they can roughly understand what the two little ones mean.

I didn't expect that they were not in the house today, and they actually ate the meteorite gold horizontal knife.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

When the two little ones saw the two girls coming, they quickly let go of Wang Mingyang and turned around to hug their thighs.

"They're hungry."

Wang Mingyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and could only take out some mutant fish from the mustard seed space and throw them to them.

The two little ones saw that there was food, so they immediately let go of the two girls and crawled to Wang Mingyang's side to rub against him.

Then they sat down on the grass and began to eat heartily.

"Really, they forget about their owners when they have food."

Su Yu put his hands on his hips and complained with both anger and laughter.

"What can I do about foodies? Who makes them so cute!"

Mu Ningxue chuckled and couldn't help but stepped forward to rub Jinbao's big head.

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