"Maybe, you have to speed up too. If you don't have enough crystal cores, just come to me."

Wang Mingyang sighed softly, looked at Li Yuchan and said seriously.

The physical fitness of the three of them is not as good as Wang Mingyang.

Even after the fourth level, the disadvantages of eating crystal cores have become much smaller.

But there is no way to absorb the crystal core unscrupulously like Wang Mingyang.

However, the effects of eating so many ancient lotus seeds gradually became apparent.

The three of them, Li Yuchan, have upgraded from level 4 to level 5. Simply absorbing crystal nuclei would require at least dozens of them.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue were better off, with the water-based ice crystal nuclei provided by the Flame Flower and many sea beasts.

Li Yuchan is in more trouble. There are very few spiritual crystal cores.

Use other crystal nuclei to increase energy, and then slowly polish your mental power yourself.

Compared to Su Yu and Mu Ningxue, their improvement speed was much slower.

"I won't be polite to you boss."

Li Yuchan also understood his problem and said with a smile.

"Let's go back to Yunding."

Wang Mingyang smiled and opened the space portal.

The two quickly returned to Genting, and Wang Mingyang returned to the library to continue absorbing crystal nuclei.

However, even if he ignores the hidden dangers of absorption.

There is no way to absorb hundreds of crystal nuclei at once.

The increase in energy limit is a slow process.

In order not to disturb Wang Mingyang, Li Yuchan returned to the eighth floor and started reading with a copy of the Tao Te Ching.

Ever since I heard Zi Mu say that the legendary Sanqing Saint was actually Tai.

One Qi transforms into three pure beings, which is the super power of Tai's clone.

Li Yuchan became very interested in this classic.

Shuicheng, outside Hulin District.

A high wall surrounds the entire Tiger Forest area, isolating this area from Shuicheng.

This seems to be an old tradition at Genting Base.

Now the entire Hulin area extends to the edge of Su Shui District in the city center.

Zombies are basically extinct.

The survivors know the news about Genting Base, and all those who are capable move here.

The clearing speed of Genting Team has exceeded the speed of survivors gathering.

In the city center, many Genting combat teams are still fighting endlessly.

Building after building and community after community were cleaned up one after another.

Then, the survivors struggled several times.

Full of trepidation, he packed up his weapons and food.

They walked out of their homes in twos and threes and headed towards the Hulin area.

However, the outer perimeter of the Hu Forest Area has been surrounded by high walls.

If you want to enter the Genting base, you can only enter through a specific portal and go through screening.

Three survivors, dressed in rags, managed to reach the area.

However, the queue stretching hundreds of meters in front of them made the three of them a little dumbfounded.

"Captain, this... is too exaggerated!"

One of the honest-looking young men exclaimed.

"Idiot, call Brother Xiang!"

Another young man with very sharp eyes slapped him on the back of the head and whispered.

"Okay, let's go over there and line up, and then we'll talk after we enter this area."

Fu Xiang patted the two of them on the shoulders and walked towards the team first.

"Okay, Brother Xiang!"

The two of them quickly followed up.

The three of them walked like a dragon and a tiger, without any sign of malnutrition.

Behind them, many more people lined up one after another.

While waiting in line, Fu Xiang suddenly discovered.

On the other side of this passage, from time to time there are murderous fighting teams, driving various vehicles and leaving quickly.

Or some combat members covered in blood, playing with each other on their way back.

Each of these combat teams exudes a powerful aura.

The average strength is much stronger than the team in their shelter.

"Brother Xiang, these people are very powerful!"

The smart boy said in a low voice, but he couldn't control the shock at all.

"Tang Qing, don't even think about why the commander's order is to sneak in..."

Fu Xiang said lightly, with shock in his eyes, but he still looked calm.

"Let me tell you, they are so strong, it would be great if the chief came directly to discuss cooperation!"

The honest young man whispered angrily, and there seemed to be some dissatisfaction in his words.

"Huo Bei, if you don't understand, don't speak."

Tang Qing shouted and directly covered Huo Bei's mouth with his hand.

"You all know the mission, just follow the plan."

Fu Xiang shook his head and said nothing more.

He can guess what the leaders want to do.

The Shuicheng Military Division originally did not have many garrison troops. After the zombie outbreak, the number of troops dropped sharply to 5,000.

After many twists and turns, there are only more than 3,000 real soldiers left in the shelter established.

Including the survivors included, there are now only more than 10,000 people.

However, the military subdivision established a shelter deep in the city center.

There are many zombies around, and combatants in the military zone need to take huge risks every time they go out.

Many nearby communities are home to government officials.

To this end, military division leaders also specially organized personnel to carry out rescue operations.

It's a pity that these survivors were rescued.

All of them are used to being superior and have no fighting ability at all.

Even if he awakens his powers, he still looks like a novice when fighting zombies.

The intrigue is quite powerful...

“Please read the notice carefully!”

"Then report your name, age, and awakened powers."

Time passed slowly, and finally it was Fu Xiang and the other two's turn.

Behind the metal table at the huge metal arch, a middle-aged man with a cloud pattern on the left chest of his clothes pointed to the notice board on the side and said without looking up.

Fu Xiang and the other two turned their heads and saw a metal notice board with lines of precautions.

One of them was that the real information must be reported.

Once it was found to be false, it would be regarded as an enemy and killed on the spot!

"Brother Xiang, it's a bit strict."

Tang Qing whispered while biting his ear.

"It's normal, just report it truthfully."

Fu Xiang shook his head slightly, looked at the middle-aged man, and said calmly.

"Fu Xiang, 30 years old, superpower is flame control."

"Tang Qing, 28 years old, speed enhancement."

"Huo Bei, 27 years old, strength enhancement."

The middle-aged man looked up and smiled.

"Take this card, the law enforcement team will check from time to time. If you can't produce your ID, the consequences will be bad."

"When you go out, you also need to hand in your ID."

As he said this, the middle-aged man handed over three metal plates containing a trace of meteorite gold from outer space.

The information of the three people quickly appeared on the metal plates.

He showed his ability to control metal.

"Is this... an ID card?"

Fu Xiang took the ID card with a surprised look on his face, and it was a little heavy in his hand.

"Yes, go in, someone will arrange accommodation and things for you."

The middle-aged man waved his hand and called the next person.

Fu Xiang and the other two walked slowly into the metal arch.

This passage is more than ten meters long.

Obviously, this high wall is not a shoddy project.

It is a carefully built fortification.

In the passage, there are six warriors wearing dark gold armor.

On the chest of each person's clothes, there are three tiny gold stars next to the cloud pattern.

Fu Xiang and the other two walked out of the passage slowly and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Six level three warriors!"

"Just for guarding the door..."

Fu Xiang murmured in a low voice, with an uncontrollable shock in his eyes.

"Too extravagant!"

Tang Qing whispered, a level three warrior, this is also the top combat power in their shelter.

Here, are they just guards in the passage?

Walking out of the passage, a wide square came into view.

There were many neatly dressed survivors, scattered around the square in twos and threes.

There were also many banners on display stands around.

There were eye-catching big words on them, such as "recruiting defensive psychics", "high salary to hire healing psychics", "the team is short of one person, and the only missing control type is you" and so on.

(Well, that's probably what it feels like...right?)

This incongruous scene made Fu Xiang and the other two dumbfounded.

For a moment, there was an illusion.

It felt like I was at a job fair before the end of the world.

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