"At present, crystal cores have temporarily become a circulating currency, but the hidden dangers are still relatively large."

"We are discussing the formulation of a contribution system, which will be transformed into digital currency in the form of crystal core circulation."

"In this way, it also avoids the situation where some weak people have crystal cores in their hands and will be coveted when they go out."

In the library, Chi Xuan sat upright opposite Wang Mingyang and reported the recent progress.

In recent times, the Genting Shelter has undergone a series of reforms.

As the shelter manager designated by Wang Mingyang, Chi Xuan's own ability is beyond doubt.

She used to be young, but she has rich experience in urban planning and administrative management.

And what awakened is the spiritual ability, the brain is like a computer, the memory and thinking are extremely agile.

Has absolutely rational thinking.

"You can set contribution points to correspond to various materials and tasks."

"Bind the contribution points to the identity information of each survivor."

"Set up a Genting Bank at the exchange office and open storage and exchange services."

Wang Mingyang nodded, approved of Chi Xuan's suggestion, and also put forward his own ideas.

"We have also considered this."

"With the space ring now, the crystal core can be kept safe as long as it is placed in the hands of the top powerhouses in Yunding."

Chi Xuan smiled slightly, rubbed the ring on her hand, and her eyes sparkled.

"That's not necessary. I will use meteorite gold to build a special vault."

"Ordinary people can't break through at all. Just arrange a guard on duty."

Wang Mingyang shook his head. Once Yunding Bank is established, there will definitely be a large number of crystal cores for storage and exchange.

If they are placed in the hands of a few core fourth-level people, they will not be able to go out.

It would be a waste to lock the top combat power in the exchange place.

The defense of the meteorite gold from outer space is extremely strong. As long as it reaches a certain thickness, the current superpowers can't break through it at all.

Even if there are gold or space superpowers, it is not easy to enter it.

What's more, there are special guards set up outside and inside.

"That's the best."

"However, Boss, we have also decided to set up a special school, hospital and trading market in the shelter."

"There are currently a large number of survivors in the shelter, and the Water City has been basically cleared, and there are also the future Kunshan City and the Magic City..."

"There are quite a few surviving children, they are too young, if they are not guided, it may not be good for a long time."

Chi Xuan said seriously, she has recently paid attention to the children in the shelter.

Even with their parents and relatives, the eyes of these children are still gloomy.

The end of the world is coming, and the survivors have more or less some psychological problems.

"Okay, you make the decision on this aspect, if you need anything, you can directly find Lin Xiangdi or me."

Wang Mingyang hesitated for a moment and nodded.

In the end of the world, children are the group with the highest mortality rate.

Those who can survive are either protected by relatives.

Or they awaken their own abilities and can kill zombies to survive.

But no matter which way they survive, the psychological problems are not small.

Like Han Yinyin, who was protected by Wang Mingyang a few days after the end of the world and has no worries about food and drink, there are very few people.

Han Yinyin awakened her own S-level transformation ability, and with the constant guidance of the people around her, she was able to become a fairly qualified warrior at the age of nine.

Unfortunately, this is just an exception.

There are currently hundreds of children under the age of ten in the shelter.

Many of them have awakened their abilities, and if they are not disciplined, they are indeed a hidden danger.

"For the hospital, I need to transfer some healing psychics..."

Chi Xuan said a little nervously.

Healing psychics are popular in every combat team.

Even the Yunding base cannot equip each team with healing psychics.

It can be seen that they are rare.

"This is a bit difficult..."

"However, you can let those healing psychics do part-time work and provide a certain amount of crystal core compensation."

"In addition, recruit the survivors who used to be medical staff."

Wang Mingyang frowned. It was not realistic to transfer the healing psychics from the team.

After all, the safety of the members of the Yunding team was his primary guarantee.

If some teams that went out suffered losses for this hospital.

That would be putting the cart before the horse.

"Okay, boss."

"I have arranged the recruitment of medical staff."

"In addition, we have been recruiting healing psychics and wood planters."

"It's just that the results are a bit low..."

Chi Xuan's smile was a bit bitter. Healing psychics are extremely popular in every team.

It's really hard to recruit.

Wood planters are easy to say. She just asked to issue a screening notice for wood psychics.

But after so long, only one was found.

"It doesn't matter. If it doesn't work, you can increase the reward."

"Match the corresponding strength and provide a crystal core of the same level per week!"

"After the hospital is opened, ordinary people will receive free treatment, and those with special abilities will be charged."

Wang Mingyang smiled. Treatment-type special abilities are scarce, and many combat teams organized by special abilities cannot be equipped.

In this way, if they are injured in battle, recovery will be much slower.

Invisibly, it also makes them a little timid in fighting.

Once you are seriously injured, you will have less time to go out and less to gain.

If you pay a little crystal core, you can quickly heal your injuries. I think many people are willing to do this.

"That's what I plan to do. Recently, there are a few lone healing psychics in the shelter, and they have opened underground clinics..."

Speaking of this, Chi Xuan also laughed.

In the Yunding shelter, safety is basically guaranteed.

As long as these healing psychics do not go out, no one dares to force them.

Their underground clinic is located near the law enforcement team's base.

"Let's do it this way. Those who opened the black clinic will be directly incorporated."

"In our territory, we should be strong when we should be strong, but don't treat them badly. As long as they have strength, their treatment can be improved."

Wang Mingyang nodded slightly. Healing psychics are scarce. Instead of letting these people wander around.

It is better to directly incorporate them into the Yunding system to make the best use of them.

Working in a hospital is a good way.

"I have temporarily planned three trading markets, which are still spontaneous stalls of survivors."

"As long as the contribution point system is established, it can be standardized."

Chi Xuan took out a map, drew three circles on it, and explained to Wang Mingyang.

"You can do whatever you want, I won't ask."

"But there is a principle, fairness and justice must be guaranteed, and no forced buying or selling is allowed."

Wang Mingyang nodded and finally reminded.

"Don't worry, boss, I have already discussed this with Captain Liu Tianlei."

The matter has been reported almost, Chi Xuan put away the map and stood up and smiled.

Liu Tianlei is now the captain of the law enforcement team, and his strength has also been upgraded to the fourth level.

He has ten full-time law enforcement teams under him.

Fatty and Mo Bei have already gotten out and are focusing on the matters of Kunshan City and Modu.

However, during the intervals between the Yunding combat team's rest, they will also work as law enforcement team members.

The number of people in the Yunding shelter is increasing, and the scope is gradually expanding.

Qi Sen, with the infrastructure troops, was preparing to include the Sushui District of Shuicheng.

By then, more personnel would be needed to maintain public order.

"Well, go ahead."

Wang Mingyang nodded and picked up a book beside him.

Chi Xuan bowed and turned around and left quickly.

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