The King of Cloudtop was promoted to the fifth level, and this news was only notified to the core members.

For a time, the crowd was excited.

The enthusiasm for cultivation was unprecedentedly high, and the core members not only strengthened their own combat and training.

They also brought this emotion to the subordinate teams.

Although the members of the combat team did not know the specific reason, they were infected by it and their desire to fight increased greatly.

This time, the zombies in the surrounding cities suffered.

Wang Mingyang's fourth level can crush the fifth level peak mutant creatures.

Even the sixth level speed-type alien zombies were killed by him.

After being promoted to the fifth level, mutant creatures below the seventh level are no longer a threat to the Cloudtop base.

As for the seventh level, it is hard to say.

The promotion of psychics and mutant creatures, the gap in strength at each level is extremely shocking.

Wang Mingyang is an example, but he is not sure whether he can handle the seventh level at present.

If the Dark Lord's distraction at that time is used to estimate.

Wang Mingyang feels that he is still not his opponent.

But compared with ordinary seventh-order mutants, the Dark Lord's Spiritual Division is even stronger than the sky.

For now, Wang Mingyang is still confident in fighting against the seventh-order mutants.

As for whether he can win, we will know only when we fight.


Two days later, Yinshan District, near the coastal port.

Three armed helicopters roared in and circled in the sky for a long time, but still could not find the station of the Japanese advance team.

"Brother Chuan, should we shoot down those planes?"

Qiu Feng's fingertips flashed with lightning. As long as a lightning passed, the helicopters that judged at low altitude would definitely be finished.

Nie Chuan looked at the three planes, pondered for a long time and shook his head.

"It's easy to shoot them down, but it will alert the enemy."

"These helicopters must be sent by the Japanese fleet to contact."

"Let's notify the boss first!"

Nie Chuan turned and went downstairs, and quickly found Ding Cheng, Sheng Hanyan, Bai Wei and others who were also waiting.

There are always eight combat teams here, responsible for surveillance while also cleaning up the zombies wandering nearby.

That night more than ten days ago, more than 7,000 bodies of Japanese superpowers lay here.

The fresh bodies of superpowers contain a lot of energy.

It is also a great tonic for zombies and mutants.

In the past few days, several fourth-level zombies have indeed been fed.

In the end, they were besieged by several people and the crystal core was taken out.

After a brief discussion, several people took out a wooden pigeon for communication.

After explaining the situation here, the illusory pigeon flashed and disappeared in the air.

A few minutes later, a portal opened in front of everyone.

Wang Mingyang walked out alone.


"Hello, boss!"

"Boss, are you here alone?"

Several people hurriedly came forward to greet him, and Sheng Hanyan asked curiously.

"Well, let me take a look at the situation first."

Wang Mingyang nodded, and then he didn't say much. The space around him trembled and disappeared again.

The next moment, he appeared hundreds of meters above the sky.

Wang Mingyang hid himself in the isolated space and looked down.

The three planes were still circling, as if they were still searching for the traces of the advance team.

After a while, the three planes seemed to have found those communities.

There were broken limbs and flesh everywhere, and there were many zombies wandering around.

Several psychics jumped off the plane and searched everywhere.

Then they returned to the plane with some rags and broken samurai swords.

The three helicopters took off again and flew quickly towards the sea.

Wang Mingyang's mouth curled up slightly and followed.

On the sea two hundred kilometers away, a large fleet came against the wind and waves.

The sea was calm, with only a few corpses of mutant sea beasts floating.

This fleet of dozens of ships did not encounter much resistance along the way.

The losses were also minimal.

It seemed that the sea beast tide had passed, and most of the mutant sea beasts were dormant.

Three helicopters slowly landed on the largest aircraft carrier.

A Japanese third-class marine took the rags and knives he had found and ran quickly to the bridge.

"General Inoue, we didn't find the advance team, we only found some bodies in their residence."

A first-class marine held the fragments and bowed.


Inoue Yoto turned his head and looked at the fragments with his pupils shrinking.

"What do you mean, they are all dead?"

"There are a lot of bodies... I guess they all died for their country."

"Baga! How could thousands of powerful superpowers of the Great Japanese Empire all die?!"

Inoue Yoto was immediately furious and slapped the third-class marine in the face.


The marine didn't dare to reply and could only continue to bow his head.

"General, is it possible that they encountered the Chinese army?"

A first-class marine frowned and said.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Inoue Yoto snorted and scolded.


"We investigated the scene and found no hot weapons such as bullets and shells."

"So, General Fujiwara and his men may have encountered a Chinese superpower organization."

The third-class Haizuo said quickly that there were indeed no traces of hot weapons at the scene.

There were more scenes of superpowers fighting.

So, they made this judgment.

"Superpower organization?"

"That's impossible!"

The first-class Haizuo shook his head, his eyes full of disbelief.

After the advance team led by Fujiwara Naoto and Fukuda Kota arrived at the Silver Mountain District of the Magic City, there were only more than 7,000 people left.

But all of them were psychics.

And there were more than a dozen fourth-level masters. How could they be wiped out by a Chinese psychic organization?

Even if it was their great country of Japan, if it were not for the strong suppression of the military.

It also set up an attractive goal for those civilian psychics to expand their territory.

With the strength of the military itself, it was just a vanguard team and could not send out so many fourth-level masters.

"Captain Aoi, we searched that villa area, and there were more than 2,000 skeletons in it."

"There are broken samurai swords everywhere..."

The third-class sea captain said bitterly, and his eyes could not help but look at the fragments of the samurai sword in his hand.

Aoi Hayato heard the words and looked at the fragments.

His eyes suddenly focused, and he grabbed one of the handles.

After a careful look, only a small part of the blade was left, and the tiny Japanese characters were clearly visible.


"Is this... Kuchiki Ichiro's sabre?"

Aoi Hayato was stunned.

He recognized this sabre, it was the sabre of a space-type esper under Fujiwara Naoto.

"Aoi-kun, do you recognize this sabre?"

Inoue Yoto asked in confusion.

"General, this sabre belongs to one of General Fujiwara's subordinates."

Aoi Hayato smiled bitterly and explained the situation.

That level 3 space-type esper can open a short-distance transmission channel.

It stands to reason that even if there is any danger, Fujiwara Naoto's level 4 strength, plus Kuchiki-kun's space channel, should allow him to escape safely.

However, this sabre is broken into pieces like this.

It is conceivable what happened to Kuchiki-kun.

It seems that the advance team is indeed in danger.

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