The fall of large swaths of zombies did not stop the onslaught of zombies.

Instead, it was the attack from the Japanese superpowers that attracted the attention of many advanced zombies.

Countless blood arrows, venom, fireballs, and ice were shot out from the corpses.

All kinds of roaring explosions were immediately triggered.

Many Japanese people with supernatural powers were directly killed by this wave of attacks.

Throughout the area, the fences of various communities collapsed at the first touch.

The tide of corpses rushed into the community without any hindrance.

The battle begins instantly!

Many small bosses and big bosses shouted wildly and organized formations to fight back.

Surrounded by a tide of corpses, if there is chaos, everyone may die in the end.

A large number of earth and ice power users quickly used their powers to seal the gaps.

Large swaths of area-wide abilities covered the corpse tide.

Unfortunately, the impact of the zombie tide has already taken shape.

Countless low-level zombies were not afraid of these attacks at all, and followed the breath of living people and pounced on them regardless.

Some superpowers who were about to run out of the community to check the situation were overwhelmed by the tide of corpses.

Only the superpowers who stayed in the high-rise building fearfully attacked the corpses below.

"Bagaya Road! We must find a way to stop the tide of corpses!"

"Otherwise, if the building collapses, everyone will die!"

On top of a tall building, Inoue Yangren's eyes were about to burst and he roared crazily.

The fourth-level superpowers who lived with him in Jinhai Mansion rushed out one after another.

This kind of torrent can only be stopped by the fourth-level powerhouse.

Fortunately, Jinhai Mansion is in the center and has not been invaded by the zombie wave yet.

The Japanese superpowers on the periphery have attracted the attention of the zombie wave.

Countless hunters and killers jumped up to the building and attacked the supernatural beings in the house.

Bloody stumps, dirty blood fragments, splattered everywhere.

The strong smell of blood and putrefaction filled the air.

The shouts of death and roars converged into one sound, resounding through the night sky.

Near the floating light ball, Wang Mingyang returned here again, with four major clones floating around him.

Holding a camera, he took pictures of the hell below.

Such a beautiful scene must of course be recorded as a souvenir.

On some tall buildings on the outskirts of Yinshan District, Yunding's soldiers have quietly moved over.

Many Yunding soldiers held night vision binoculars and made tut-tut sounds.

Enjoy this rare scene leisurely and contentedly.

"Hiss...I realized for the first time that zombies are so cute!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that fourth-level giant zombie is so brave, it actually knocked down a building."

"Hey, if the zombies knew that there were little devils on the other side, they would all laugh!"

"No, most of these zombies are our Chinese compatriots. If anyone still knows their names, the incense stick must belong to them!"

"Haha, it's so exciting! That third-level zombie blew up six or seven little devils with a fireball!"

"Well done, boss, this ball of light is perfect for little devils..."

The Yunding soldiers joked loudly. At this time, they were no longer afraid of being discovered by the other party.

So what if it's discovered?

How could those Japanese superpowers care about other people?

Hundreds of thousands of zombies have already made them miserable.

At this moment, I am afraid they are still regretting why they did not remove the thermal weapons from the warship.

"Aoi Hayato! Arrange people immediately and notify the warships to provide artillery support!"

Inoue Haruto brandished his katana and roared angrily.

The warship's artillery fire only needs to cover the periphery of the community, which can greatly relieve the pressure.

At this distance, radar can still provide accurate guidance.


Aoi Hayato responded quickly and rushed out of the rooftop.

Before landing, Aoi Hayato's foot stomped hard in the air and instantly bounced away.

After a while, he arrived near the port.

However, looking up through the moonlight.

Aoi Hayato stayed where he was for a moment.

"Where did the warship go?!"

The breeze caused the waves to hit the shore of the port, causing waves of water to splash.

But there is nothing on the sea!

All the warships that were docked in the port before sunset disappeared.

Aoi Hayato suddenly wondered if he was hallucinating.

He rushed directly to the end of the corridor that extended hundreds of meters to the sea, and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

But the sea was still empty.

"Bagaya road!!!"

Aoi Hayato looked up to the sky and roared, filled with grief and anger in his heart.

The destruction of the advance team originally cast a shadow in his heart.

At this moment, the sudden tide of corpses, the disappearing warships, the mysteriously appearing ball of light...

Little does he know that this is a well-designed conspiracy.

However, Hayato Aoi couldn't figure it out.

There are so many warships, even if they all sink into the sea.

There can't be nothing on the sea.

Even if all those warships leave the port, there will be no movement at all.

What method can make dozens of warships disappear silently on the sea?

Aoi Hayato looked around blankly, an invisible chill sweeping through his body.

For a moment, the thought of quickly escaping from this land welled up in his heart.

"How can we stop!!!"

Hayato Aoi fell to his knees helplessly, slamming his fists on the ground.

His eyes flashed wildly, and all kinds of emotions were pulling at his mind.

A few minutes later, Aoi Hayato finally made a choice.

He stood up with a determined look, turned around and shot towards the Silver Mountain District.


"Going back?"

"Then I'll keep you for a while..."

A looming little man in the sky muttered to himself.

Wang Mingyang's mental power has been covering the entire battlefield.

When this Japanese psychic left, he had already discovered it.

The Moyu No. 2 water element little man has been following him.

If Aoi Hayato wanted to leave, it would kill him immediately.

But since he chose to go back, Wang Mingyang was too lazy to do it.

All the warships and aircraft carriers disappeared. If the Japanese major general knew about it, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood!

In the battlefield, after the initial panic.

The Japanese psychic gradually took control of the situation.

After all, it was an elite force selected by the military, even if there were many scattered civilian psychics among them.

But the overall strength is still good.

Otherwise, they would not have arranged reinforcements as the advance team.

Under the leadership of more than 30 fourth-level strongmen, teams of defensive warriors, holding various explosion-proof shields, stood at the forefront.

Countless protective powers were applied to them.

Many elemental power users frantically used their powers to harvest zombies.

Thick earth walls and ice walls rose from the ground, dividing the corpse tide.

The fourth-level strongmen were the spearheads, and with their powerful strength, they killed the high-level zombies in the corpse tide.

Even so, the Japanese power users still lost thousands of power users in this short half an hour.

The space inside and outside the community is limited, and most of the zombies are blocked behind.

As time goes by, the corpse tide gradually decreases.

There are only more than 200,000 corpses left from hundreds of thousands of corpses.

There are corpses everywhere, and there are many exposed crystal cores.

Many Japanese power users are extremely excited.

The corpse tide came suddenly, but money is attractive.

These crystal cores are all symbols of physical enhancement.

Many Japanese supernaturalists did not dare to neglect their actions.

The Japanese army is extremely strict in controlling such spoils of war.

Once you dare to snatch crystal cores on the battlefield, a special law enforcement team will kill you the next moment.

But when they think that after the battle, they will definitely have a share of these crystal cores.

The exhausted spirits of the Japanese supernaturalists are lifted up again.

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