The morning sun shines on the Cloud Top Base.

The relief painting above the gate of the base renders a different charm.

An oversized space portal slowly opens in the square outside the base.

Lin Xiangdi, Chi Xuan and others, who were reminded by the messenger pigeon in advance, are looking forward to it with many logistics personnel.

As the first blood-soaked figure stepped out of the portal, everyone's cheering stopped abruptly.

In the fat man's arms, there is a soldier who has lost his breath.

Under the removed helmet, there is an extremely young face.

Roughly estimated, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old.

However, half of his cheek has been burned into charcoal by the flames.

It can be vaguely seen that he is a handsome young man.

Now, the best years have stopped...

As the Cloud Top warriors stepped out of the portal one by one.

The logistics personnel with red eyes stood silently around.

There was no joy in their hearts.




Chi Xuan covered her mouth and silently counted the number of casualties. Tears had already wet her cheeks.

Those lifeless faces kept appearing in her mind.

Some of them, she could find overlapping images in her memory.

Not long ago, they smiled at her.

He took the meteorite armor and weapons from her hands and said "thank you"...


After counting the last number, Chi Xuan knelt on the ground weakly.

I don't know whether I should be thankful or sad.


Fortunately, 23,545 soldiers went to the battle, and only 1,245 died in the end.

Sad that 1,245 soldiers passed away forever.

"Woo woo woo..."

Some young logistics personnel who have not experienced much loss can no longer suppress their crying.

These people may not have much to do with them.

However, this battle is different from the previous ones.

This is a battle to defend the country!

Chinese people, for the invasion a hundred years ago.

Those invaders created a horrific disaster, and after a hundred years, they are still like a thorn, deeply piercing the hearts of Chinese people.

Now, the invaders appear again.

Even though they know that the Yunding warriors will kill them all.

But in the face of sacrifice, no one can remain indifferent.

Teams of soldiers are neatly arranged in the square.

Near one end of Taichu Lake, Wang Mingyang stood solemnly.

A large piece of meteorite gold flew out of the mustard seed space.

With Wang Mingyang's control of metal, a monument as high as tens of meters gradually took shape.

The huge monument slowly fell and embedded in the deep pit prepared by Qi Sen.

The thick base stopped steadily.

The towering monument stood on the shore of Taichu Lake facing the rising sun.

Countless survivors gathered around the Yunding base.

With Wang Mingyang's instructions, Chi Xuan had already been in various places in the Yunding shelter.

Announced the news of the triumphant return of the Yunding warriors.

At the same time, the news was released that everyone was allowed to go to the Yunding base to bid farewell to the heroic souls.

After the Yunding shelter cheered loudly, it was followed by a deep silence.

Everyone knew that the significance of this battle was extraordinary.

Sacrifice was inevitable.

But, it really came to that moment.

Everyone's heart was filled with grief.

The morning sun shone on the monument, and Wang Mingyang silently recited the inscription on the monument inside the base.

The names of the soldiers who had died were engraved on the meteorite monument.

Taking advantage of this time, Mo Bei and Chi Xuan, who had adjusted his mood, counted the list of soldiers who died in this anti-Japanese battle.

Before the expedition, the information of all soldiers had been recorded.

It was to ensure that the information of each sacrificed soldier could be clearly remembered.

Wang Mingyang, looking up at the monument, silently took the list.

Slowly turned around and faced everyone.

Throwing a space gem, Inoue Yangren's figure suddenly appeared.

The moment he appeared, his knees were directly crushed by an invisible force.

Kneeling in front of the monument.

Seeing this man in Japanese military uniform, everyone understood.

This is definitely the general of the Japanese invaders this time.

Everyone's eyes were red, and the murderous intent burst out instantly.

"Damn the little devil! He must die!"

"Kill him! Kill him! Let him feel how much water there is in the human body!"

"Damn it, I'm a fire element, come with an ice element brother, let him try what ice and fire are!"

"I'm a poison element, let me melt him inch by inch!"

All kinds of curses were heard. If it weren't for the Yunding warriors desperately stopping him.

I'm afraid Inoue Yoto would have been eaten alive.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

Wang Mingyang's calm and solemn voice spread, with a trace of soothing power.

Gradually calmed everyone's emotions.

Everyone still gnashed their teeth and looked at Inoue Yoto, wishing they could eat him alive!

"They sacrificed their lives to defend this land!"

"No matter who they were or what they did."

"Today, they are all worthy of China!"

Wang Mingyang raised the list of the dead in his hand, and his voice spread throughout the square.

The crowd gradually began to quiet down.

There were more than 100,000 survivors gathered around, and there were survivors running over from afar.

"No shame!"

"No shame!"

The sound of the mountains and the sea resounded over the sky, and it lasted for a long time.

A few minutes later, Wang Mingyang gently pressed his hands.

Standing on the high platform, everyone could see his movements.

The surroundings quickly fell silent.

"Today, I will engrave their names on the monument."

"Everyone can come here to pay tribute at any time."

Wang Mingyang slowly opened the list of the dead, took a deep breath, and began to read out the information of the first fallen soldier.

"Zuo Hongquan, 37 years old, male, fire type..."

"Zhao Shanzhi, 34 years old, male, strength type..."

"Fu Zuting, 31 years old, male, spirit type..."

"Chen Huaiming, 18 years old, male, speed type..."

"Wang Huimin, 17 years old, female, water type..."

"Li Lin, 22 years old, female, wood type..."


As Wang Mingyang read out the information of the heroes one by one.

On the meteorite monument behind him, fonts appeared one by one.

Those names containing Venus were shining under the shining of the morning sun.

The monument faced the east, and the names of those heroes seemed to be looking at the other side of the sea.

Wait until Wang Mingyang finished reading the names of all 1,245 heroes.

Wang Mingyang put down the list in his hand and raised his head, looking at everyone in the square.

"Their sacrifice will not be in vain!"

"One day, I will lead you..."

"Eastern Expedition!"

Clenching his fist tightly, Wang Mingyang shouted the last two words with all his strength!

At this moment, everyone's emotions burst out.

"Eastern Expedition!"

"Eastern Expedition!"

"Eastern Expedition!"

Countless shouts gathered together, gradually forming a uniform and crazy roar.

The obsession rooted in the hearts of the Chinese people resounded through the sky at this moment.

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