The helicopter landed at the Edo shelter, and Hayato Aoi, Ryosuke Onitsuka and Kaoru Shion quickly left.

Find Onizuka Ryousuke's father, Major General Onizuka Takuno.

After a detailed discussion, Onitsuka Takuno did not hesitate at all.

He took the three people directly to Daisuke Nakamura's headquarters.

Hayato Aoi briefly explained the current situation, and Daisuke Nakamura summoned all the top military officials and some fourth-level experts to discuss the matter.

Originally, a few days ago, Inoue Haruto asked Aoi Hayato to arrange a plane return to report on the possible destruction of the advance team.

It caused an uproar at the time.

Many people clamored to arrange the third expeditionary force as soon as possible, vowing to kill all the Chinese people in the Demon City.

Unfortunately, the third expeditionary force has not yet set off.

Hayato Aoi brought news that the second expeditionary force had also been destroyed.

Tens of thousands of Chinese superpowers wearing armor, a powerful fifth-level space and metal dual superpower leader.

These clamoring guys suddenly fell silent.

However, some people have also proposed using missiles to cover the bombing.

Nip threats in the bud.

But it was opposed by most people.

According to Hayato Aoi, most of those who besieged the expeditionary force this time were Chinese soldiers.

China is a country with nuclear bombs!

The Japanese country does not have the capability of nuclear strike at all, once it angers the other party.

If the Federation followed the example of the time when they dropped nuclear bombs, the entire Japanese island might be wiped out directly.

When the time comes, it will be himself who is strangled in the cradle.

Nowadays, supernatural powers are the rule, and it is no longer the era when hot weapons can solve everything.

"China pursues its kingly way, and it is impossible for them to use nuclear bombs unless it is a last resort."

"So, the plan to expedition to China is temporarily shelved..."

Daisuke Nakamura frowned and finally made the decision to resolve the dispute.

Afterwards, there was a sigh in the conference room.

Everyone also knew that launching another expedition was no longer realistic.

Just the strong man who has been promoted to the fifth level has no way to solve it at the moment.

Superpowers are becoming more and more popular, and the importance of individual strength is gradually increasing.

Just look at Daisuke Nakamura sitting in the center of the conference room.

Dozens of level three superpowers swarmed forward, but it was not enough for him to kill alone.

After two battles, nearly half of the Japanese fourth-level superpowers have been lost.

Even if all the existing fourth-level beings were taken out, it might not be possible to surround and kill that fifth-level being.

What's more, the opponent still possesses fifth-level spatial abilities.

Just look at Abe Aozora who is here to see how difficult it is to kill space superpowers.

With one hand of space isolation, you are basically invincible.

Besides, even if you want to besiege, the other party must give you a chance.

How could the subordinates of a fifth-level strong man be all weak?

A rough estimate is that there are at least ten or twenty fourth-order people, right?

Maybe even more!

Just thinking about it makes me despair...

Everyone was talking about it, and they couldn't come up with any good solution for a while.

Seeing that the time was about right, Onitsuka Takuno glanced at his son.

"Ahem... Generals, I have an immature idea."

Ryosuke Onizuka coughed slightly and stood up.

With his level 4 strength, he also has a certain say in this high-level meeting.

Seeing him getting up, the conference room gradually calmed down.

"Tell me about it."

Nakamura Daisuke nodded, signaling Onitsuka Ryosuke to speak freely.

"Generals, actually...why should we sacrifice the near for the far?"

Ryosuke Onizuka bowed and then walked to the world map on the side of the conference room.

Slowly slide your finger upward from the position of Waguo.

Gradually fell on a country.

"Here, and here, can all be our goals!"

Onizuka Ryo turned sideways and expressed his reasons with a smile on his face.

The two places are the Kimchi Country and the Bear Country.

If you choose Kimchi Country, you can continue to move north, invade Korea, and then invade China.

This road has been walked by the ancestors of the Japanese country.

The problem is that Kimchi and Koryo are peninsulas and surrounded by oceans.

Now that signs of a gathering of sea beasts have been detected, it won't be long before the next wave of sea beasts breaks out.

The country of bears is also vast and rich in products.

Another advantage is that the bear country is vast and sparsely populated, so the resistance it will encounter will not be that great.

In the future, as long as you have enough strength, you can also set foot in China again.

Hayato Aoi couldn't help but glare when he saw the second option pointed out by Ryosuke Onitsuka.

This choice was not part of that adult's plan.

I had a detailed discussion with Onizuka Takuno before, but this point was not mentioned.

This was obviously the result of Onizuka's father's private discussion on the way here.

However, it seems that this option is better.

"Kimchi country, bear country..."

Daisuke Nakamura looked at the map with burning eyes and kept considering it.

The senior executives in the conference room also whispered to each other and nodded.

The entire meeting lasted until late at night.

In the end, Daisuke Nakamura made the decision and targeted the Bear Country.

The time of activation was postponed until after the second wave of sea beasts broke out.

The losses of the advance team and the second batch of expeditionary force made Japan's current force of superpowers slightly insufficient.

The loss of the fourth-level powerhouse made Daisuke Nakamura heartbroken.

A second wave of leviathans is likely to break out in the near future.

A hasty attack will not help Japan's relocation plan on the main island.

On the contrary, it will reduce the defense of the main island.

Therefore, Nakamura Daisuke finally ordered.

Continue to seal the fleet, and at the same time concentrate the power of the fourth-level strongmen to liberate Edo as soon as possible.

Gather the survivors and speed up the awakening plan to increase strength.

Actively prepare for the next sea beast outbreak, and prepare for future expeditions and migrations.

Nakamura Daisuke did not blame Aoi Hayato for his escape.

Instead, in front of everyone, he praised him for dragging his seriously injured body and still desperately bringing back important information.

Otherwise, a few days later, the third expeditionary force might set off according to the original plan.

At that time, there would really be no return.

In response, Aoi Hayato burst into tears again, crying heartbreakingly that he was sorry for the comrades who died in the battle.

Sorry for General Inoue Yoto who always regarded him as his right-hand man.

Nakamura Daisuke comforted him again.

After the meeting, Aoi Hayato finally returned to his residence.

With mixed feelings, he opened the door and took a look at his sleeping son.

Aoi Hayato closed the door silently and breathed a sigh of relief.

He returned to his room and sat quietly by the bed with his hands leaning on the sword.

After a long time, Aoi Hayato carefully observed the surroundings.

After confirming that there was no surveillance, he found tools and removed the handle of the samurai sword.

After a while of tinkering, a space ring was finally taken out.

Aoi Hayato carefully put the ring on his hand, probed into it with his mental power, and saw the three green light balls.

Licking his lips, Aoi Hayato gave up helplessly.

Although the wounds on his body have not healed completely, he is no longer in danger of death.

There is no need to use this healing bead.

The wounds on his body suddenly healed completely, which aroused suspicion.

He took out an exquisite wooden pigeon and looked at it.

Aoi Hayato crushed it with one hand, and an illusory pigeon quickly emerged.

Looking at the cute pigeon, Aoi Hayato first greeted Wang Mingyang respectfully.

He explained that he was safe and then began to report the results of today's meeting.

A minute later, the pigeon flapped its wings and disappeared into the void.

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