After saying goodbye to Wang Jun and others, Wang Mingyang and his companions found Lin Qingyun again.

"Comrade Mingyang, you must come to Jinling City when you are free."

Lin Qingyun held Wang Mingyang's hand and invited him solemnly.

"Mr. Lin, I will."

"Have a safe journey."

Wang Mingyang responded with a smile. Shuicheng is closer to Jinling City than other places.

It is indeed necessary to communicate more with Lin Qingyun.

Tao Zhen and Qiu Changkong saluted together and bid farewell to Lin Qingyun.

After Lin Qingyun's car took off, Wang Mingyang and his companions took some time to find the location of their own plane.

The two pilots had already prepared themselves. Seeing Qiu Changkong and others coming over, they quickly started the engine.

"Wang Mingyang."

A hoarse voice suddenly came and called Wang Mingyang who was about to board the plane.

Looking back, he saw the figure of Ye Ying shrouded in black fog not far away.

Everyone was stunned, and Wang Mingyang was also surprised. He did not expect that the legendary Black Emperor would come to him at this time.


Wang Mingyang turned around and walked over, nodding.

"When did you advance to the fifth level?"

Ye Ying looked at Wang Mingyang for a while and asked.

"About twenty days ago..."

Wang Mingyang recalled that it was about this time.

"You are faster than me."

Ye Ying nodded slightly, with a hint of appreciation in his tone.

"It's nothing to be a few days faster."

"You have space, metal, and...wood abilities!"

Ye Ying was surrounded by black mist, but Wang Mingyang clearly felt the certainty in his words.

"Did you find out?"

"Well, I have observed everyone, and only you have the ability to save so many soldiers."

"Haha, I was just soft-hearted for a moment." Wang Mingyang waved his hand and smiled.

"Anyway, thank you very much. I owe you a favor."

Ye Ying saluted and said stubbornly.

"But you... forget it, I'll take this favor."

What Wang Mingyang originally wanted to say was, 'You are the Black Emperor of China, are you sure you want to owe me a favor? '

But thinking about it, the Black Emperor today has not reached the height of his previous life.

Among these warriors, there may be his former comrades!

It would be a bit unfair to not take this favor.

"It's a pity that you are leaving. If there is a chance, I would like to spar with you."

Ye Ying put down his hand and said with a hint of fighting spirit.

Wang Mingyang is the strongest person he has ever seen. It is very likely that the two of them are the only two fifth-level existences at present.

Ye Ying did feel a huge pressure from him.

This kind of pressure, even the fifth-level spiritual zombie and the ancient angel have never given him.

This feeling makes Ye Ying faintly excited.

"Haha, I wish for it."

Wang Mingyang laughed loudly and accepted it.

"Take care!"

"Take care!"

After saying goodbye to each other, Wang Mingyang turned and walked towards the helicopter.

The Z-35 slowly took off. Through the porthole, Wang Mingyang watched the figure slowly shrink, and suddenly something moved in his heart.

He took out a piece of meteorite gold from the mustard seed space and quickly forged it into a black long sword.

Space transfer started.

The meteorite gold long sword appeared directly in front of Ye Ying.

"Giving a sword to a hero is a parting gift!"

Wang Mingyang's voice sounded in Ye Ying's mind.

Under the black fog, Ye Ying's eyes were suddenly startled.

And the Z-35 had already identified the direction and quickly rushed to the south.

"What a strong spiritual cultivation..."

Ye Ying whispered softly, looking at the meteorite gold long sword inserted in front of him.

Ye Ying had seen this kind of alien metal yesterday.

He also knew about its exaggerated weight.

But how powerful is the weapon made of this metal?

To be honest, he had never thought about it before.

He reached out to hold the hilt and slowly pulled it out.

It was extremely heavy in the hand, and it was roughly estimated to weigh 100 kilograms.

But for Ye Ying, who was already at the fifth level, this weight was just right.

Ye Ying casually made a sword flower, and the sharp sword body cut through the air, making a crisp sword sound.

Then he stabbed the ground with a sword at an angle.

A black sword light shot out, leaving a deep sword mark on the solid ground.

"Good sword!"

Ye Ying's eyes lit up. This sword was heavy and sharp...

And Wang Mingyang also said yesterday that meteorite gold from outer space was extremely tough and difficult to destroy by ordinary means.

Such a weapon is simply a tiger with wings for Ye Ying.

Thinking of this, Ye Ying couldn't help but look up at the sky. The Z-35 that Wang Mingyang was riding had disappeared.


"Oh, I forgot to make a scabbard for him..."

On the Z-35, Wang Mingyang suddenly patted the seat and muttered in annoyance.

There were rumors in the previous life that the weapon used by darkness was a sword.

So when he was leaving, he thought of giving him a meteorite gold long sword.

He just forgot to match it with a scabbard.

However, he then thought, what does this have to do with him?

The magic weapon has been given away, is it possible that the great Chinese Black Emperor can't get a scabbard?

"Boss Wang, I have finished reading the previous book, can you recommend another one to me!"

An Xuewen came to Wang Mingyang and laughed.

"Well, okay, I'll give you another one."

Wang Mingyang scratched his head. This An Xuewen really started to learn literature.

She casually manifested a book called "Introduction to Glaciology" for him. This book was also read by Mu Ningxue.

"After returning to Yunding, you can communicate with Ningxue."

"They have figured out some training methods by themselves, which are good for improving their superpowers."

Wang Mingyang took out a magazine and said casually.

"That's great!"

"But, will it disturb you?"

An Xuewen looked surprised, and then winked at Wang Mingyang.

"Get out of the way, don't disturb me reading."

Wang Mingyang rolled his eyes. This An Xuewen was not an honest man.

Otherwise, why would he give up literature and go to the army!

After laughing for a while, Wang Mingyang began to look through the magazine in his hand.

This is a scientific research weekly from more than ten years ago. One of the papers is about how to insert the genes of water bears into human cells.

The experimental results are very gratifying. The cells modified by the water bear genes are indeed much stronger.

They can resist X-rays that can kill ordinary cells, as well as the damage of chemicals.

However, in the past ten years, this experiment has not made much progress.

Human gene editing and rewriting has always been a forbidden area.

But Wang Mingyang is very interested in this experiment.

Recently, he has read a lot of books on life sciences and body regeneration.

He also gained some related superpowers.

After returning to Yunding, he can experiment with his ideas.

Outside the Yunding base, on the monument square.

A large number of Yunding warriors are practicing basic swordsmanship in an orderly manner.

But Mei Que was not present, but Mo Bei led several core members who liked to use swords to correct everyone's posture.

From time to time, his eyes swept to a small island in the distant Taichu Lake.

On that island, at this moment, a majestic breath was rushing straight into the sky.

The bright silver sword light occasionally crossed the lake.

Mei Que, you are going to be promoted to the fifth level!

Su Yu stepped on a huge iceberg, and Mu Ningxue stood on a towering ice pillar.

Li Yuchan floated in the air, and the three of them formed an iron triangle, surrounding the entire island.

They protected Mei Que and prevented any mutant creatures from disturbing him.

They also happened to observe the process of Mei Que's promotion to the fifth level.

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