The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 540 The second wave of sea beasts breaks out!

Kyoto, Central Office of China.

"The above is what I saw and heard in the Genting Refuge."

A Hidden Dragon Guard in black robes was respectfully reporting to Chief No. 1 and Ye Ying.

"Thank you for your hard work, go and rest first!"

Ye Ying saw Chief No. 1 nodding, and then said to the Hidden Dragon Guard.

"Yes, Captain."

The Hidden Dragon Guard saluted with relief, turned and left the office.

After he left, Chief No. 1, who had been silent all this time, suddenly chuckled.

"Yeying, what do you think of Shen Yuan's report?"

"Chief, I trust Shen Yuan's judgment."

Yeying said respectfully.

Shen Yuan is the member of the Hidden Dragon Guard who is best at detecting and assassinating.

Ye Ying has absolute trust in him.

"Wang Mingyang is a boy who has the world in mind, but is not pedantic."

"Kill when necessary, show no mercy, he is a hero!"

Chief No. 1 spoke slowly and nodded.

Wang Mingyang returned to Yunding and started cleaning up and rescuing the Magic City.

Chief No. 1 was very pleased with his vigorous and resolute execution.

And he personally annihilated the more than three thousand villains and directly made it public to the public in the form of broadcast.

What others saw might be Wang Mingyang's ruthlessness.

But what Chief No. 1 saw was Wang Mingyang's decisiveness.

If it were another military region leader or a provincial politician who would do this.

It is very likely that they will choose a secret execution, or they will gather these people together and force them to clean up the zombies.

Wang Mingyang did not do this, but expressed his feelings directly, which was very pleasing to the people.

This made Chief No. 1 see a leader who could not get rid of the sand in his eyes.

When China is facing crisis, what it needs is brave men who can move forward bravely and decisively.

Not politicians who have a thousand thoughts!

"Chief, is it too much to judge him as a hero..."

Ye Ying squeezed the meteorite sword in his hand and said with careful tone.

"It's not an exaggeration at all."

"Today's situation requires people like Wang Mingyang."

"If he really has that ability, he can save our Chinese people from danger."

"As long as he loves the people, it's not a bad idea to let him take the position of Dragon Lord!"

"Ha ha……"

Chief No. 1 stood up and paced back and forth in the office with his hands behind his back.

He expressed his thoughts word by word.

At the end of the sentence, he couldn't help laughing.

These remarks made Ye Ying's whole body tremble with black mist, and even his figure was somewhat unable to be shrouded in it.

"Well, contribution points, Genting Bank..."

"This guy has a lot of ideas!"

"However, it seems to be working well."

"Trading markets, hospitals, and schools have all been established in his base."

"It's faster than us."

"We have to ask Comrade Yiqun and Comrade Zhenxia to speed up the pace."

"A bunch of old guys, don't let a young guy compete..."

After the No. 1 leader finished laughing, he kept murmuring, with many thoughts flashing through his eyes.

If we talk about Wang Mingyang’s Genting base, what interests him the most.

That is definitely the contribution point mechanism.

Today's Kyoto Shelter still uses crystal cores as currency.

This is basically the case in the shelters of major military regions in China.

The contribution point mechanism of Genting Base really made the No. 1 leader’s eyes shine.

Time flies by like a white horse, and a week has passed in a hurry.

Countless roars came from the coastline.

"The second wave of sea monsters finally broke out..."

Over the Magic City, the water element villain put away his book, stood up from the rooftop, and looked into the distance.

I saw densely packed mutated sea beasts, converging into an endless black line, carrying huge waves, rushing towards the coastline like a tsunami.

Countless zombies have already gathered near the coastline.

These are Wang Mingyang's masterpieces in the past two days.

This second wave of sea monsters is roughly estimated to number in the tens of millions.

Even if it is mainly the first and second level sea beasts.

But as long as one in a thousand is above level three or four.

Its ferocity is also far greater than the batch three months ago.

Wang Mingyang couldn't imagine it without these zombies as a buffer.

How did the Black Emperor, who had been promoted to the fifth level, lead the survivors to block these sea beasts in front of him under such circumstances.

Only tens of millions of zombies can hinder the pace of these mutated sea beasts.

How could Wang Mingyang not take advantage of this natural line of defense.

Soon, a tide of mutated sea beasts rushed towards the coast, and hundreds of meters of sea water hit the magic city again.

Countless seawater carried densely packed mutated sea beasts, charging rampantly.

The buildings that were still standing during the last wave of sea beasts.

Finally they could no longer hold on and collapsed one after another.

The tide rushed inland a full ten kilometers away.

Fortunately, this was not a meteorite impact, or a tsunami caused by natural factors such as earthquakes and submarine volcanic eruptions.

Rather, it is an unnatural tsunami caused by countless swimming sea beasts and the activation abilities of many high-level sea beasts.

The impact is limited and the follow-up is weak.

A wave of tsunami washed ashore, leaving behind densely packed mutant sea beasts, and the tide gradually receded.

What followed was the deafening roar of mutated sea beasts and zombies.

A bloody fight broke out instantly.

In every corner of the magical city, killings and devouring are constantly taking place.

"These are all food and crystal cores..."

The water elemental figure looked at the chaotic battle scene below, with a slight smile on his face.

Other places might worry about the invasion of the sea beast tide, but Wang Mingyang was not worried at all.

In his eyes, these mutant sea beasts were all food and crystal cores delivered to his door.

Some high-level mutant sea beasts, with their shell spikes, can be handy equipment for the Cloudtop warriors.

However, the first wave of the sea beast tide still needs the dear zombies to carry it.

After that, it is time for the Cloudtop warriors to play.

In the first week of the nine months of the apocalypse, a large number of sea beast tides broke out in coastal cities all over Blue Star.

Behind all this, it seems that there is an invisible big hand pushing it.

Otherwise, why would these low-intelligence sea beasts choose this time and these places to land one after another?

It's so accurate that it seems to be planned by someone.

Unfortunately, no one can see such a scene clearly.

Every coastal city and every survivor can only see the mutant sea beasts that are overwhelming.

There is no way to know what is happening in other places.

Only the centers of some countries can gather information from all over the world to get a general idea.

Killing, struggle, blood, continue to happen.

Countless zombies or mutants evolve by devouring each other and improve their life level.

Some survivors who did not escape in advance can only be drowned in the tide of zombies and mutants.

Not even a bubble can rise.

In this wave of sea beasts, there are many fourth-level sea beasts, and fifth-level sea beasts emerge in an endless stream.

There are also sixth-level sea beasts as leaders, suppressing all directions.

Humans can only survive in the cracks.

There are only a few places in the coastal cities of the entire Blue Star.

Someone can compete with them!

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