The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 549 Earth-shaking Divine Bull, Storm Mantis!

With Li Hua's laughter, the conference room was filled with laughter.

Many people are actually like Li Hua, with low levels of supernatural powers.

After being promoted to the fourth level, they gradually felt weak.

Those who were promoted early could also be allocated some spiritual objects produced by the hatching nest to improve their strength.

Those who were promoted a little later were not so lucky.

Red Blood Spirit, Fiery Flower, Earth Core, Speed ​​Orchid.

These four spiritual objects are not many in number.

It is even more difficult to obtain those that match your own supernatural powers.

Not to mention, most of the dozen core people in Yunding will be consumed.

Wang Mingyang has no good solution for this.

The spiritual objects of heaven and earth are hard to come by.

Concentrate a small amount of resources on cultivating the people with the greatest potential and the strongest strength.

This is an inevitable choice.

"Next, I will mark these abilities in different categories."

"If they don't match your own abilities, don't force it."

"Leave the opportunity for later!"

Wang Mingyang said lightly, motioning Xiao Huanyan to take notes.

With thousands of ability light balls, it would be difficult for everyone to make a decision without taking notes.

Although everyone didn't know what Wang Mingyang's specific ability was.

But they had already guessed it privately.

The boss likes to read books, and he reads books whenever he has time.

From time to time, a new ability comes out.

Some smart people guessed that Wang Mingyang might be able to absorb knowledge and develop various abilities by reading books.

So, Genting Library is everyone's favorite place to go in their spare time.

They had no objection to Wang Mingyang's "leave it for later".

"D-level ability, power amplification."

"C-level ability, water chain entanglement."

"E-level ability, onomatopoeia."

"B-level ability, snow leopard transformation."


Wang Mingyang read out the details of each power light ball, making everyone present starry-eyed.

They all began to think about whether their own abilities could match it.

Don't look at the current highest level of B and the lowest level of E.

This is the second ability!

The superposition effect with your own ability is not just one plus one equals two.

Absorbing the second ability can further strengthen the body.

At the same time, you can have more means, whether it is offense or defense, and it will only become stronger with continuous development.

Even the lowest level E-level onomatopoeia, if used well, can also play a huge role in battle.

One more point, use the onomatopoeia ability to make various sounds to attract zombies or mutant sea beasts.

You can also set traps to increase the success rate of sneak attacks.

It greatly improves the efficiency of hunting crystal cores, right?

"A-level transformation ability, Earth-shaking Divine Bull!"

Wang Mingyang grabbed a brown-colored energy light ball, his eyes lit up, and he said.

"A-level! Really A-level!"

"Just from the name, this ability must have earth attributes."

"Not every transformation system has elemental attributes, this ability is definitely powerful!"

In the conference room, with the appearance of A-level abilities, there was a sudden noise.

Many people cast their eyes on Li Hua. Needless to say, when this guy heard about the A-level ability, he had already made up his mind.

Sure enough, when Li Hua heard about this ability, he was a little restless.

"What do you think, Li Hua, do you want to choose this ability?"

Wang Mingyang tossed the Earth-shaking Divine Bull light ball in his hand and asked with a smile.

"Boss, this..."

Li Hua was tangled and a little uncertain.

Earth-shaking Divine Bull, it sounds really powerful.

However, Li Hua has long been accustomed to fighting with speed.

This divine bull, which shakes the earth, is probably a power-type transformation ability.

Li Hua was moved, but hesitant.

"Transformed into a divine bull, powerful, and with earth-related abilities..."

"Forget it, this ability is really not suitable for your style."

Wang Mingyang thought about it and threw the power light ball to Nie Chuan.

Although Nie Chuan's team was only ranked 10th, the ones ahead of him were either speed enhancement or elemental.

And Nie Chuan himself has C-level physical enhancement.

After having the earth-shaking divine bull, strength and defense will be increased at the same time, which is indeed the most suitable.

Nie Chuan took the power light ball in a daze, and he didn't expect that this huge pie would fall on his head.

For a while, he seemed a little at a loss.

"Thank you, boss, thank you, boss!"

It was not until the other members around him kindly reminded him that Nie Chuan got up in a hurry to thank him.

"No need to thank me, you deserve it."

"If you hadn't kept your true nature and didn't go along with the crowd, you wouldn't have had the chance to live until now."

"Thank yourself!"

Wang Mingyang nodded slightly, saying with a hint of appreciation.

At the beginning, in Yunhu Villa District, when that brother Kun came with a group of people.

Being killed by Mo Bei, Nie Chuan was one of the few people who survived.

After such a long time of testing in terms of character, he was also recognized by Wang Mingyang.

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Bei took the lead in applauding.

Many people didn't know Nie Chuan's past, but after a simple description by some insiders.

They also understood what Wang Mingyang meant.

For a while, the applause was thunderous.

"Okay, the place here is too small, let's absorb it after we go back!"

Wang Mingyang pressed his palm and continued to describe the energy balls.

As time went by, the details of thousands of energy balls gradually appeared in front of everyone.

The various energy opened everyone's eyes.

Among them, the strengthening system, transformation system, and fire system were the most.

After all, for so long, Wang Mingyang had read a lot of books about body strengthening and animals in order to create an immortal body.

The fire system was what was left after the fusion of the sun's golden flame.

The levels were relatively low.

There were also some other types of energy, which were accumulated by the four major spirits.

With the four major spirits, Wang Mingyang had a lot more areas to get involved in.

Sometimes the spirits read books, and they just read piles of books.

There were all kinds of energy.

"A-level transformation system energy... Storm Mantis!"

As Wang Mingyang called out the name of the A-level energy again, everyone looked at Li Hua.

"Boss, give it to me!"

This time, Li Hua did not hesitate and spoke directly.


Wang Mingyang smiled slightly and threw the power ball over.

Storm Mantis, can transform into a mantis with wind ability.

Slender body, strong forelimbs and sickle-shaped claws, plus the blessing of wind power.

Not only is it extremely fast, it can fly at low altitude for a short time, and the sickle claws can also cut out powerful wind blades.

An absolute speed-type transformation warrior.

It is really suitable for Li Hua.

Finally getting the desired A-level power, Li Hua was also smiling and thanked repeatedly.

Everyone also congratulated sincerely, without the slightest jealousy or dissatisfaction.

Everyone saw Li Hua's efforts and dedication.

Otherwise, with his C-level speed ability, how could he lead the team to occupy the position of the first team.

This reward is well deserved.

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