Biying's eyes were filled with memories, and she said slowly:

"In the last battle, the peak battlefield was outside the sky..."

"Because I was not strong enough, I could only fight in the Blue Star."

"However, after the Heaven Sealing Restriction was opened, the elders of my clan did not come back."

"After that, the energy of heaven and earth quickly dissipated, and I could only take the remaining clansmen into sleep."

"I am afraid that only Master Zimou knows the reason."

Biying finished speaking, shook her head and sighed.

Wang Mingyang and Gong Zhan were silent for a long time. None of the ancestors of China survived, which made them sad.

However, without this Heaven Sealing Restriction.

Humans in the Sixth Epoch would not have survived until now.

"What are those..."

Biying suddenly pointed down, very surprised.

The two looked in the direction of the sound, and saw countless plants and zombies in the city below.

There were even some zombies fighting with some mutant plants, carnivorous plants.

"Zombies, man-eating plants?"

Wang Mingyang was stunned and turned to look at Biying.

This city is Pucha City.

Originally, Ye Jianfeng and Gong Zhan said that this place was also occupied by mutant plants.

It's just that although there are many mutant plants in Pucha City, they are not enough to stop the army of Chuncheng Shelter.

Gong Zhan and his men just can't spare any troops for the time being.

"Zombies...are they the mutations of you humans in the sixth era?"

Biying looked at the mutant zombies of all shapes and sizes below curiously, looking very novel.

"Why, didn't zombies appear in the war a million years ago?"

Wang Mingyang was stunned and asked quickly.

"No, this kind of thing has never appeared..."

"Man-eating plants...are very similar to the war guards we cultivated, but they are too ugly."

Biying shook her head and said with some disgust.

"War guards? Do you mean that you can cultivate this kind of mutant plants?"

Gong Zhan looked at the man-eating plants and some bloodthirsty vines below and asked curiously.

"Yes, although we are not good at fighting, we still have some means to protect ourselves."

"Otherwise, our kingdom would have been destroyed by the beasts long ago."

Biying said lightly, and then described some of the means of the spirits.

Basically, they are mainly based on cultivating war plants.

The most powerful of them is the ancient tree of life.

The high-level ancient tree of life can not only move its position independently, but also has extremely powerful strength.

Even the most courageous warriors of the beasts are not opponents of the ancient tree of life.

However, the movement speed of the ancient tree of life is very slow.

Most of the time, they are mainly based on positional warfare to protect the spirits.

"Do these mutant plants have anything to do with your spirits?"

Wang Mingyang asked with a hint of doubt.

"It should have nothing to do with it."

"There is only one spirit in our Qingye Kingdom sleeping nearby."

Biying shook her head and said very affirmatively.

"Do you have a way to cultivate war guards in large quantities now?"

Wang Mingyang thought about it, Blue Star is so big, it is impossible for such a small place to have two remnants of the spirits sleeping.

Then he thought, if Biying can cultivate a large number of war guards and deploy them along the coast of the Magic City.

Then the Cloudtop Warriors will have a strategic location that can be used for attack and defense.

They can even place these war guards on the border of China.

At that time, no matter who wants to invade China.

The first thing they will face is this kind of war guard.

The casualties of Chinese soldiers will drop sharply!

"The seeds of the war guards are all companions of the ancient tree of life. The ancient tree of life is still in the seedling stage and cannot produce seeds for the time being."

"However, these mutant plants can be used as substitutes, but their combat power is much worse."

Biying thought about it and pointed to the mutant plants below.

"It's okay to replace them. Do you have a way to collect them?"

Although Wang Mingyang was a little disappointed, it was better than nothing, so he continued to ask.

"Well, it's okay."

"Okay, let's go down."

After getting Biying's confirmation, Wang Mingyang chose a place with the most mutant plants and landed with two people.

As soon as it landed, the surrounding carnivorous plants and mutant vines took the initiative to bite it.

Wang Mingyang waved his hand casually, and a circle of space cutting rings extended.

Instantly cut off the surrounding mutant plants.

Biying flapped her wings and flew in the air.

Holding her hands up, a green light curtain spread out in all directions.

Quickly covering the surrounding hundreds of meters.

Countless green dots fell from the light curtain and merged into the surrounding mutant plants.

After a while, in the surprised eyes of Wang Mingyang and Gong Zhan.

Those mutant plants stopped shaking, their bodies burst into green light, and slowly shrank.

Ten minutes later, all the mutant plants around, regardless of size, condensed into seeds and flew towards Biying's hands.


"I just woke up, and my strength has not recovered yet. I can only collect this much for the time being."

Between Biying's hands, there were dozens of egg-sized seeds of various kinds floating, and she panted slightly.

Using the secret method of the spirit race, compressing these mutant plants that had already grown back to the seed state did consume a lot of her energy.


Wang Mingyang nodded and did not make any more requests.

He did feel that Biying's energy had been reduced a lot.

However, Biying is only a fourth-level body now, so it is understandable.

After putting away the seeds, Wang Mingyang directly opened the portal and walked in with the two of them.

He had already taken Biying to see several cities, so there was no need to continue.

In the Yunding mansion, a teleportation light gate opened.

"Your spatial ability is very good."

Biying followed Wang Mingyang out of the portal and said with a hint of praise.

"Oh, my Chinese ancestors, there should be someone who mastered spatial abilities!"

Wang Mingyang smiled faintly and said casually.

"Well, there were many talented people in ancient China, but most of them were innate awakening abilities."

"Among them, the one with the strongest spatial power is Hun of China, and Xuwu, a leader of the third era."

Biying nodded and said seriously.

"Hun, Xuwu?"

"Hun was the leader of a Chinese tribe and disappeared after the last battle. I haven't seen Xuwu either, but I heard from the survivors of the Third Era that his spatial power was the strongest in the Third Era."

Biying looked at the sky and recalled.

Wang Mingyang nodded silently. According to Zimou, many Chinese ancestors sacrificed themselves in the last battle.

'Hun', perhaps one of them.

Seeing the Yunding Mansion, Biying was also very curious.

The architectural style of the Sixth Era is very different from that of the Fourth and Fifth Eras.

Wang Mingyang greeted and let Biying visit everywhere by herself.

In the courtyard, Jin Shanshan was in the corner with two little golden eagles, teaching two children to tear a sea beast apart.

Seeing Wang Mingyang appear, the two little golden eagles immediately ran over swaying.

They missed this two-legged beast very much after not seeing it for a long time.

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