A portal opened in the square outside the Cloud Top Base.

Wang Mingyang led everyone out, and Li Xin and others looked a little pale.

Frequent space teleportation made them, who were only at the second level, feel dizzy and extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Wang Mingyang's space teleportation was to fold the two space coordinates to the maximum extent and open a space channel.

It was not the legendary quantum teleportation that decomposed the body into countless quanta and then reassembled.

Otherwise, let alone them, I am afraid that Wang Mingyang himself would feel uncomfortable.

Looking at the towering Cloud Top Base, the iconic metal dome, and the towering paintings on it.

Li Xin and others gradually relaxed.

"This is really the Yunding Base!"

"This is too fast. If we were not physically unable to bear it, we would probably arrive in half an hour!"

"We are too weak. Look, the boss is fine."

"We have fallen behind too much. We must try to catch up, otherwise we will be laughed at by those guys."

"Haha, I wonder if Li Hua, Wu Ming and others will be shocked when they see us?"


Although everyone was still a little uncomfortable, they were very excited.

After seven months, I can finally fight side by side with everyone again!

"Boss, what is that?"

Li Xin observed the surroundings and suddenly saw the monument standing in the distance, and couldn't help asking.

"That is the Yunding Monument, which is engraved with the information of the sacrificed soldiers."

Wang Mingyang said slowly.

Everyone fell silent after hearing this.

After looking at each other and getting Wang Mingyang's nod, they walked towards that side together.

Looking at the tall monument, Li Xin and others were a little silent.

Looking at the names one by one, someone finally couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Li You...did he die as well?"

"Pei Wu and Zhai Min, they were a couple, I didn't expect that they died in the war against the Japanese..."

"Zhao Yu, Liu Weiming and others also..."

"Qi Liyun, Wu Yan, Wang Yao, three sisters died for the war against the Japanese, it's an honor to die!"

The familiar names made Li Xin and others burst into tears.

The war against the Japanese was the battle with the highest sacrifice in the Genting base.

Some old members who had followed Wang Mingyang out of the Yunhu Villa District also died in this battle.

For a while, men like Niu Jiashu and Zhang Xingwen had tears on their faces.

After a while, everyone slowly calmed down and bowed deeply together.

"Boss, you're back."

Lin Xiangdi, who got the news, walked to Wang Mingyang's side and whispered.

The corner of his eye glanced at Biying beside him with some surprise.

This strange humanoid creature was the first time Lin Xiangdi had seen it.

"Well, Uncle Lin, these soldiers are all my old subordinates when I was in Yunhu, Chuncheng."

"Before, they were physically disabled, so they chose to stay in the Yunhu base."

"The strength has fallen a lot. You can make some arrangements to see if they are willing to return to the old team or form their own team."

"Crystal cores and other things are open to provide, and improve their strength as soon as possible."

Wang Mingyang said solemnly. He had observed the physical fitness of these people.

Even though they were physically disabled, they did not give up training themselves.

They can absorb crystal cores in a saturated manner to improve quickly.

The only flaw is that they lack combat experience against mutant sea beasts and some high-level zombies.

When the time comes, let the Yunding team lead them, and they will soon be able to make up for it.

"Yes, boss."

Lin Xiangdi responded seriously after hearing this. Don't look at these people's low strength, they are only at the second level.

But in general, they are all the oldest team under Wang Mingyang.

Many old friends of Yunhu have now become the mainstay of the Yunding base.

Lin Xiangdi will not look down on them.

Back in the base, Lin Xiangdi took Li Xin and the others to arrange the rooms.

Wang Mingyang settled Jin Shanshan and took Biying into the portal.

Two figures appeared on the high wall of the Yunding defense line.


"Boss! You're back!"

"Great, the boss is finally back!"

The Yunding warriors in charge of the alert saw the portal open and immediately knew that their boss had returned.

Seeing Wang Mingyang's figure appear, cheers suddenly rang out.

For a while, the news that Wang Mingyang returned to Yunding spread like wildfire to the entire defense line.

"Well, everyone has worked hard."

Wang Mingyang greeted everyone with a smile and flew away with Biying.

After only two kilometers, Biying, who was in the sky, found that many zombies and mutant sea beasts appeared on the ground.

"Wang, is this the mutant sea beast you mentioned?"

"Why do they look a bit like the sea beasts transformed by those people in the Fifth Epoch..."

Biying said in surprise with a hint of doubt.

"That's them, but the sea beasts transformed in the Fifth Epoch account for a very small proportion."

Wang Mingyang nodded. Among the mutant sea beasts, there are occasionally sea beasts wearing iron armor.

These are all masterpieces of the Nether Sea Kingdom in the Fifth Epoch.

This information has been confirmed by Zi Mou.

However, the Nether Sea Kingdom, which rules the Pacific Ocean, does not seem to have used its full strength.

Otherwise, it is impossible for only so many artificial mutant sea beasts to appear.

"This area should be the territory of the Nether Sea Kingdom. What exactly do they want to do?"

Biying frowned and muttered.

These days, Wang Mingyang also showed her the current world map.

Biying had already compared it with the world she knew.

"Zi Mou said that the sea tribes of the fifth era seemed to want to destroy our land-based humans of the sixth era."

"In order to prevent the birth of the power of faith..."

Wang Mingyang said coldly with a hint of disdain.

"Are you crazy?"

"If it weren't for the help of humans in previous eras, how could they have the opportunity to retreat into the deep sea and hibernate!"

"What do their actions mean for our struggles of several eras?"

Biying was stunned when she heard the words, and then she scolded.

In every era, someone took up the banner and united everyone to fight.

Unexpectedly, the remaining survivors of the fifth era actually had such an idea.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as forgetting their ancestors.

"It doesn't matter. In the face of fear and danger, everyone has their own choice."

Wang Mingyang said lightly, and there was indeed a hint of strangeness in his heart.

In the fifth era, there are only four kingdoms left in the sea tribe.

It is a good thing for China that the Nether Sea Kingdom is not doing its job.

The other three kingdoms are trying their best to trigger the tide of mutant sea beasts, hoping to destroy the land-based humans.

In a sense, it is a good thing for China.

Through communication with Zi Mou, Wang Mingyang already knows the belief systems established by other countries on Blue Star.

Many of them are the result of the guidance of the Lord of Light.

If the three kingdoms of the sea tribe can really destroy those countries.

Wang Mingyang feels that one day in the future, China will face fewer enemies.

Thinking of this, the actions of the three kingdoms of the sea tribe are acceptable.

However, I don’t know if the fifth era sea tribe knows that the Lord of Light established a belief system.

——It seems that I have to talk to Zi Mou...

Wang Mingyang thought secretly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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