The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 578 What are you looking at? What's wrong with me looking at you!

After arranging everything, Wang Mingyang asked about the situation in the past few days.

Mo Bei told him about it, and there was no change in other things.

The main thing is that in the past two days, the fight between zombies and mutant sea beasts has gradually formed a balance.

High-level zombies and mutant sea beasts have stopped fighting each other.

Most of the battles occur between low-level zombies and sea beasts.

Moreover, once the Cloud Top Warrior fights with one of them.

The surrounding zombies and sea beasts will gather and begin to besiege the Cloud Top Warriors.

For this reason, many Cloud Top Warriors were seriously injured.

There are even some civilian superpower teams that were directly wiped out.

For this situation, everyone is puzzled.

"High-level mutant creatures have a certain control over similar low-level creatures."

"I'm afraid that some extremely intelligent beings have appeared among the zombies and mutant sea beasts."

Wang Mingyang pondered for a while and said slowly.

"We have also thought about this possibility."

"But we haven't found any suspicious targets yet."

Li Yuchan nodded and said helplessly.

In the past two days, he, Su Yu, Mu Ningxue, and other core members who can fly have been patrolling over the Magic City.

Still nothing.

"Let everyone be more careful when going out, and don't go too deep."

"If it doesn't work, you can advance around the ancient tree of life."

Wang Mingyang said calmly.

Nowadays, fifth-order mutant creatures are emerging in an endless stream, and sixth-order creatures occasionally appear.

The higher the level of mutant creatures, the higher their intelligence.

This situation is actually reasonable.

With the blessing of meteorite gold equipment, the Yunding warriors have extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Ordinary mutant creatures are not their opponents at all.

In the long run, zombies and mutant sea beasts will eventually be cleared out by them.

If a very intelligent leader appears in these two groups.

It will definitely change the status quo.

What's more, behind the mutant sea beasts, there is also the promotion of the Nether Sea Kingdom.

"Tomorrow, I will go and see it myself. Everyone is tired all day, let's rest early!"

Wang Mingyang stood up and clapped his hands, ending this core meeting.

The next morning, Wang Mingyang, who had fought with Mu Ningxue all night, slept in for a rare time.

It was not until Su Yu, a relative who came to visit, opened the door and pulled him up from the big bed.

Mu Ningxue grumbled and continued to sleep with her head down.

Wang Mingyang, who has an immortal body, has a more abnormal physique.

After a simple wash, he kissed the sleeping Mu Ningxue.

Wang Mingyang went out for breakfast with Su Yu.

"Boss, what are you going to do today?"

In the restaurant, Li Yuchan asked vaguely with a bun in his mouth.

"You guys continue as usual, I will patrol alone."

Wang Mingyang thought about it. If it was a highly intelligent high-level zombie or sea beast, it must have understood that there was a threat to them in Yunding.

Li Yuchan, Su Yu and Mu Ningxue, including Rong Lan, had not found any clues.

This shows that this unknown existence has remembered them in mind.

Only the self who has not yet appeared is unfamiliar to them.

Moreover, Wang Mingyang's spatial master can hide his figure in the void.

Without spatial perception or strong mental power, he can't be found at all.

Only in this way can they be found as soon as possible.

"Okay, then let's see your performance, boss!"

Li Yuchan smiled, quickly finished the buns in front of him, clapped his hands and got up to leave.

Back to the Yunding defense line, Su Yu also had his own defense area, so he left on his own.

Wang Mingyang separated four spirits and searched towards the Demon City.

He hid in the void and strolled leisurely in the city.

A few kilometers ahead of the Yunding defense line, various mutant creatures were extremely rare.

After going deep into the Demon City, Wang Mingyang gradually found some high-level zombies.

However, they were basically three or four levels, and no five-level zombies were found.

It was not until the coast of Chunshen River that the mutant sea beasts gradually increased.

Many bridges leading to the opposite side of the river were destroyed by mutant creatures.

This is also one of the reasons why the Yunding warriors advanced slowly.

This situation existed before, and Wang Mingyang had built several bridges himself.

Unfortunately, after he left for a week, these bridges were destroyed again.

Wang Mingyang did not choose to continue building.

Instead, he slowly drifted across the Chunshen River and came to the other side.

Wang Mingyang clearly felt that there were more zombies here.

He did not find any strange high-level mutant creatures until he reached the coastal area.

In the mental induction, the four spirits did not gain much.

This made Wang Mingyang frown.

"It's hidden very deep..."

Looking at the several huge sea beasts passing by, Wang Mingyang muttered to himself.

Not far away, there were hundreds of zombies gathered together.

Among them were two third-level zombies.

However, these zombies did not attack the lone sea beasts.



The small group of zombies and several sea beasts were separated by two or three hundred meters, and they roared at each other.

It seemed that they were on the verge of a fight, but they did not move.

Some low-level zombies were ready to move, but were stopped by the two third-level zombies.

After a while, both sides were at peace and left.

"This... is too weird!"

Wang Mingyang was stunned. When did the zombies and mutant sea beasts become so smart?

They were able to restrain their instincts, give up the delicious food and leave.

He shook his head. He had never seen such a situation in his two lives.

In the past, zombies and other mutant creatures would fight to the death!

Now such a change has occurred.

If zombies and mutant sea beasts above level three have such wisdom.

He would never believe it even if he was beaten to death.

There must be one or some extremely intelligent beings behind this.

After thinking about it, Wang Mingyang followed the group of zombies directly.

The focus was on the two level three zombies.

Wang Mingyang followed this group of zombies for the whole morning.

Watching them wandering around aimlessly in the surrounding area.

During this period, they encountered some level one and two sea beasts, but this group of zombies pounced on them without hesitation.

Several level one and two sea beasts were gnawed to the bones.

The crystal cores were swallowed by several low-level zombies.

Near noon, this group of zombies had killed three waves of low-level sea beasts.

During this period, they encountered a third-order mutant sea beast again, and the previous situation reappeared.

Both sides shouted at each other, as if they were repeating the scene of "What are you looking at, what's wrong with you looking at me?"

In the end, they were all safe and sound and left.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Wang Mingyang scratched his head hard, and felt that his CPU was about to burn out.

Still puzzled.

Until noon, the group of zombies turned into a wide street.

They ran into a fourth-order giant jellyfish floating in the low sky.

This giant jellyfish didn't care, and directly stretched out its many tentacles, grabbing zombies one by one into its body and digesting them quickly.

In the end, only two third-order zombies escaped.

This scene was finally over.

Wang Mingyang scratched his head, glanced at the jellyfish, and turned around to continue following the two fleeing third-order zombies.

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