It was not until 21:30 in the evening, when the library was about to close, that Wang Mingyang reluctantly raised his head.

[Space cutting ability: 8/10, 100 points of reading value reward. ]

It was very embarrassing to get stuck at the last two points, and he read it twice in a row but failed to extract it successfully.

And the reading value remained at 1801 points.

It seems that each book will only have a large amount of reading value when it is read for the first time, and the reading value obtained later will be much less.

Sighing that reading is not easy, Wang Mingyang stood up and walked downstairs with three books in his arms.

The library was closed, and he couldn't stay here all the time.

He could only take the books back and deal with the ability first.

Passing an area halfway, he looked up and saw that it was natural science.

Wang Mingyang thought about it carefully, and still found three more books about fire, lightning and metal to take with him, just in case.

When walking on the stairs, Wang Mingyang suddenly thought of a question.

The Zhutian reading system requires reading to extract superpowers. Does he need to keep looking for books everywhere after the end of the world?

"System, can reading e-books also extract superpowers and reward reading points?"

[Ding, this system focuses on tradition, please read physical books. ]

Damn, can't it keep up with the times?

Wang Mingyang complained wildly in his heart.

"Since e-books don't work, then system, is there any way to take away the books here?"

[Ding! The system currently has no function to store physical objects. But the system can be upgraded through reading points. The next level can scan and store various books for the host to read. ]

Wang Mingyang's eyes lit up: "How many reading points are needed to upgrade?"

[Ding! The reading value required for the first stage upgrade is 10,000 points, and the host's current reading value is: 1801 points. ]

Good guy, 10,000 points are needed, which is equivalent to reading at least ten books of the same difficulty as the book "Dimension Space" for the first time.

And this one took three hours, and ten books took at least thirty hours.

My head is cracked!

Looking around the library, the only libraries with so many books, apart from the major libraries in the city, are the large libraries in universities.

Xinhua Bookstore and the like, mainly have test papers, physical novels and the like.

They are simply incomparable to the major libraries.

If Wang Mingyang wants to strengthen his strength in the early stage, he must read more books as soon as possible.

But the library in the university will definitely be filled with college students during the day tomorrow, and the risk of zombie outbreak is too high.

It seems that I have to come back here tomorrow, upgrade the system, and scan all the books away directly.

Wang Mingyang looked at the dazzling array of books. These are not books, but a super power library!

After wiping the drool on his lips, Wang Mingyang turned and walked downstairs to the lobby, secretly making up his mind.

"I won't sleep tonight! I must gather all the space cutting fragments!"

In front of the counter in the lobby, the pretty girl was still standing behind the counter.

Wang Mingyang put down a few books, waited for the pretty girl to complete the borrowing procedures for him, and thanked the girl.

But he didn't notice the other party's hesitant look, picked up a few books and stuffed them into his bag, turned around and walked out the door.

"Huh, this stinky guy, it seems that he really doesn't remember me. When I go back, I'll ask my mother to raise your rent!" The pretty girl stamped her feet in shame and anger, expressing her deep dissatisfaction with Wang Mingyang's behavior.

Without noticing the strangeness of the pretty girl, Wang Mingyang's mind was full of space, lines, two-dimensional, three-dimensional and other contents.

S-level space cutting is undoubtedly an extremely powerful attack ability.

If it can be fully extracted before the end of the world, he will be a king bomb.

He has seen this ability in a seventh-level master. He only needs to wave his hand lightly, and a crescent-shaped space gap will pass in front of him.

Everything he passes will be cut and swallowed, and no steel blade can resist it. It is extremely powerful.

In the early stage of the end of the world, this attack ability can easily kill zombies, as long as the space blade is controlled well and does not cut the crystal core.

The powerlessness in the previous life made Wang Mingyang even more coveted it.

He looked around, found the subway entrance and ran in quickly.

After a short wait, he got on the subway, found a corner to lean quietly, and continued to read with a book in his hand.

The carriage was crowded with people, and most of them were holding their mobile phones and flipping through books. There was no one like Wang Mingyang who was reading books, which attracted people around him to look at him frequently.

More than 20 minutes later, the subway finally arrived at the station. Wang Mingyang breathed a sigh of relief, closed the book and walked out.

[Space Cutting Ability: 9/10, Bonus Reading Value 100 Points. ]

Finally, after repeatedly pondering the mystery of the dimensional space, he extracted another fragment.

Only one step away from extracting the space cutting ability.

But Wang Mingyang had a vague feeling that this step tonight might not be so easy for him to take...

While thinking about the content of the book, he walked towards the rental house and walked to a village in the city.

The rumbling sound in his stomach became more and more frequent. Wang Mingyang ran to a night market stall, ordered a plate of fried rice, and grilled a few skewers of barbecue.

With the bright lights of the night market, Wang Mingyang kept flipping through books, but this time he opened "A Brief History of Time".

This book by Mr. Huo contains more knowledge. I have read "Dimension Space" several times, but I always get stuck at the last link.

Wang Mingyang simply changed his mind and started reading Mr. Huo's "A Brief History of Time", hoping to gain something.

But this book has more than 100,000 words, and Wang Mingyang is ready to stay up late tonight.

After all, there are only fourteen hours left, and it is good to extract one more superpower.

While eating barbecue and fried rice, he flipped through the book.

At this moment, Wang Mingyang is a complete nerd in the eyes of others.

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