After collecting the two museums near the Federal White Palace, Wang Mingyang was about to take Xiao Huanyan to the pentagonal building on the other side of the river.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the northwest, and a beam of light pierced the sky, illuminating the dark sky.

"Let's go!"

Wang Mingyang's eyes lit up, and he grabbed Xiao Huanyan's hand and teleported directly.

The two of them quickly appeared on a tall building.

In a ruin two hundred meters away, three huge deep-sea squids were frantically beating the surrounding buildings.

Between those buildings, a group of federal psychics wearing ancient knight armor, holding swords, spears, swords and axes in their hands, dodging the attacks in a panic.

There were already many fragmented corpses lying around, obviously tortured by these three mutant sea beasts.

A huge meat ball, with four meat wings stretched out, slowly rose between the beams.

"Fifth-order ancient angel..."

Wang Mingyang murmured.

After experiencing so many ancient angels, he can now basically be sure.

A parasitic ancient angel with a pair of wings, with a strength of about level 4 or below.

Generally, it will be born from a believer or zombie below level 2.

If there are two pairs, the strength will be increased to level 5 or above.

Born from a parasite with level 3 strength.

In other words, after the parasitic ancient angel breaks out of the body, its strength will be two levels lower than that of the host.

And it will have the abilities that the host itself has.

However, like Che Su and Sun Jian at the beginning, there is only one born from the fusion of two superpowers.


The huge eyes of the level 5 ancient angel suddenly opened, and a purifying light instantly shot towards one of the mutant squids.

The mutant squid reacted quickly, and when the ancient angel flew up, the longest eight tentacles gathered together.

The surrounding water elements gathered rapidly, and a huge water ball condensed at the tip of its tentacles.

A compressed water line shot out and met the purifying light.

The power of light and flame collided with the power of water element in mid-air, and the two forces were rapidly consumed.

Suddenly, a cloud of water mist was stirred up and quickly spread.

This mutant squid has obviously reached the fifth level.

Otherwise, it can't resist the attack of the ancient angel.

"Defend the glory of my Lord!"


A third-level knight suddenly shouted slogans and stood up from the ruins.

With flames burning all over his body, he rushed towards one of the mutant squids regardless of anything.

The thick tentacles slapped down in the air, and between the explosions of flames, the third-level knight had turned into a pool of meat.

But the next moment, the pool of meat suddenly twisted and squirmed.

In the solemn eyes of the knights, it quickly condensed into a meat ball.

Two pairs of meat wings quickly unfolded, and blazing beams of light shot up into the sky.

Another fifth-level ancient angel was born.


The three mutant squids roared angrily.

One of them pointed the two short tentacles at the newly born ancient angel.

A dark green water ball appeared between the two tentacles.

Then it shot towards the sky above the ancient angel and exploded.

The dark green venom covering a radius of 200 meters was covered.

Wanted to quickly solve it.

"Poison system, it has no effect..."

Wang Mingyang looked at the two ancient angels with eager eyes.

This is a reading value of 200,000!

The ancient angel itself has the two attributes of light and fire.

It also absorbed the fire ability of the third-level knight.

Even the venom of the fifth-level mutant squid could not cause any harm to it.

Sure enough, the next moment the eyes of the ancient angel suddenly opened.

The blazing white flames burst around.

All the venom covered was burned out.

"Follow the messenger of God, kill!"

A fourth-level knight with a huge cross tattooed on his chest raised his knight's lance and roared loudly.

The remaining twenty or so knights around shouted in unison, exerting various supernatural powers and rushing towards the three mutant squids.

Two fifth-order ancient angels flickered their wings, and their eyes continuously emitted purifying beams.

However, these three mutant squids were all fifth-order existences.

The third one even cast a thick water shield to cover itself and its companions.

The huge body waved its tentacles to attack repeatedly, and with just one encounter, it knocked several knights who were advancing away.

A sound of broken bones and tendons came.

Those knights smashed into the ruins fiercely, and there was no sound anymore.

"Master, not every one of these knights is parasitized by the ancient angels."

Xiao Huanyan raised her eyebrows slightly and expressed her judgment.

"Indeed, what the requirements for the ancient angels to parasitize are still unknown..."

Wang Mingyang glanced at the many knights' corpses on the ground and nodded slightly.

More than a dozen people in this group of federal knights have died.

But there are only two ancient angels born.

Obviously, only a very small part of them are parasitized by the ancient angels.

Flames, venom, and water lines flew in the field.

Two fifth-order ancient angels, facing a giant like the mutant squid, did not gain much advantage for a while.

Even if they were injured by the purifying light, the injured parts of the three mutant squids would heal quickly after a few minutes.

However, the water shield covering the main body of the mutant squid would be correspondingly thinner.

"That big squid is pretty good, it actually has the ability of water treatment and protection."

Xiao Huanyan pointed at the slightly smaller mutant squid and smiled.

It had been several minutes since the two ancient angels were born.

The situation had been deadlocked.

The biggest contributor was the third mutant squid, which provided treatment and protection for himself and his companions.

Among the group of federal knights, there was only one fourth-level one.

The others were only third-level.

"The easiest to awaken healing abilities are wood and light, but water will also appear, the effect is slightly worse."

Wang Mingyang didn't find it strange, most healing psychics are wood and light.

Water also occasionally appears, and the healing ability is inferior to the defense ability.

"Master, should we do it secretly and capture one or two knights to ask."

Xiao Huanyan whispered.

This group of federal psychics is a bit strange, they can actually cooperate with the ancient angels.

It must be related to the purpose of their trip.

Thinking of this, Xiao Huanyan was a little excited, which meant that it was time for her to play a role.

"Okay, let's see if there will be any changes to the fourth-level knight."

"If not, I will get rid of him."

Wang Mingyang nodded, Xiao Huanyan's suggestion coincided with his idea.

The fourth-level knight was obviously the leader.

Catching a leader will definitely give more information than catching a soldier.

The two of them were secretly discussing here, and changes occurred again in the field.

The water shield that had been covering the water and poison mutant squids finally dispersed under the continuous attacks of the two ancient angels.

The three mutant squids, seeing the bad situation, suddenly burst out with energy all over their bodies.

The water mist that filled the surroundings quickly condensed and turned into a huge wave covering hundreds of meters in radius, rushing towards the river one kilometer away.

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