The densely packed ancient angels soared into the sky, causing the Templar Knights below to cheer.

The purification beams emitted by the ancient angels completely enveloped Wang Mingyang.

Many people thought that the invader would probably die without leaving any trace.

They had seen the power of this purification beam with their own eyes.

Many huge mutant sea beasts would quickly turn into ashes after being hit by such a beam.

Even if the invader could fly and hide, he would definitely not be able to escape if he was covered by dense beams.

The wounded Templar Knights could not help but look forward to the celebration party.

Only a few fourth-level strongmen were still staring at the sky with frowns.

"Fiery Sun Golden Wheel!"

Wang Mingyang shouted softly, and nine scorching suns suddenly appeared behind him.

Three-legged golden crows flew out of the scorching sun golden wheel and pounced on the ancient angels that soared into the sky below.

The dense purification beams rushed towards him, but Wang Mingyang did not move.

Space ripples appeared under his feet, and those purification beams were like a stone sinking into the sea.

They blasted into the void and there was no movement.


"Damn it! How is this possible?!"

"Fuck! Where did this guy come from? Even the sixth-level God Envoy can't hurt him?"

"I really saw the undead. What kind of superpower does he have? Thunder, fire, and now this is a space superpower?"

"It must be a space superpower. I seemed to see him teleport just now..."

"Oh my God! Is this guy cheating?!"

Seeing that the dense purification beams couldn't do anything to Wang Mingyang, the Templar Knights below couldn't help but drop their jaws.

They burst out with swear words.

With their knowledge, they couldn't understand this scene at all.

Even a sixth-level sea beast would be defeated when facing two or three fifth-level God Envoys.

How did this person do it...

In mid-air, Joseph's pupils shrank sharply. He knew why he was much more powerful than ordinary superpowers.

But why is this oriental youth in front of him stronger than he imagined?

Joseph felt that his CPU had burned out.

"Could it be that he is also..."

"Impossible, even if it is the same... he can't be stronger than me!"

Joseph murmured in disbelief, and finally a trace of fear appeared on his face.

Since awakening his superpowers, he has never been injured so badly.

Under the treatment of light healing, the wound under his armpit has almost recovered.

But the missing half of his arm can't grow back.

At this moment, he actually felt a trace of fear in his heart.

This is the fear of unknown power.

The fear of death...

Each Fiery Sun Golden Wheel released nine three-legged golden crows.

A total of eighty-one three-legged golden crows pounced on the ancient angels below the fifth level.

Only five sixth-level ancient angels, together with the remaining thirty or so ancient angels, dispersed and continued to approach Wang Mingyang.

Wang Mingyang waved his hand to send out thunder light all over the sky, condensing into nine thunder dragons, and continued to pounce downwards.

As soon as he stepped on the ground, fifty times the gravity pressed down instantly.

A group of ancient angels fell from the sky as if struck by lightning.

Dense three-legged golden crows pounced on the target, and their sharp claws and beaks launched a swift attack.


A series of soul sounds rang out, and dense balls of light bloomed in the air.

One by one, the ancient angels frantically bloomed the light of purification, trying to annihilate these three-legged golden crows.

However, the level of the sun's golden flame condensed into the three-legged golden crow was originally very high.

Coupled with Wang Mingyang's power blessing, it is not so easy to annihilate.

The purifying light instead triggered a violent explosion of the three-legged golden crow.

The extremely high temperature of the sun's golden flame quickly burned the ancient angels one by one.

[Killing a parasitic ancient angel, the reward reading value is 100,000 points. ]

[Killing a parasitic ancient angel, the reward reading value is 100,000 points. ]

[Killing a parasitic ancient angel, the reward reading value is 100,000 points. 】

Wang Mingyang didn't have time to read the system prompt.

I only know that the reading value is a lot...

Eighty-one three-legged golden crows killed eighty-one parasitic ancient angels.

Counting the more than twenty newly born ancient angels killed before.

There are more than one hundred parasitic ancient angels.

Wang Mingyang only needs to make a rough estimate, plus the reading value that has reached more than two million points before.

His current reading value is close to thirteen million points.

Look at the more than thirty ancient angels entangled with the nine thunder dragons below.

And the five sixth-level ancient angels, Wang Mingyang's mouth is almost grinning to the roots of his ears.

What Baidi, how can it be as good as these parasitic ancient angels!

The key is to get these reading values ​​first.

However, five sixth-level ancient angels are still a little bit of pressure for him.

With a thought, dense space cuts suddenly appeared beside those sixth-level ancient angels.

However, after all, it has risen to the sixth level.

These ancient angels actually released thick light shields at the same time.

They blocked the space cutting.

Even if ordinary fifth-level ancient angels released light shields, they could not resist such dense space cutting.

But the energy density of the sixth-level ancient angels is not much less than that of Wang Mingyang.

In addition, the light shields released instinctively far exceeded the defense strength of the superpowers.

Even the space-cutting thread can't cut it in one blow.

When you reach a certain level of strength, the collision of energy sometimes does not depend entirely on the attributes.

Otherwise, a ninth-level space-system strongman would be invincible.

Among the peak strongmen in the previous life, there was only one space-system king.

In the final analysis, space-system abilities also need energy to release.

If the energy generated by space cutting and tearing the space is less dense than the density of other abilities.

This will happen, and the space-cutting thread cannot break the light shield of the ancient angel.

Of course, this is also the reason why Wang Mingyang did not use his full strength.

Instead, he wanted to eat these five ancient angels in one breath.

The attack was somewhat scattered, allowing these ancient angels to survive.

But next, Wang Mingyang will not give them another chance.

A space-cutting blade condensed in his hand, teleported, and directly flashed past one of the sixth-level ancient angels.

A real man does not look back, Wang Mingyang rushed directly to another ancient angel.

And the ancient angel that he flashed past stood in mid-air.

The whole big eyeball began to crack and fell to the ground.

Before it hit the ground, it had already turned into bursts of white smoke and dissipated in the air.

[Kill the parasitic ancient angel and get a reading value of 200,000 points. ]

"Wow, the reading value of the sixth-level ancient angel has doubled!"

Wang Mingyang laughed, this is really an unexpected gain.

I didn't expect that the reading value of the sixth-level ancient angel would be so high.

However, this is reasonable.

The difference in strength between those below the fifth level and those above the sixth level is huge.

If it were someone else, they would probably not be able to escape, let alone kill them.

Joseph was shocked beyond words at this moment.

Even he could only control the sixth-level ancient angel to a certain extent.

Otherwise, he would not have let Orlando take four fifth-level ancient angels out before.

But now, these extremely powerful ancient angels.

They were actually killed by the opponent with a casual blow.

Joseph's mind raced, frantically thinking about how to deal with it.

However, no matter how he thought.

In the end, he realized that he was powerless to stop the man in front of him with his own means.

And below, the suspicious and desperate eyes of the Templars.

Joseph's face became uncertain.

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