A few days later, inside an office building.

At some point, Levi and Walter had gathered together.

He was quietly holding a telescope and looking out through the window.

"Levi, why don't we go there?"

Walter lowered his voice and looked at Levi with some confusion.

"Wait a minute..."

Levi pulled the curtains and said calmly.

"What are you waiting for? I think most of the Knights are back."

Walter frowned, they had been here for several hours.

It's already three o'clock in the afternoon.

During this period, many of the knights' supernatural beings were gradually discovered to have returned.

But Levi has been reluctant to show up.

"Why are you so anxious? That oriental man never showed up..."

"It doesn't matter if I wait another day!"

Levi didn't care whether Walter was in a hurry or not, in his heart, the oriental man was the biggest threat.

If he rashly returns to the temple, who knows if there will be justice from heaven again.

Therefore, to be cautious, he would rather wait a little longer.

"Well, it's been a week. It shouldn't happen again, right?"

Walter scratched his head. In this week, the Templars were actually all over the Federal District.

Some people even went to other cities or towns.

They all returned one after another today.

If that man really showed up, with the movements of these Templars, it would be impossible for so many people to come back.

"You heard me right, Walter, go find Orlando later."

Rivera closed the curtains, walked to the sofa and sat down.

He had probably guessed where Orlando would be hiding.

However, facing Wang Mingyang's threat, he did not dare to look for it easily.

Regardless of whether there would be an accident today, Levi decided to take advantage of the night to look for Orlando.

Why did that man attack the temple.

He has been puzzled these days.

I'm afraid only Joseph and Orlando can give him the answer.

"Okay, your brain is easier to use. I'll listen to you."

Walter shrugged and sat down aside.

There are more than thirty Templar Knights in this office area.

They are both their most capable subordinates and the most elite among the Templars.

All third-level superpowers.

In the monastery, a group of knight captains in casual clothes gathered together.

"Captain Avilon, how come Captain Levi and Captain Walter never show up?"

"They won't have any accidents, right?"

A bearded man with a worried face looked at the knight in his thirties among the crowd.

"I don't know either. They were the last two teams to evacuate at that time."

Avilon shook his head, his eyes full of doubts.

There are more than 13,000 knights who returned to the temple base today.

His own subordinate knights have basically returned.

Including those belonging to Levi and Walter, they all returned a lot.

But they were never seen.

"Would they... abandon His Majesty Joseph and lead the team to other places?"

Someone said tentatively.

"Impossible! Captain Levi is a friend of Knight Commander Orlando, and his faith is extremely firm. How could he leave him and run away?"

"Don't say such things. Walter is honest and honest, and he was saved by His Majesty Joseph. There is no way he can run away."

Before he finished speaking, someone immediately raised his voice to object.

Levi and Walter have high status among the Templars.

The authority is also second only to Orlando.

Because of Orlando's relationship, the status of the two of them is even higher than that of other group leaders at the same level.

Under Orlando, they are also the strongest.

He is known as the Templar Knight who has been promoted to the fifth level the fastest after Orlando.

"Well, maybe they are delayed by something."

"Everyone, please disperse first and appease your subordinates."

Avilon waved his hand, stood up and walked out.

The temple base had been bombed before, and now there were ruins everywhere.

No one can live here anymore, but among the ruins, there are still various materials collected through hard work.

There are more than 10,000 mouths waiting to be eaten, and they must be sorted out as soon as possible.

"Master, there are many people back!"

In the void, Xiao Huanyan looked at the busy Templar knights below and chuckled.

"Well, more than thirteen thousand, and there are many people coming from afar."

Without mental scanning, Wang Mingyang could see figures appearing from time to time between buildings a few kilometers away.

Occasionally, nearby zombies will be attracted, and some battles will break out.

"I just don't know if the priest has come back..."

Xiao Huanyan looked curious. Wang Mingyang did not elaborate on the original battle.

In fact, he didn't know whether Bai Di was dead or not.

The angelic light and shadow that appeared from Bai Di's body was killed by him.

But what appeared in the spiritual world was the spiritual body of a seraph.

Wang Mingyang didn't know whether that was the White Emperor or not.

Moreover, Bai Di's physical body was taken away and could not be found at all.

"I guess he won't be able to come back for the time being."

Wang Mingyang shook his head, even though the escaped true spirit was Bai Di.

It will definitely not be possible to recover in a short period of time.

It would be impossible to reappear in just one week.

"Then, let's do it now?"

"Wait a minute, they don't have enough people yet."

Wang Mingyang stretched and sat down, taking out a book and flipping through it out of habit.

Although the system is currently being upgraded, it is impossible to gain reading points.

But it is also good to gain more knowledge.


After a few hours, night is about to fall.

At this time, there are about 17,000 Templar Knights gathered in the Temple Base.

Trucks loaded with supplies parked in a tidy square.

Many people took food and started eating.

After a while, they will take these supplies to another university two kilometers away.

Levi and Walter have not appeared, and Joseph and Orlando are nowhere to be seen.

The leaders of the major knights gathered together, feeling extremely anxious.

"What happened? Levi and Walter have not come yet."

"They won't really be in trouble!"

"His Majesty Joseph and Knight Commander Orlando are also missing. It's really worrying."

"What should we do? Should we arrange some people to guard here?"

Everyone was talking about it, and they were in a bad mood.

The entire Templar Order can be considered to be maintained by Joseph alone.

Now the most important senior officials have been showing up.

The Templar Order will definitely fall apart.

More than 20 people present are all fourth-level beings, and six or seven of them are at the peak of the fourth level.

No one is convinced by each other.

Before, Avilon could still maintain the situation with his qualifications.

But his strength is simply not enough to carry the banner.

"Don't talk about it, they may be delayed by something."

"Let's go to that university to stay temporarily according to the plan, and wait and see!"

Avilon sighed lightly, stood up and said.

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and waiting here all the time was not a solution.

For now, let's settle everyone down first.

The knights stood up, greeted them and walked to the square.

However, a thunder exploded, which scared them immediately.

Looking up at the sky, everyone's face suddenly became as ugly as if they had eaten shit.

Avilon looked at the familiar thunder ball and wailed.

"Lord! Why is it coming again..."

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