Seeing Wang Mingyang jump up, the steel plate suddenly bent, and Zhang Biao and Song Jing's bodies shook violently.

Lu Ming and Li Haoyan, who were still a little cautious at first, were a little dumbfounded when they saw this.

Unexpectedly, Wang Mingyang was still seven or eight meters away from the edge of the rooftop, so he jumped directly over.

Several people on the rooftop suddenly exclaimed, and the sound attracted the zombies rushing downstairs, who all looked up.

The next moment, part of the corpse group split off and rushed directly upstairs.

"The zombies are coming! The zombies are coming!"

"What should I do! Those zombies are too scary!"

"Block the door! Hurry!"

Several college students screamed in surprise, and Ding Cheng and others hurriedly found something to block the door.

Lu Ming was still standing on the edge of the rooftop, staring at the opposite side.

Wang Mingyang landed firmly on the rooftop opposite, turned around and frowned at the two people squatting on the steel plate and shaking left and right.

"Don't care about them?" Mu Ningxue asked calmly.

"I don't care about people, but the iron plates have to be taken away. They will be needed in the next few buildings."

"Uh... those two people won't fall down!" Su Yu was stunned.

"Humph! What does that have to do with me?"

Wang Mingyang said disdainfully, folding his hands and looking at the opposite side at leisure.

"Zhang Biao, Song Jing, come back quickly! That steel plate can't hold it up!"

Ding Cheng put down a cement board, stood up and turned around, seeing the two people still standing on it, he couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Yes! Yes! Come back quickly, don't fall!" The other people shouted after hearing this.

The two people on the steel plate were also riding a tiger and couldn't get off. Song Jing, who was at the back end, looked back tremblingly and couldn't help but whisper:

"Zhang Biao, let's go back! This steel plate is going to fall."

"Okay, withdraw slowly..." Zhang Biao was also frightened at this time, and the dense zombies under his feet made him even more frightened.

The two moved their steps and turned around slowly.

"Lu Ming, please help them quickly!"

Ding Cheng saw the two of them turned around, but Lu Ming was still standing aside, and shouted hurriedly.

Seeing this situation, Lu Ming sighed secretly and had no choice but to step forward to help.

But the zombies downstairs kept roaring and charging into the building.

When Song Jing lowered his head and moved, he saw this scene, and his hands and feet trembled with fright, and the steel plate suddenly swayed to the left.

The two of them screamed, and Song Jing fell down. The screams resounded throughout the teaching area, and with a muffled sound, a group of corpses swarmed up from downstairs.

"Uh, he... fell."

On the rooftop opposite, Mu Ningxue screamed in surprise and watched helplessly as the boy opposite fell downstairs.

The other boy was also unstable and fell down.

"Ah! Help me quickly! Lu Ming, help me quickly!" Zhang Biao grabbed the edge of the steel plate dangerously, and his whole body hung on the steel plate.

Lu Ming was also startled and subconsciously reached out his hand.

But Zhang Biao was still some distance away from the edge of the rooftop. Even if Lu Ming stretched out his hand, he still couldn't reach him.

"Hold on! Hold my hand!"

Ding Cheng, who was blocking the door, saw this and rushed over. The other people blocked the door with objects while looking back.

But no matter how Ding Cheng stretched out his hand, he still couldn't touch Zhang Biao's palm.

This steel plate was shaped by Wang Mingyang through his superpower, and its surface is very smooth.

Zhang Biao's fingers had already begun to sweat, and the muffled sound of Song Jing's fall made him feel terrified.

The next moment, in Zhang Biao's desperate eyes, his fingers slowly slid.

The steel plate suddenly bounced up, Zhang Biao let out a miserable howl, and his body fell straight down.


The group of zombies below was excited, and blood suddenly spattered. Zhang Biao was instantly submerged under the zombies.

"Why! Why!"

Ding Cheng stretched out his hand helplessly downwards. Although Zhang Biao was not his classmate, he was very familiar with him after getting along with him for several days.

Song Jing is his classmate who has been with him for two years, and they usually have a good relationship with him.

But these two people, who had not died in the hands of zombies before, now fell before his eyes, and were even eaten by zombies at this moment.

Death without a burial place!

Ding Cheng slowly raised his head and looked at the expressionless man with his hands on the rooftop opposite.

"You are obviously capable of saving us, why are you so cold-blooded and ruthless!" Ding Cheng roared, his eyes turning red.

"I have already said that in the end of the world, the only way for people to save themselves is to save themselves!"

Wang Mingyang stretched out his right hand and slowly raised it.

The huge steel plate slowly floated up and floated straight to the rooftop where Wang Mingyang was.

"If you just want to rely on others to survive, then I suggest you commit suicide as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will find that falling directly from the stairs is a very good way to die."

"Also, you'd better not offend me again...otherwise, I will take action directly next time!"

Wang Mingyang glanced at Lu Ming sharply, then turned around calmly, controlling the steel plate and walking towards the rooftop on the other side.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue glanced at the college students opposite with complicated eyes, then turned and followed Wang Mingyang.

Lu Ming's face suddenly turned pale, and Wang Mingyang's eyes full of murderous intent and warning really scared him.

Obviously, Wang Mingyang had already noticed his little move just now.

If you do it next time, you will definitely die!

Ding Cheng looked at the backs of the three of them and disappeared around the corner.

An unexplainable feeling of frustration arose spontaneously, and the excited roars of the zombies below could be heard.

Ding Cheng was so angry that his blood seemed to boil, and he punched the rooftop guardrail.

A strong force hit his fist, and a corner of the solid concrete fence was smashed open.

This punch seemed to release the frustration and anger in Ding Cheng's heart.

"Ding Cheng, you..."

Lu Ming, who was beside him, had a look of horror on his face, staring blankly at the smoke-filled fence.

After venting his emotions, Ding Cheng gradually calmed down and couldn't help but look at his fist.

A touch of gray metallic luster spread from the fist to the arm, and it seemed that the gray color was still spreading to other parts of the body.

Ding Cheng felt a powerful feeling all over his body. A large gap appeared in the fence near his fist, but his fist was unscathed and he didn't even feel any pain.

It all felt a bit unreal to him.

"I...what's wrong?"

A strong feeling of hunger came over him, and Ding Cheng felt that he could eat a cow at this moment!

"Have you... awakened any supernatural powers?"

Lu Ming stepped forward, grabbed Ding Cheng's fist, and looked left and right with envy on his face.

"I don't know, I just feel full of strength, but also feel super hungry!"

Ding Cheng murmured to himself and looked at Lu Ming in confusion.

"How about... you try punching me again?"

"Uh... ok."

Ding Cheng was stunned for a moment, then looked at the cement guardrail, took a deep breath, and raised his fist to hit the guardrail again.


There was another muffled sound, broken pieces flew, and a gap was opened in the strong guardrail again.

"Wow! You really have awakened your powers!"

The two of them stared at the two gaps with their mouths open, and then jumped with excitement.

Ding Cheng suddenly jumped two meters high, screamed in mid-air, and staggered to the ground.

"It's true! I can actually jump so high!" Ding Cheng shouted excitedly.

"Damn it, I didn't expect you to have awakened your powers! It seems that man is not the only one who has awakened his powers!"

Lu Ming was also very excited. Ding Cheng's awakening showed that he also had a chance.

As long as he can awaken his powers, his chances of survival will be higher!

He has read all the apocalyptic movies, TV series and novels. People who can awaken special abilities will definitely be the protagonists in the future!

"Ding Cheng, what's wrong with you! If nothing happens, come and help! The zombies are coming!"

Zhang Yan stacked the bricks in her hand in front of the door. When she turned around and saw Ding Cheng and Ding Cheng still chatting excitedly, she couldn't help but yell.

Regarding the deaths of Song Jing and Zhang Biao, these people seemed not to care at all when their own safety was threatened.

"Come on, come on!"

Lu Ming turned around and responded, patted Ding Cheng on the shoulder, turned and left.

Ding Cheng clenched his fists and looked downstairs sadly.

If he had awakened his powers earlier, these two people might not have died.

But now it's all to no avail. Ding Cheng can only secretly make up his mind to protect the remaining people...

His stomach growled, and a strong sense of hunger brought him back to reality. The metallic luster on his skin quickly faded.

Ding Cheng grimaced, rubbed his stomach and turned back to everyone. The scene of his awakening just now was only seen by Lu Ming for the time being, and he had no intention of spreading it widely.

The zombies had already rushed to the iron door and violently hit the door leading to the rooftop.

The seven college students worked together to hold the door tightly, not daring to relax at all.

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