A plane slowly landed on the square of the Yunding base.

A soldier in military uniform immediately jumped off the plane.

"Hello, comrade, I am Zhan Yuanlong from the Kyoto Guard Regiment."

"I am ordered by the Dragon Lord to meet Chief Wang Mingyang for something."

Zhan Yuanlong saluted and said to Rong Lan who came to meet him.

"Uh, Brother Wang is not at the base at the moment!"

Rong Lan said a little embarrassedly.

"Huh? Where did he go?"

Zhan Yuanlong was stunned. He hurried over, but Wang Mingyang was not there.

"This, I can't disclose."

"However, I can inform Sister Xue that she is currently in charge of the base, and you can tell her if you have anything."

Rong Lan shook her head and said immediately.

"This... well, let's meet her first!"

Zhan Yuanlong pondered for a moment and nodded helplessly.

The information of the main characters of the Yunding base has long been placed in front of the No. 1 chief.

As a captain of the guard regiment, Zhan Yuanlong is already familiar with this.

It is clear that Mu Ningxue has a high status and weight in Yunding Base.

"Fei Fei, go find Sister Xue."

"Comrade Colonel, please follow me."

Rong Lan smiled slightly, turned around and led the way.

Fang Fei flapped her wings and flew towards the Yunding defense line.

Half an hour later, in the Yunding Base Villa.

Mu Ningxue took Fang Fei to the living room.

"Sister Xue, this is Colonel Zhan Yuanlong of the Kyoto Guard Corps."

Rong Lan saw the two people coming in and hurriedly stood up to introduce them.

"Hello, I am Mu Ningxue."

"Welcome to Yunding."

Mu Ningxue nodded and extended her hand politely.

"Hello, Miss Mu."

Zhan Yuanlong saluted and then extended his hand to shake it lightly.

"I wonder what the old man, the Dragon Lord, wants to talk to Mingyang about?"

After the greetings, Mu Ningxue sat down opposite Zhan Yuanlong and asked curiously.

Everyone knows that Wang Mingyang has met with the top leaders of Kyoto.

But there was no contact at ordinary times, Mu Ningxue was very curious, why would someone from the guard regiment suddenly come with an order.


Zhan Yuanlong hesitated for a moment, and looked at Rong Lan and Fang Fei standing next to Mu Ningxue.

Realizing Zhan Yuanlong's intention, Rong Lan and Fang Fei looked at each other, and moved their bodies to prepare to leave.

Mu Ningxue smiled dumbly, raised her hand to stop them, and then looked at Zhan Yuanlong and said seriously:

"They are all Mingyang's most trusted people!"

"You can say it."

Zhan Yuanlong heard the words, and then saw the determination in Mu Ningxue's eyes.

Then nodded and said: "The meteorite gold provided by Chief Wang before has been made into a satellite, and the propulsion device with crystal core as energy has also been developed."

"Chief Hao Weihua specifically asked in front of the Dragon Lord that he wanted to invite Chief Wang to watch the launch."

The first thing Zhan Yuanlong said was the matter of the satellite launch.

Mu Ningxue heard the words, and her eyes lit up immediately.

This is a good thing, if the meteorite satellite is really launched successfully.

Not to mention restoring all communications, at least the connections between military regions will be closer.

"This is a good thing. I wonder when the launch time is?"

Mu Ningxue nodded with a smile.

"It will take some time to debug, and the time is set in half a month."

"Half a month... Mingyang should be back."

Mu Ningxue estimated that Wang Mingyang had been out for more than 20 days.

The information sent back before, although it needs to stay for a while, it is almost time to come back.

"That's the best."

"In addition, some changes have occurred in the Death Sea Desert in the Western Region."

"Ye Ying, the leader of the Hidden Dragon Guard, led the team to explore and encountered extremely complicated situations."

"He sent back a message, asking the Dragon Lord to come forward and invite Chief Wang to assist."

Zhan Yuanlong continued, his expression a little serious.

This matter is actually the real purpose of his coming.

Ye Ying is the most powerful existence in Kyoto, and even he needs Wang Mingyang's assistance.

It is conceivable how serious the danger he encountered in the Sea of ​​Death was.

"Ye Ying is a fifth-level existence, can't even he handle it?"

Mu Ningxue frowned slightly. She had also heard the name of the Hidden Dragon Guard Ye Ying from Wang Mingyang.

And Wang Mingyang's evaluation of his strength was extremely high.

"I don't know the specific details. I'm afraid I need to see the Dragon Lord to know."

Zhan Yuanlong shook his head. The guard group is responsible for protecting the Dragon Lord and other important leaders.

Generally, these specific inside stories are not involved.

So, he was just following orders and came to invite Wang Mingyang.

However, just an invitation sent Zhan Yuanlong, the captain of a brigade of the guard group.

It shows that things are not that simple.

"Is the message from the leader of Ye Ying very urgent?"

Mu Ningxue was a little disappointed, but continued to ask.

"It's urgent. To be honest, at least 20 fourth-level warriors from the Western Theater have been trapped."

"Miss Mu, if you have a way to contact Chief Wang, please take care of it."

Zhan Yuanlong sighed slightly and said with a hint of pleading.

The Sea of ​​Death changed. At first, the warriors of the Western Region Military District were dispatched.

However, with the sacrifice of several fourth-level warriors.

The Western Region Military District had to ask for help from the Western Theater.

As a result, the strong men sent by the Western Theater were also trapped in it.

In the end, they had no choice but to report the situation to Kyoto and dispatch the Hidden Dragon Guard.

Fortunately, the pressure from the zombies and sea beasts was no longer that great.

Otherwise, the changes in the Sea of ​​Death would not have allowed Ye Ying to go out no matter what.

Unexpectedly, they were also trapped in the desert.

There were more than 30 fourth-level strong men who entered the Death Desert.

There were even two fifth-level strong men including Ye Ying.

It was not until this morning that information was sent back to Kyoto.

More than 10 of the more than 30 fourth-level strong men had fallen.

If Ye Ying had not arrived in time, I am afraid that more people would have died.

Even so, they had no way to escape from it for the time being.

They could only find a safer place and pass the information out.

These situations caused an uproar in the Military Commission, and the Dragon Lord immediately decided to let Zhan Yuanlong come over to invite Wang Mingyang.

In their minds, Wang Mingyang is a stronger existence than Ye Ying.

After hearing this, Mu Ningxue frowned.

So many strong men were trapped in that desert, and the danger contained in it was self-evident.

"What exactly did they encounter?"

Mu Ningxue looked up at Zhan Yuanlong and asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know. The message sent back was actually just five words."

"Please ask Wang Mingyang..."

Zhan Yuanlong smiled bitterly and then explained the reason.

One of the fourth-level strong men who entered the Sea of ​​Death had some ability to leave a clone.

He left a phantom in the Sea of ​​Death in advance.

However, after saying these five words, the phantom disappeared directly.

I don't know if it's the ability or the body has been destroyed.

"I'm contacting Mingyang now, but... it may take two days to get a reply."

Mu Ningxue hesitated for a moment and said directly.

"Two days..."

Zhan Yuanlong showed a look of disappointment on his face.

Two days is too long, and no one knows what changes will happen in the middle.

"To be honest, Mingyang is not in China now."

"Two days is the fastest time for information to be transmitted back at present."

Mu Ningxue took out a wooden pigeon and explained.

However, before she could crush it, an illusory pigeon suddenly appeared in front of her.

This made Mu Ningxue stunned, and she looked at the pigeon in her hand in confusion.

I haven't even crushed it yet, why did you appear by yourself?

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