"I have already summoned Leibao, and it will be carried out in an orderly manner starting tomorrow."

Wang Mingyang chuckled and said that this batch of orders did exceed their expectations.

What's more, there are two reckless guys who dare to place an order for a total of 6,000 fourth-level sea beasts.

Mu Ningxue would not give them any discounts on these two orders.

With two thousand fourth-order crystal nuclei, Genting will have at least a dozen more fifth-order ones.

No matter whether Shen Li and Zhao Tianji could hand it over or not, she was not going to let them go.

Thinking of this, Mu Ningxue actually hoped that they could take out the crystal core.

Killing two fifth-level ones is not as valuable as having more than a dozen fifth-level ones in Genting.

"Now that the sea monster tide is basically over, where can we find so many fourth-level sea monsters?"

Su Yu said worriedly.

Thinking that he had burned many fourth-level sea beasts with a single fire, Su Yu felt so annoyed that he wanted to punch himself.

"What are you afraid of? There must be many more from Instructor Mei Que, Mr. Tao and Mr. Qiu."

"Let's get in touch and arrange for someone to kill him directly!"

Mu Ningxue thought clearly and chuckled.

Anyway, except for Mei Que, none of them have space rings.

Many of the sea beasts that were killed were basically left behind except for a few that were taken away.

Either rot or be eaten by zombies.

A complete waste.

"Sister Xue is right, we can join forces with Instructor Mei Que to become bigger and stronger together!"

Su Yu laughed, threw himself on Mu Ningxue, and kissed her hard.

"Indeed, Mei Que didn't come this time. After we return, we will go to Fengcheng."

Wang Mingyang reckoned that he really should go and see how Mei Que was doing.

Mei Que's team is definitely not as strong as Genting at the moment.

Bringing Mei Que together to do the sea animal meat business will also help improve the strength of his subordinates.

Moreover, Wang Mingyang also had another place in mind.

The native land of Japan!

It was a place surrounded by the sea.

With the strength of the Japanese country, there is no way to clear out the tide of sea beasts.

Today, there must be plenty of sea beasts left.

However, Wang Mingyang was not so kind to help them solve their trouble.

The corpse ghost Zhang Che is a killer.

If you put it in the Japanese country...hehe!

Thinking of this, Wang Mingyang couldn't help but let out a sinister laugh.

"Hiss...Brother Mingyang, why do you smile so evilly!"

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue were playing around, and when they heard the sound, they turned their heads and saw the sinister smile on the corner of Wang Mingyang's mouth.

He couldn't help but complained in fear.

"Haha, little beauty, I'll let you know what evil is!"

Wang Mingyang jumped up and rushed over...

Early the next morning, Wang Mingyang and others said goodbye to Dragon Lord and returned to the airport.

Before leaving, I never saw Ye Ying.

The agreement to discuss things with him can only be postponed.

The reality disclosed yesterday shocked everyone.

Along the way, the people I met were relatively silent.

When the news spreads, I don’t know how many people will work hard and resist bravely.

How many people...will be willing to degenerate and look for a way to surrender?

When the Dragon Lord decided to reveal all this, he was already mentally prepared.

When facing foreign enemies, the scary thing is never how strong the opponent is.

But someone inside has different intentions!

These can only be known later.

When a group of people walked near their plane.

Hao Weihua has been waiting beside the Jingneng plane for a long time. .

"Mr. Hao, I will leave this aircraft to you for study."

"After that, I will arrange for the person in charge of Genting to contact you."

Wang Mingyang shook hands with Hao Weihua and chuckled.

"Haha, that's great. We will definitely work with the Yunding scientific research team as quickly as possible to upgrade it and mass-produce it as soon as possible!"

Hao Weihua smiled heartily, even though he said he wanted to sell the plane.

But he had already discussed it with Wang Mingyang in private.

Crystal energy weapons are the real research direction of the two major scientific research teams.

The Kyoto Shelter has been recruiting relevant weapons experts since the day before yesterday.

"Well, I look forward to your success."

Wang Mingyang nodded slightly, said hello, and led everyone to another plane.

The Jingneng aircraft remained, but Hao Weihua recruited another one for them.

The plane quickly took off and flew towards the top of the clouds.

An hour later, a plane passed by at low altitude in Shandong Province.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue looked down curiously, admiring the surrounding scenery and the strange mutant creatures.

Wang Mingyang held a book in his hand and rubbed his chin.

Today is the last day for system upgrade.

But when it was upgraded, it was already 7 or 8 o'clock at night.

It is estimated that the upgrade will be completed in about ten hours.

Wang Mingyang is looking forward to what new functions this system upgrade will bring.

At the same time, he also had some doubts in his heart.

Purple Eyes actually never contacted him.

Purple Eyes had said at the beginning that when Wang Mingyang came back from North America, he would give him a good thing.

"Isn't this guy just letting me go?"

Wang Mingyang muttered with some dissatisfaction.

"I've been waiting for you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a little purple light flashed in front of Wang Mingyang.

Purple Eyes' faint voice sounded, and he seemed to be a little tired.

"Zi Mou! You finally showed up."

Wang Mingyang put away the book and said with a smile.

I didn't expect that he would show up as soon as I complained.

It seems that if I want to see him in the future, I have to complain more...

"I'm in Henan Province, just follow the instructions!"

Zi Mou left a word, and the whole spiritual phantom turned into a purple light and merged into the back of Wang Mingyang's hand.


Wang Mingyang was stunned, looked down, and saw a purple mark similar to an arrow on the back of his hand.

As his palm moved, the mark actually kept pointing in one direction.

It didn't change because of the change in the position of his palm.

"Brother Mingyang, Zi Mou asked you to go find him?"

Su Yu said reluctantly.

Looking at Zi Mou's meaning, it must be that only Wang Mingyang was allowed to go.

This is going to be separated again.

"It shouldn't be a big deal, you go back to Yunding first, I'll be back soon."

Wang Mingyang pinched Su Yu's little face and comforted her.

"We also need to rush back to Yunding to prepare for the sea beast order."

"Be careful, don't be too stubborn..."

Mu Ningxue's eyes flashed, and she warned.

"I will, be careful on the road."

Wang Mingyang kissed the two girls, and his figure flashed, and he appeared directly in the air.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue opened the cabin door and looked out, waving at him.

Wang Mingyang put his hand down only after the plane disappeared.

He carefully identified the direction, opened the space portal directly, and stepped over.

After two consecutive extreme teleportations, Wang Mingyang has arrived in Shangdu, Henan Province.

"Shangdu...that Zhao Tianji, it seems to be here."

Wang Mingyang looked at the city below and murmured in a low voice.

He raised his hand to look at the back of his hand, and the mark of the purple eyes was still flashing in an orderly manner.

This means that he has not yet reached the designated location.

After identifying the direction, Wang Mingyang flew up on the metal skateboard.

Here, the next journey must not be too far.

Without a predetermined target, opening the portal is a complete waste of energy.

Following the direction indicated by the mark, after flying for more than ten minutes.

Wang Mingyang arrived at a deep and steep mountain forest.

The mark flashed faster and faster.

"Zi Mou, I'm there!"

Wang Mingyang shouted at the mark.

Zi Mou could accurately find the plane he was on even though it was more than 400 kilometers away.

He just couldn't believe it. He had already arrived at the end of the place, and Zi Mou couldn't find it?

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