"Biological laboratory?" The other three were stunned at the same time. This target was a bit out of the circle!

Wang Mingyang nodded affirmatively, his tone calm.

"Yes, it is the biological laboratory. Lai Gebao, you are studying here, do you know where this biological laboratory is?"

Wang Mingyang looked at Li Yuchan. There are many laboratories in Yunnan University, but he didn't know the specific location. He could only hope that Li Yuchan, who was studying here, could find out.

"This... I haven't noticed it. If you want to say who knows, it is probably only the teachers and students of the Department of Life Sciences."

"I know some information, but I don't know the specific location." Mu Ningxue thought for a while and said.

"It doesn't matter, tell me." Wang Mingyang looked surprised. How come this girl knows a little bit about everything.

"Yunnan University has many biological research laboratories, including paleontology, biodiversity, animal genetics, plants and other research departments. There are also many that cooperate with the outside world, and most of the laboratories are in other places."

Mu Ningxue stroked her hair at the temples, and seeing Wang Mingyang frowning, she continued: "I don't know what kind of research laboratory you are looking for, but the ones that are still in the main campus should be biological genes and animal genetics."

Wang Mingyang nodded: "That's about right, I need to verify some things."

"I don't know the specific location either. Find a guide sign and go directly to the School of Life Sciences. There must be survivors there. Just let them lead the way when the time comes." Mu Ningxue looked calm.

"I know the location of the School of Life Sciences. It's a bit far from here!" Li Yuchan raised his hand and said.

"Well, you know the location, that's great. Let's find a place to stay first, and then go there."

Wang Mingyang smiled slightly. Now it's the end of the seventh day of the apocalypse, and there is still enough time to do something.

"A place to stay? Do you just want to have a meal, or do you plan to stay for a few days?" Li Yuchan asked.

"Well, stay for a few days. There are still some things to deal with at Yunnan University."

"That's easy. Just find a teacher's apartment. It's spacious."

"Let's go directly to the School of Life Sciences and find the nearest dormitory building."

Wang Mingyang made the final decision. The other three didn't care and just followed his instructions.

The zombies outside the library had been cleared by Wang Mingyang and his three friends before, and some of them wandered over from other places one after another.

The four of them walked out of the library, and Wang Mingyang casually grabbed a handful of small metal balls from his pocket.

In Li Yuchan's stunned expression, he shaped nine flying swords like dough and handed them to him directly.

"Here, this is the control object for you. Tables, chairs and benches are not so easy to kill zombies."

Li Yuchan took the flying sword with a look of surprise. It was not so heavy. The flying sword made of titanium alloy was sharp and tough. The biggest advantage was that it was light.

This will save Li Yuchan a lot of mental power loss. His Taiyi Divine Mind is different from Wang Mingyang's metal control.

It is a pure mental power. When awakening the power, the physical enhancement is limited, but the mental power will increase significantly.

"Thank you, it is really practical!"

Li Yuchan tried to control the nine flying swords. After trying it, he suddenly found that nine flying swords were exactly the most suitable number for him to operate at present.

Under extreme conditions, this number can certainly be increased a lot, but the mental power loss will increase, which is very tiring.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue looked at each other, and there was confusion in their eyes.

Based on their understanding of Wang Mingyang in the past few days, he seemed to trust Li Yuchan too much, and he didn't even have the intention of testing...

Although puzzled, the two women kept silent.

This team was centered on Wang Mingyang from the beginning, and the two women knew their positions very well.

"Let's go, find a place to live first."

Wang Mingyang drew out the horizontal sword Mo Ying. Now with Li Yuchan and Mu Ningxue, there are already three long-range shooters.

Although it was lethal, Wang Mingyang still wanted to test his current physical strength.

In his previous life, he was promoted to the fifth level, relying more on the strength of his physical body, after all, his five superpowers were really weak.

Close combat power was the foundation of his survival before.

In this life, even if he had the Zhutian Reading System, he could absorb various powerful superpowers.

However, Wang Mingyang felt that, apart from superpowers, his own combat power could not be ignored.

Leading the way out along the passage in front of the library, Wang Mingyang chose the other side instead of returning to the teaching area.

There are now a large number of zombies gathered there, and there is really no need to clean them up at this moment.

Two days later, these are all mature leeks!

"Go along this road, there is a crossroads, and the School of Life Sciences is on the north." After walking through this passage, Li Yuchan pointed to the left.

"Over there? It seems... But the crossroads is too close to the teaching building of the School of Information, and there must be a lot of zombies."

Wang Mingyang looked in the direction of Li Yuchan's finger, searching for the memory in his mind, and frowned.

"Indeed, but there is a supermarket and a large cafeteria over there, and the dormitories of several nearby colleges are also over there." Li Yuchan introduced the situation.

"There is not much food in the backpack, so we can only use what is available. Let's go to the supermarket first!"

Wang Mingyang thought about it. He didn't want to expose the mustard space for the time being. He carried a backpack before going out, and he didn't bring much.

There is no need to think about the large cafeteria. It has been the fifth day, and the food inside may have rotted a long time ago.

"Okay, you decide." Li Yuchan spread his hands, looking indifferent.

"Then let's go, be careful on the road."

Wang Mingyang raised his feet and walked towards the crossroads. There were not many zombies along the way, but he did not take the initiative to attack.

Li Yuchan and Mu Ningxue became the main force, and the scattered zombies were killed by the two of them more than ten meters away.

When they were about to reach the crossroads, Wang Mingyang called out and took the three people along the trees and corners along the way.

Trying to avoid fighting with zombies along the way, the four of them walked and stopped, crossed the crossroads silently, and walked towards the north.

It seems that because of the little noise Wang Mingyang made before, many zombies nearby were attracted away.

After walking for 500 meters, they arrived near the teaching building of the School of Information, and the number of zombies gradually increased.

Wang Mingyang squatted behind the slope and looked around.

"There are dozens of zombies downstairs in the teaching building, and there are still many in the corridor upstairs. We will go forward along the wall of the first floor later."

Compared to the square in front of the teaching building, Wang Mingyang prefers to go through the back door.

Although this will deviate a little from the direction, there are fewer zombies to be cleaned up.

The three nodded and followed closely behind Wang Mingyang.

Wang Mingyang crouched and ran quickly to the wall more than ten meters away, encountering two zombies along the way.

Without waiting for Li Yuchan and Mu Ningxue to take action, the horizontal sword Mo Ying quickly slashed across the necks of the two zombies.

The two heads rolled down, and the bodies slowly collapsed.

Su Yu and the other two crouched and followed closely, quickly avoiding the zombies in the square and rushing straight into the shadow of the teaching building.

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