"I will set up space teleportation arrays between several sub-bases to facilitate mutual support."

A video was displayed on the big screen.

It was the scene of Wang Mingyang appearing in different locations through two teleportation arrays.

"Mingyang, you figured it out?!"

Mu Ningxue was surprised.

She knew that Wang Mingyang was researching the teleportation array.

But Wang Mingyang never said it afterwards, and she and Su Yu forgot to ask.

"Well, it was made a month ago."

"It was really perfected half a month ago."

Wang Mingyang nodded, and then looked at the shocked crowd.

Everyone present had experienced Wang Mingyang's space teleportation gate.

Someone had also proposed whether this ability could be solidified.

It's a pity that Wang Mingyang has never been able to realize it.

Unexpectedly, he threw out such a surprise today.

"The teleportation array can achieve different distances of teleportation according to the different levels of the crystal cores invested."

"The maximum distance can reach 500 kilometers."

"However, this requires five fourth-level crystal cores, which is a bit extravagant."

Wang Mingyang chuckled.

Everyone was in an uproar.

"Damn, does that mean we can get directly from Yunding to Rongcheng!"

"Almost, the distance to Rongcheng is only 600 kilometers..."

"If we set up a teleportation array in Lucheng, we can reach Fengcheng!"

"However, the cost of five fourth-level crystal cores for one transmission is indeed a bit high."

"This thing is definitely a luxury for daily travel, but if it is used for support in critical moments, it is simply a magical tool!"

"Indeed, in this way, the branch base and Yunding base are still one!"

"Boss is awesome!"

"Boss is awesome!"

Everyone talked a lot, and finally reacted.

There was a burst of cheers.

Fortunately, this large conference room was specially built by Chi Xuan.

The sound insulation effect is good, which avoids causing a commotion outside.

"That's true. I will go to Rongcheng and Fengcheng in person to set up the teleportation array."

"Connect the three refuges."

"Next, it depends on everyone's actions!"

Wang Mingyang pressed his hand, and when everyone was quiet, he continued.

After the meeting, the news that Yunding Base was preparing to establish five sub-bases spread quickly.

The whole refuge was excited.

Many civilian superpowers were eager to follow the Yunding warriors to the new territory.

Although the Yunding refuge was good, the mutant creatures around were becoming increasingly scarce.

The superpowers who knew that strength was everything had to walk a long way every time they went out.

In addition, most of the high-level mutant creatures around had been cleaned up by the Yunding warriors.

There was really not much room for them to play.

No one could have imagined that in the end of the world, there would actually be a situation where multiple teams competed for a high-level mutant creature.

Such a situation would only occur near the Yunding refuge.

The newly opened base means brand new resources.

What's more, there are Yunding warriors leading the way. For those teams of superpowers who failed to join Yunding.

It feels like a big boss is taking a newbie to open up new land.

If you don't hug such a big thigh, when will you wait?

In the next two days, batches of convoys continued to drive out of the Yunding shelter.

The heads of the sub-bases such as Mu Tianming, with their own direct combat teams, began to rush to the new battlefield.

Each sub-base has at least two to three hundred teams following.

More than 20,000 Yunding warriors, leaving behind those left on the defense line of the Magic City.

Only the law enforcement team led by Liu Tianlei is still responsible for daily management in the Yunding shelter.

But even these law enforcement teams often rotate with the Yunding warriors on the defense line.

After all, everyone needs to improve their strength through fighting.

In this way, the originally lively Yunding base suddenly became much quieter.

Lin Xiangdi and Chi Xuan were also busy. The establishment of the five sub-bases is not just about sending people out.

It also involves many logistical matters.

After the location of the sub-base is selected, the logistics team will go out to transform it.

There must be many zombies in the new territory.

It will cause zombies to attack at any time.

Building high walls for protection and various infrastructure construction are all necessary things to do.

Chi Xuan and his team have already formulated a complete set of procedures for this.

In the Yunding Library, Wang Mingyang, who is a hands-off shopkeeper, is completely idle.

The four sub-spirits have been reading books. Wang Mingyang's mind moved and he took them all back to the main body.

A lot of knowledge poured into his mind, and the reading value also increased by more than one million.

In the system library, various superpowers appeared one after another, arranged according to their attributes and levels.

Wang Mingyang randomly selected the fire superpowers to look at.

"Burning Touch, Red Flame Shield, Leaping Flame, Flame Knife, Violent Heat Breath..."

These superpowers are of low level, basically E-level and D-level, and look similar to the initial skills.

Wang Mingyang is not surprised by this.

In fact, starting from these initial superpowers, more means of exertion can be derived slowly.

In simple terms, even if it is a D-level Red Flame Shield, as long as it is developed enough, this ability can also derive abilities such as the Flame Cage and Red Flame Suit.

Going deeper, by mobilizing the energy in the body, it can also perform attack methods such as Fireball and Flame Storm.

The only difference is that the Red Flame Shield focuses on defense first, and the easiest to develop is definitely the ability in the direction of defense.

If it is A-level flame control, or Wang Mingyang's S-level Sun Golden Flame.

Such a level of superpowers will be more comprehensive, and it will be easier to develop other means.

The level of superpowers depends on power and comprehensiveness.

Just like if a big tree is strong enough, the branches it extends will be more luxuriant.

But any tree, given enough time, can also grow strong and luxuriant.

The difference in the initial level of superpowers determines the time of growth.

"Shuling, fuse Sun Golden Flame and these flame superpowers."

"Invest... two million reading points."

Wang Mingyang was silent for a while and gave the order directly.

He likes to use Sun Golden Flame very much, and its power is also super strong.

He hopes to push Sun Golden Flame to SSS level.

When he merged the Space Domination, he only invested one million reading points.

But the basic superpowers of the fire system are lower than those of the space system.

There is no space system superpower below A level.

To be on the safe side, Wang Mingyang thought he should invest more reading points.

To guide the results of positive fusion.

[Consume 2001000 reading points, fusion begins...]

[This fusion time is 30 hours. ]

[Host's current reading value: 45126500 points. ]

Wang Mingyang felt that his body was slightly weak, and the strengthening effect brought by absorbing the sun's golden flame was eliminated.

However, the fusion time is 30 hours, which is longer than the previous fusion time of the space master and the immortal body.

Does this mean that after 30 hours, he will gain the second SSS-level master ability?

Wang Mingyang's heart was full of expectations.

It's not that I think there will be a stronger fire ability than the space master.

It's because the number of abilities fused this time is a bit large, which adds some time.

Wang Mingyang discovered this in the previous several fusions.

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