"Is there any mission for you to come here?"

Putting down his wine glass, Aoi Hayato was silent for a moment, looked directly at Zhang Che and asked.

After Wang Mingyang passed through Japan more than two months ago, he said at that time that he would come to see Aoi Hayato.

But Hayato Aoi waited for such a long time, and still no information came.

This made Aoi Hayato murmur in his heart.

However, nothing special has happened in the past two months.

There are not many messenger wooden pigeons on hand.

He didn't dare to disturb that adult rashly.

Unexpectedly, when I received the carrier pigeon again, it was the arrival of this person in front of me.

Hayato Aoi was also confused about this.

"Well, there is one mission."

"What is it?"

"Master said, no matter what method I use, I just need to turn the Japanese country upside down."

Zhang Che shook his wine glass and looked at Hayato Aoi calmly.

He also wanted to see the Japanese superpower in front of him.

After hearing the content of the mission, there will be some interesting reactions.

"Just the two of us?"

Hayato Aoi's eyes lit up at first, and then he asked with a hint of anxiety.

Zhang Che's spiritual power has always covered Hayato Aoi's body.

He was well aware of all his psychological changes, including his physical changes.

Hayato Aoi's reaction immediately left him speechless.

During the two months of idleness in Genting, he didn't do nothing.

He read through a large number of psychology books in the Yunding Library.

The guy in front of me is not worried about the future of Japan at all.

But he was worried that the two of them would not be able to complete the task.

At this moment, Hayato Aoi has become an extremely loyal traitor.

However, this is also a good thing.

What future is there for being loyal to the Japanese country, which is full of misdeeds?

"Don't worry, since the master asked me to come, he must trust me."

"You just have to give me the information."

Zhang Che waved his hand and said calmly.

As a fifth-level spiritual corpse, Zhang Che didn't have to take action himself.

Just by triggering a tide of corpses, you can cause huge damage to Japanese superpowers.

However, Zhang Che does not plan to do this for the time being.

"What information do you need?"

Hayato Aoi asked curiously.

He had previously sent back a lot of information about Japan.

Since Zhang Che has come here, he must already know something about it.

Now, what do you need to know?

"The changes in the strong men of Japan in the past two months."

"And, just the information about them going out afterwards."

Zhang Che crossed his legs and his red eyes flashed slightly.

"Do you want to... hunt down the strong in a targeted manner?"

Aoi Hayato's heart moved, he leaned forward and spoke in a low voice.

"Well, let's start with the fourth-level experts first, and then slowly target the fifth-level ones."

Zhang Che nodded and spoke calmly.

It was as if so many strong men in the Japanese country were just lambs to be slaughtered in his eyes.

"I don't doubt your ability."

"But how should I deliver the news to you? Your Majesty doesn't have many carrier pigeons left."

Aoi Hayato frowned slightly.

In this situation, how to contact us is a big problem.

"Here, take this satellite phone."

"China has successfully launched a satellite and communications have been restored long ago."

Zhang Che grinned, took out a mobile phone from the space ring and threw it over.

"Satellite phone?"

"This is great!"

Hayato Aoi caught the phone steadily with a look of joy on his face.

Being able to restore communication, China is really powerful.

Japan also tried to re-establish the communication network, but unfortunately it never succeeded.

At most, it is just some broadcasts, which can also convey some information over short distances.

But with zombies all around, there's no way the survivors could keep the radio on for long.

Otherwise, once you accidentally attract zombies, your life will be over.

Therefore, the effect of broadcasting is really poor.

It’s not really a communication at all.

Unexpectedly, the country where the owner lives has actually developed satellite phones.

"My number is stored in it. If you have any news, please contact me anytime."

Zhang Che glanced at Aoi Hayato with feigned disgust.

But there was some discomfort in my heart.

According to its owner, it is a communications satellite currently operating in Blue Star orbit.

Only China has it.

Not only that, there are three more!

Since the successful launch of the first rocket, Hao Weihua, who has received a large amount of meteorite gold, has led the scientific research team to make persistent efforts.

Two more were launched one after another.

The communication situation is much better than before.

Originally, everyone thought that after communications were restored, those guided weapons could be used again.

But after some inspection, I was disappointed to find out.

The guidance system has long been destroyed by unknown energy.

Kyoto had to organize a scientific research team to re-study how to create a new guidance system.

The emergence of meteorite makes all this possible.

However, meteorite gold needs to be used to re-produce relevant parts.

This is another huge project and I don’t know how long it will take to complete.

But once successful, China may become the only country in the entire Blue Star that possesses strategic weapons.

"I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

"Do you have any other instructions, sir?"

Hayato Aoi fiddled with the satellite phone for a while, and after figuring out how to use it, he looked at Zhang Che.

"You should be promoted to level five soon, right?"

"This is a gift from the master to you..."

Zhang Che opened the space ring again and took out two azure fifth-order crystal nuclei.

Hayato Aoi awakened his air-related powers.

These two wind crystal cores were a perfect match for him.

It has a huge effect on him reaching the fifth level.

"This, this... Your Excellency is so... so kind to me."

Seeing these two fifth-level wind crystal cores, Aoi Hayato stood up in a hurry.

He took it respectfully with trembling hands, held it in his hands and said excitedly.

Don’t forget to bow deeply towards the cloud top in the west.

A look of tears of gratitude.

He is now at the peak of the fourth level, and it is not difficult for ordinary fourth-level crystal cores to work hard.

But the fifth-level wind crystal core, even if he is now highly regarded by Nakamura Daisuke, will never fall into his hands.

Ever since Kitou Takeo advanced to the fifth level and competed against Nakamura Daisuke.

Daisuke Nakamura is extremely cautious about improving the strength of his subordinates.

I'm afraid that another rebellious guy like Kitou Takeo will appear.

Therefore, the group of fourth-level experts under him basically had to slowly polish themselves.

There is no fifth-order crystal core that can be used to impact the barrier.

All the fifth-order crystal nuclei were absorbed by Daisuke Nakamura himself.

Unexpectedly, it was just to convey some news to the adult far away in China.

Just harvest two fifth-level wind crystal cores that are extremely precious to Hayato Aoi.

"Okay, Master is not stingy with his meritorious subordinates."

"As long as you do your job well, I won't treat you badly."

Zhang Che smiled lightly and was very satisfied with Hayato Aoi's attitude.

He was certain that the Japanese man in front of him was sincerely grateful.

Rather than a pretentious and hypocritical performance.

Zhang Che was also very happy that his master had such a person who was loyal to him.

"Hai! I will definitely work harder!"

Hayato Aoi straightened up and expressed his stance with stern eyes.

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