Ryunosuke Sodeki suddenly discovered something strange.

These groups of corpses were actually moving slowly, gradually shrinking the encirclement.

Rather than just swarming them indifferently like before.

And those level 4 zombies are extremely particular about their positioning.

There is no need to talk about anything in peace, but there is actually a situation of encirclement.

The entire surrounding area is watertight, and they can still take care of each other.

With a twitch in his heart, Sodeki Ryunosuke vaguely felt that there seemed to be some pusher behind today's incident.

"Follow me to break out!"

Not daring to hesitate, Sodeki Ryunosuke waved his hand, and a strong wind suddenly whipped up around him.

Lead the crowd forward.

Across the street is a sloping avenue.

There are houses all around.

Only by rushing into these urban areas can they have a chance of survival.

Otherwise, if surrounded by corpses, even Sodeki Ryunosuke himself would have a slim chance of escaping.

As the Japanese superpower moved, the surrounding corpses roared.

The movement speed suddenly accelerated, and it surrounded them with the force of a tide.

With the blessing of Sodeki Ryunosuke's wind power, the team members ran very fast.

The fourth-level leaders of the three elite teams showed extremely strong combat effectiveness.

The six people gathered together, like a sharp knife piercing the group of corpses.

Bloody stumps spattered, mixed with screams from time to time.

Less than a hundred meters forward, the three elite teams, which were already missing a few people, actually had less than twenty people left.

In such a melee, the six Sodeki Ryunosuke had no time to care about others.

With three bronze-armored corpses blocking the front, their forward speed was immediately curbed.

If there are only three bronze-armored corpses, six people can kill them quickly together.

However, there are still several hunters and assassins roaming around.

From time to time, it launches lightning-fast attacks.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Ryunosuke Sodeki gritted his teeth and activated the violent wind again.

However, this time his strong wind only blew around the six fourth-order ones.

Quickly take them to the sky.

The abandoned team members could not help but curse.

There was unstoppable despair in his eyes.

With only level three strength, they couldn't break out of the corpse group.

What's more, there are so many level 4 zombies around.

The bronze-armored corpses, hunters, and assassins also ignored the six people flying up.

Start siege and kill the remaining team members.

On the roof of the building, several elemental zombies sent out supernatural powers to attack the six people swept up by the strong wind.

They could only dodge sideways with difficulty, or Kamahara Shoma fired a fireball to resist.

Ryunosuke Sodeki's wind power is obviously not strong enough.

Just flying with six people made his face turn red.

The speed is also less than satisfactory.

Fortunately, the surrounding fourth-level zombies didn't seem to pay much attention, and their attack power was very average.

It actually allowed them to fly safely.

They were about to fly to the top of a building.

Sodeki Ryunosuke and others couldn't help but look happy.

As long as they get to the top of the building, they can rely on their own strength and the assistance of Ryunosuke Sodeki.

Quickly jump directly on the building to escape from this siege.

However, the development of things is often not satisfactory.

Just like Murphy's law, accidents always happen in ways you don't expect.

A fourth-level zombie suddenly appeared on the roof of that building.

Press lightly on the six people below.

Sodeki Ryunosuke and others suddenly felt as if they were being pressed by a huge burden.

The wind power surrounding him dissipated instantly.

Amid desperate screams, the six people were directly pressed down by gravity.

He fell heavily from a height of thirty meters.


Kamahara Shoma, who has fire powers, vomited blood, mixed with pieces of meat.

His pupils had begun to dilate, and he looked like he would not survive.

If he had just fallen from a thirty-meter high school, with his body that had been strengthened several times, he would not have died directly.

However, this zombie with gravity power exerted seven or eight times the gravity on them.

The speed and force of the fall were beyond what he could bear.

Ryunosuke Sodeki was in good condition, and he surrounded himself with wind power in time to offset part of the impact.

He was just shocked again and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The other four are all strengthening types, and their physical fitness is not even the slightest bit better than Kamahara Shojin.

After smashing a big hole into the ground, he slowly stood up with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

He glanced at Kamahara Shoma, who had taken in less air and released more air.

The five people's mouths were full of bitterness, and their faces could not suppress the look of despair.

No one could have imagined that there were three elite teams from the Edo Refuge.

The six fourth levels gathered together just to collect some dead people's tablets.

He actually put all of himself in it.

"BaGeYaLu! Even if you die, you will have to pull a few backers!"

Jiagu Yuren roared, threw the fourth-order crystal core that he had hunted before into his mouth and swallowed it.

He clenched the katana in his hand and rushed directly towards the group of corpses.

With all his strength, his speed was as fast as lightning.



Infected by it, several other people also rose up to resist.

For a moment, the five fourth-level warriors actually pushed the corpse group away.

However, eight times the gravity increased again.

Kako Hisahito found in despair that the speed he was proud of was not as fast as a second-level zombie.

In desperation, Kako Hisahito, who rushed the fastest, was punched in the head by the bronze-armored corpse.

The dead can no longer die.

Yuuto Shiroyama, Kotaro Nishimi, and Ken Kuwatani were quickly overwhelmed by the corpses.

"Bagya Road!"

Sodeki Ryunosuke tore open the backpack and trampled the tablet inside to pieces.

He spat angrily, his eyes full of resentment.

With a roar, he lifted the knife and unleashed unprecedented power.

Cut a fourth-level bronze-armored corpse into several pieces.

However, he was also stabbed to the core by two tentacles attacking from behind.

The consciousness gradually sank into endless regrets and curses...

On the roof of a building, Zhang Che watched quietly as these Japanese superpowers were torn to pieces by the zombies, eating their flesh and blood piece by piece.

"Go and burn that cesspool clean for me."

While turning around silently, Zhang Che quickly issued instructions.

Two level four fire zombies quickly rushed towards the Jingguo Shrine.

After a while, a fire burst into the sky.

This notorious Jingguo Shrine soon turned into a pile of ashes.

On the long street, only the corpses of hundreds of zombies were left, as well as the bones of Sodeki Ryunosuke and others with some pieces of flesh remaining.

The tablets in the backpack had already been trampled to pieces by the corpses.

On the shore of Taichu Lake, on the small island.

Wang Mingyang was sitting leisurely on the top of the sand dune, controlling the shapes of the sand grains.

Form two sandman legions and fight with weapons of various shapes.

"Boss, there is news from Zhang Che that he has been in contact with Hayato Aoi."

Li Yuchan flew over with a satellite phone in his hand and a weird smile on his face.

"Oh, he's a little slow. It's been ten days."

Wang Mingyang replied without raising his head.

Ten days have passed since he sent Zhang Che away.

I originally thought he would contact Aoi Hayato as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, it took ten days for the news to come back.

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