In the Crystal Palace of the Nether Sea Kingdom, Wang Mingyang met the King of the Nether Sea wearing a crown.

"Your Majesty, this is the Chinese strongman, Wang Mingyang."

"This is our Nether Sea King, His Majesty Kyle."

Zem introduced the two people to the side, and a faint mental wave spread throughout the hall.

In the hall, there was also a team of mermaid-like royal guards guarding around King Kyle.

King Kyle, who looked only about forty years old, sat on the throne, and a young girl stood beside him.

"Uncle Zem, is this the human strongman you mentioned?"

"Why does he look like a water elemental body?"

Before King Kyle spoke, the girl beside him tilted her head and sent out curious mental waves.

It seems that the communication of the sea people in the sea is transmitted through mental waves.

"Your Majesty, Nilu, Lord Mingyang is also a water-based warrior."

"This is one of his avatars. After all, the bottom of the deep sea is not suitable for land humans."

Zem smiled and explained to Kyle and Nilu.

"Welcome, Lord Mingyang."

"Zem reported to me about the meeting with you, so this joint meeting was held."

King Kyle let go of the trident in his hand, stood up and walked down the throne, and said straight to the point.

He did not blame the girl for speaking first, and it was obvious that the girl's identity was not simple.

"Your Majesty Kyle, I am very happy to meet you."

"Huaxia is a nation that yearns for peace. We are willing to make friends with any friendly nation."

Wang Mingyang smiled faintly and showed his attitude neither humble nor arrogant.

Although this matter has not been communicated with the Kyoto Military Commission.

However, Wang Mingyang believes that with the wisdom of those bigwigs, they will definitely support him.

"In this matter, our Nether Sea Kingdom is willing to support you."

"After all, we have fought side by side with your Chinese ancestors."

Kyle walked to Wang Mingyang and said slowly.

"Oh? Can you please tell me about it?"

Wang Mingyang was very curious. Zem had said the same thing before.

However, the specific details were not mentioned.

Zem was not a person from a million years ago, and he did not know the details of that battle.

King Kyle in front of him might be a way to understand.

However, King Kyle sighed slightly, shook his head and said: "The ancestors who participated in that battle have passed away. We are just descendants born in the past ten thousand years."

"I can't tell you the details of the past."

King Kyle's words made Wang Mingyang feel disappointed.

"However, I can tell you that... among the four kingdoms, our Nether Sea Kingdom has the most contact with your China."

"That's why we are willing to form an alliance with you."

"What other kingdoms choose will depend on you later."

King Kyle said this solemnly, and then took the lead to walk out.

A team of mermaid guards followed closely behind.

The time for the joint meeting is coming soon.

"Uncle Zem, can I go to your military camp?"

"The palace is so boring..."

Ni Lu swung her tail and swam to Zem's side and said.

"My little Princess Ni Lu, the military camp is full of men, it's not suitable for you to go!"

Zem pinched her little nose lovingly and chuckled.

"I don't believe it, sister Winnie went with you."

Ni Lu wrinkled her nose, pouted and looked dissatisfied.

Zem shook his head helplessly and turned to introduce Wang Mingyang.

Wang Mingyang had suspected before that Zem had a complicated relationship with King Kyle and Princess Nilu.

Moreover, all three of them had blonde hair and blue eyes.

The other mermaid guards had blue hair and blue eyes.

Sure enough, in Zem's brief narration, Wang Mingyang learned that Zem was actually Kyle's younger brother.

The real royal blood.

No wonder he said so confidently that he could represent the entire Nether Sea Kingdom.

He relied not only on the general who commanded the army.

He also had the identity of a royal prince.

The center of the four crystal palaces was the pyramid where the joint meeting was held.

This pyramid was also the largest one.

Walking into the portal of the Nether Sea Crystal Palace, there was a circular conference hall inside.

Four thrones were located in four directions, and on both sides of the thrones were smaller chairs.

When Wang Mingyang followed Kyle and others in.

He happened to see the teams from the other three kingdoms entering.

"On the right is the Canglan Sea Kingdom, King Sairem."

"Opposite is the Xumi Sea Kingdom, King Vasili."

"On the left is the Hanyuan Sea Kingdom, Queen Karina."

Zem introduced the kings one by one to Wang Mingyang with a spiritual fluctuation that only Wang Mingyang could sense.

Wang Mingyang nodded slightly and looked at these sea clan members.

The four sea clans have different characteristics, and some clues can be seen from the other people around them.

Canglan Sea Sairem, with red hair and blue eyes, has a bursting aura all over his body, and his clothes are different from those of others.

Simple short hair, muscular body, like a Western strongman.

The corners of his mouth are slightly raised with a hint of disdain, and sharp teeth can be vaguely seen.

Several men around him also have red hair and blue eyes like him, and their aura is fierce.

The brown-haired and blue-eyed Vasili of Xumi Sea wore a long robe and had extremely short hair, just like the stubble that had just grown out after shaving his head. He had a peaceful and calm aura.

But the occasional gleam in his eyes showed that King Vasili was not as kind as he seemed.

Behind him were several mermaids with similar bald heads, one of whom held a green trident in his hand.

On the contrary, it was Queen Karina of the Cold Abyss Sea, with flowing blue hair and bright blue eyes.

Her beautiful face always had a gentle smile, and she nodded to the other kings.

The three female mermaids who followed her had a cold face and a faint frost breath.

"The four sea tribes are in place."

"The Joint Parliament is officially convened!"

After the four kings sat down, an old-looking male mermaid swam to the central platform and said loudly.

Four tridents of different colors were thrown out by the four kings and inserted around the platform almost at the same time.

"Hey, it seems I'm faster."

"Today's meeting will be hosted by me!"

Canglan Sea King Sairem stood up and laughed with his fangs showing.

Although the four tridents of different colors fell almost at the same time.

But there were still some subtle differences.

In Wang Mingyang's eyes, the red trident of Canglan Sea was the first to shoot into the platform.

The green one of Xumi Sea was second, the golden one of Nether Sea was third, and the blue one of Hanyuan Sea was fourth.

From this, it can be seen that the power of the four kings is different.

And with this projection, Wang Mingyang also realized that the strength of the four people was at the fifth level.

However, Canglan Sea Sairem was obviously the strongest, at the peak of the fifth level.

The other three were only at the advanced level of the fifth level.

Thinking of this, Wang Mingyang couldn't help but glance at Zem.

This guy is also at the peak of the fifth level. No wonder Page said that Zem was the strongest in the Nether Sea.

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