Knowing that Wang Mingyang needs a large number of high-level crystal cores.

Chi Xuan also gave relevant suggestions, such as increasing the exchange ratio between the third and fourth order crystal cores.

In the past, one fourth order crystal core could be exchanged for ten third order crystal cores, with random attributes.

Now, one fourth order crystal core can be exchanged for thirteen or fifteen third order crystal cores.

Or even more.

After all, the second and third order crystal cores are the most abundant in Yunding.

And most of the civilian superpowers, or Yunding warriors, are at the second and third order.

Some visionary leaders will also focus on improving the strength of team members.

They will not leave all the fourth order crystal cores for themselves.

Team members followed the captain to fight desperately with the fourth order mutant creatures.

They still hope that they can improve themselves.

However, human superpowers are generally weaker than mutant creatures.

In cross-level battles, casualties are common.

Even if there is a fourth order captain leading, they will still be seriously injured or die directly if they are not careful.

There are often many second- and third-order creatures following the fourth-order mutant creatures.

The cost of obtaining a fourth-order crystal core is really not small.

Some people may think that it is not worth exchanging fourth-order crystal cores for more third-order crystal cores in the short term.

But in the long run, it is beneficial to the improvement of the entire team.

Of course, if the leader's strength is improved, it will definitely be easier to obtain crystal cores.

A fourth-order mutant, facing a third-order mutant creature, is at least dominant, if not completely crushed.

But in the current battle, there are not many opportunities for one-on-one.

And the absorption of crystal cores is not achieved overnight.

Most fourth-order mutants completely absorb and digest the energy of a fourth-order crystal core.

It takes at least a week.

If you use this time to improve the strength of other members.

There will still be people willing to make such an exchange.

After all, when the overall strength of the team is improved, it will be more calm when facing fourth-order mutant creatures.

The pros and cons of this are up to each person!

Wang Mingyang did not expect that Yunding Bank could provide many fourth- and fifth-order crystal cores.

However, he still issued an order for several major sub-bases.

While ensuring the safety of the soldiers, try to hunt fourth-order crystal cores.

As for the fifth-order, let the major bases pass on information in time.

If you can hunt them yourself, that would be great.

Several major sub-bases are guarded by fifth-order members of Yunding.

Ordinary fifth-order mutant creatures are not their opponents.

If you encounter a stronger one, or a group of difficult to hunt, just lock the location of the fifth-order mutant creature.

Wang Mingyang or Su Yu and others will provide timely support.

After this order was passed down, the major sub-bases immediately took action in full swing.

Southwest of China, the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka City.

This is a city with a population of tens of millions.

Several large rivers surround this city and lead directly to the sea.

Mutated elephants and giant tigers are constantly wreaking havoc in the city in the pouring rain.

From time to time, they fight with the landing sea beasts.

Among these elephants and tigers, there were also some supernatural people from India wearing Buddha amulets.

Strangely, these supernatural people were not attacked by the elephants and tigers.

Instead, they joined forces with them to attack the sea beasts.

On the other side of the city, the tide of corpses was attracted by the piles of fresh flesh and blood, and rushed madly to the crack that was several kilometers long.

A Buddha wearing a red cassock and half of his shoulders were naked, sitting cross-legged on a giant tiger.

He silently watched the zombies falling not far away.

In front of him was the bottomless crack.

But now, the crack that was several hundred meters wide had been half filled by a steady stream of zombies.

"Buddha, can we start the action?"

A middle-aged monk stepped forward and asked respectfully with his hands clasped together.

Behind him were rows of supernatural people with shaved heads.

However, many of them were not wearing monk robes, but still dressed in ordinary clothes.

Obviously not all of them were monks.

But they all stared at the Buddha on the back of the giant tiger with pious eyes.

"Bhadra, wait another half an hour!"

The Buddha said peacefully and calmly, looking up slightly and looking at the city in the distance.

Puffs of black smoke rose in the city. Obviously, the fire had been extinguished with the arrival of heavy rain.

But there seemed to be an invisible force blocking the Buddha, and not even a drop of rain was stained.

"Yes, Buddha."

Bhadra bowed respectfully, stepped back carefully.

It seemed that he was afraid that his footsteps were too loud and disturbed the Buddha's tranquility.

Tens of thousands of supernatural beings stood silently in the rain, waiting for the Buddha's order.

After a long time, until there were few corpses left in front of him, the Buddha sighed softly.

"Bhadra, you can save these dead souls."

The peaceful and low tone seemed to contain endless compassion.

This made Badaluo feel depressed, and he bowed again.

Following Badaluo's order, many superpowers came forward and stood at the edge of the crack.

Countless superpowers were thrown into the crack, without the need to lock on the target.

The wide crack was already filled with zombies of various levels.

"Namo Amitabha..."

The Buddha put his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name, and a faint golden halo spread around.

The attacks released by many superpowers were stained with this halo, and seemed to emit a faint golden light.

As the superpower attacks fell, the effect of the golden light was immediately apparent.

The zombies seemed to be stung by the attacks and actually let out a shrill howl.

Thick black smoke gradually rose.

Hundreds of thousands of zombies piled up in the cracks, including zombies above the fourth level.

The most powerful zombies climbed the cliffs of the cracks, trying to escape from this hell.

However, the golden halo seemed to have consciousness, turning into a little bit of golden light and converging towards them.

Visible to the naked eye, the skin of these zombies above the fourth level quickly turned into ashes and dissipated.

In the painful howling, they fell from the cliff like dumplings.

After an unknown amount of time, a faint golden light rose from the bottom of the crack.

A huge eyeball, with its wings spread out, flew up quickly, with some feathers on the wings emitting a light golden luster.




The endless deformed eyeballs gathered in the crack in front of the Buddha.

An hour later, there were more than seventy eyeballs with wings, densely standing in the air.

This scene made the scalps of the superpowers numb, but they couldn't help showing excitement in their eyes.

The parasitic ancient angels were also called Buddha's Eye Guardians by these people.

It was the strange creature that the Buddha in front of him controlled by some unknown means.

They were extremely powerful, and basically all of them were above the third level.


The Buddha waved his hand and sprinkled a golden light, which rushed straight into the sky.

Those ancient angels, with their eyes turning, spread their wings and flew into the sky, directly above the dark clouds.

Above the dark clouds, more than two hundred ancient angels suddenly appeared, densely covering the entire dark cloud.

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