"So, you really need to take time to go to northern Myanmar..."

Wang Mingyang rubbed his chin and smiled bitterly.

White crystal is produced in many places around the world.

China is one of the producing countries, and its reserves are not low.

However, the energy contained in white crystal is too low.

According to He Lengyu, if it is used to make weapons, it is better to use crystal nuclei directly.

At the very least, Genting has a lot of low-level crystal cores, and has achieved attack and defense capabilities through converters made of fused metals.

As long as you understand the energy weapon manufacturing technology of the Hai clan, you should be able to translate it and use it.

The pyramids emitting white light that Wang Mingyang saw on the seabed may be the energy provided by the refined white crystal.

Wang Mingyang is still very interested in this magical means of transportation.

However, for powerful weapons, you really need to find some jade or blue shadow stones to test them.

Whether high-order crystal nuclei can be applied to the energy conversion technology of the Sea Clan is still unknown.

"That's troublesome, boss. We are in urgent need of some materials to carry out basic experiments."

"And the current information is incomplete, I'm afraid I have to rely on you to fight for it!"

He Lengyu smiled with relief.

They have also become aware of the deal between the Hai Clan and Wang Mingyang these days.

As scientific researchers, they didn't care how Wang Mingyang obtained so many crystal nuclei.

Their mission is to study these things thoroughly and transform them into Genting's combat power.

"I know, I will provide it to you as soon as possible!"

Wang Mingyang waved his hand with some toothache.

I was also thinking in my mind that it was almost time to deliver the first batch of crystal cores.

The Hai Clan provided some basic information in advance, which already made these scientific researchers feel as if they were scratching their heads.

Not only He Lengyu, but also Lu Ci and Lin Xiangyi came to see him one after another in the past two days.

The implication behind the words is to quickly provide them with follow-up information...

Especially Lin Xiangyi, who didn't know what he was thinking, actually started trying to transform zombies.

Could it be possible to create an army of biological zombies?

He Lengyu also knew what was bothering Wang Mingyang, so he smiled and turned around to leave while holding the tablet in his arms.

After He Lengyu left, Wang Mingyang thought for a while and took out the communication bracelet given by Zem.

Wang Mingyang is worried about what positioning, surveillance and other functions it will have.

With the technology of Genting’s scientific research team, we simply can’t understand the principle.

There is no way to dismantle or test it.

So this thing is usually placed in the mustard space.

Clicking on Zem's communication window, Zem's figure soon appeared on the light screen.

In a spacious hall, Zem greeted Wang Mingyang with a smile.

"I can provide you with the first batch of crystal nuclei right now."

"Please arrange for someone to pick it up!"

Wang Mingyang said lightly.

"That's great. I will inform the four sea clans now to release the first level of permission to you."

Zem nodded and said with a smile.

"However, I have a question that I need you to answer."

"Please tell me."

"Does your crystal energy technology use the remains of the divine civilization?"

Wang Mingyang asked straight to the point.

When he saw the Purple Gold Crystal, he wondered if the crystals used by the Sea Tribe were the bodies left over from Purple Eyes' race.

After all, the Divine Consciousness Civilization is a silicon-based life form, and the Purple Race is the most noble race among them.

Purple Eyes also once said that the corpses of their race are all over Blue Star.

After connecting various clues, Wang Mingyang came up with such a bold guess.

"Oh, that's true."

Sure enough, Zem sighed and nodded slightly.

"Although the spiritual civilization focuses on spiritual power, the bodies they left behind also have powerful energy."

"Our ancestors developed crystal energy technology after accidentally discovering the blue ore that was transformed into one of the Blue Clan corpses."

Zem said slowly, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

He didn't know whether he was remembering the once brilliant spiritual civilization or the crystal energy civilization of his ancestors.

"This can indeed be regarded as a legacy of spiritual civilization..."

After confirming what he was thinking, Wang Mingyang leaned back on the sofa and sighed.

Who would have thought that the once glorious civilization of spiritual consciousness would have disappeared from history.

It still gave birth to the brilliant fifth era crystal energy civilization.

"Haha, this is nothing."

"Aren't the coal, oil, natural gas and other energy sources you used before relics from previous eras?"

Zem smiled lightly and said teasingly.


Wang Mingyang was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

Zem was right.

These energy sources evolved from a large amount of life underground.

From the earliest giant god civilization to the life civilization of the fourth era, no one knows how many lives have been buried.

Even the silicon-based life forms of spiritual civilization have still contributed a lot to the development of modern mankind.

It's just that they didn't know it before.

"I'm curious, why don't you use energy such as coal and oil?"

Wang Mingyang calmed down and continued to ask.

"It's very simple. The first thing we discovered was the blue crystal mineral."

"In addition, the energy you use is extremely polluting..."

"Our crystal energy civilization has been in contact with life civilization for a long time, and our protection of nature is more stringent than yours."

"If there had not been the sky-sealing ban a million years ago, which caused the major civilizations to fall into a dormant blockade."

"Perhaps you would not have embarked on this technological path."

Zem said at the end, with a slight curl of his lips, looking a little disgusted.

They could not have imagined that the humans of the Sixth Epoch would cause such serious pollution to the sea in just a hundred years!

More than a decade ago, there was even a shameless island country that discharged nuclear waste water into the sea.

Thinking of this, Zem could not help but feel a little itchy.

Perhaps, the sea beast tide should be launched more fiercely.

Directly destroy that island country to relieve the hatred.

"You sea people should not be asleep, why don't you contact the rulers of the major countries to communicate these things?"

Wang Mingyang frowned and asked.

He has come into contact with civilizations of three epochs in total.

There is a ray of spiritual power in the purple eyes that wanders between the history of China, but the main body has been sleeping to heal its wounds and nourish the source blood of China.

Biying and the others were even sealed in the tree cocoon and have been sleeping ever since.

The sea tribes that Wang Mingyang saw were not the old antiques left over from ancient times.

Instead, they were modern sea tribes that had been passed down through countless generations.

This was very different from the previous eras.

"We have sent envoys before, but unfortunately, your rulers are unwilling to listen to us."

"They were either killed by you as monsters, or eaten as magic medicine, or tortured to death in the laboratory."

"For nearly two hundred years, the sea tribes have been too lazy to care about you and have been focusing on their own reproduction in the deep sea."

Zem rolled his eyes and said indignantly.

The information revealed by the legendary mermaids and sea monsters in Western countries is that they are often killed or subjected to inhumane experiments.

It is said that the fish oil used to light the lamps in the tomb of the First Emperor of China was the fish oil of the mermaids.

I don't know if he sent Xu Fu out to sea to find the elixir of immortality because of the legend of the mermaids.

Thinking about it this way, maybe it was because Xu Fu established the Wa Kingdom on the island.

Then the mythical story of "eating mermaid meat can make you immortal" spread!

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