The battle outside the base has become fierce. Many fourth- and fifth-level mutant sands broke through the protective belt of the war guards and rushed straight to the high wall of the desert base.

Rong Lan and others were more or less injured.

As the core of the cloud top, they had at least three healing potions on them.

But in this battle, they were at the forefront.

They were also attacked the most.

The reserved healing potions have been used up.

If they did not have the ability to fly, they could take off from time to time to stop and absorb crystal cores to recover.

I am afraid they would not be able to hold on.

The intensity of this battle is far beyond the previous experience.

In other words, whether facing the corpse tide, the sea beast tide, or the Japanese superpower army.

There were Wang Mingyang and other cloud top cores on the side to support.

But today, only Li Yuchan was on the side, and was entangled by the high-level sandworms in the north.

Whether it was Qi Sen or Rong Lan, they were facing powerful mutant sandworms that exceeded their own level.

The protection provided by the meteorite gold armor is no longer enough to avoid attacks above level 4 or 5.

The casualties caused by this are unprecedented.

The bombing of the fighter planes of the Meng Province Military Region brought a chance to breathe.

However, the gap created was less than five minutes.

It was once again filled with an endless army of sandworms.

Time passed by minute by minute, and every minute seemed to be a year.

Little Cherry was the first to give up and flew back to the ancient tree of life tremblingly.

It was still a short distance away from being able to maintain the form of a desert falcon, and it directly restored its human form and fell on a branch.

Her face was very pale, and her hands and feet kept shaking.

Strands of blood flowed from her abdomen and shoulders.

Seeing this, Mo Yan quickly put Han Yinyin down, stepped on the tree trunk and ran over, took out a healing potion and fed it to Cherry.

"How is Yinyin?"

Cherry didn't bother to drink the potion, and turned her head to look at Yinyin's position with difficulty.

"She's fine, just unconscious."

Mo Yan forced a smile and poured the potion into Cherry's mouth.

Bi Rui, who had been staying beside her, also appeared on the battlefield at this moment.

With a wave of her little hand, countless vine seeds were scattered.

They fell on the mutant sandworms, quickly took root and sprouted, pulled out vine branches, and sucked the flesh and blood of the sandworms frantically.

It grew into a huge vine that was one or two meters thick in a short while.

Waving branches, it constantly whipped and stabbed other mutant sandworms.

But these rapidly growing vines are only at the peak of the third level.

Pieces of green light fell, and a layer of green halo appeared on the branches of these vines.

With the blessing of Bi Rui's spirit clan secret technique, these vine branches can even resist some attacks from some fourth-level sandworms.

The spirit clan and Yunding have been closely integrated, and they will prosper together and suffer together.

Bi Rui is the princess of the spirit clan and the future queen of the spirit clan.

She would not hold back at such a time.

After being promoted to the fifth level again, her strength was greatly improved.

But it was mainly reflected in the cultivation and blessing of plants.

From time to time, a flash of lightning flashed in the night sky in the north.

Li Yuchan still restrained the sixth-level existence in the sandworm group, as well as most of the fifth-level sandworms.

There were thousands of mutant sandworms that died in his hands, if not ten thousand.

Most of them were high-level sandworms above the third level.

Now there were more than a dozen sixth-level sandworms following behind him and constantly attacking.

This was the result of him constantly looking for opportunities and killing some of them one after another.

The sixth-level sandworms hidden in the northern desert had basically appeared.

But Li Yuchan's attack was no longer as fierce as before.

Energy loss was secondary.

The stabbing pain in his mind told him that his mental power reserve was about to reach the bottom.

There were few mental mutant creatures, and the crystal cores obtained were even less pitiful.

Li Yuchan's few fourth-level mental crystal cores had long been consumed.


A ball of extremely explosive lightning exploded, sweeping a radius of four or five hundred meters.

Although the Nine Heavens Thunder Ancestor was strong, he finally couldn't hold on under the siege of countless sandworms.

He exploded the last bit of energy and dragged dozens of fourth and fifth-level sandworms to death.

A little silver light flashed from the thunderstorm and shot into Li Yuchan's eyebrows.

"Alas, maybe I should have notified the boss earlier..."

Li Yuchan sighed helplessly.

It's not that no one in the desert base suggested contacting Wang Mingyang.

But everyone still hopes to rely on their own strength to overcome the difficulties.

Li Yuchan also deeply agrees with this point.

However, the scale of this mutant sandworm raid far exceeded everyone's imagination.

The number of sixth-level sandworms is as many as forty.

Fortunately, most of them are in the north, and Li Yuchan killed a lot of them.

Otherwise, there would be no chance to wait for support to arrive.

The desert base will definitely be destroyed by these mutant sandworms.

At this moment, Li Yuchan regretted not reporting to the boss in advance.

Maybe he would arrange a spirit to come over, and the situation would be completely different.

The part of the mental power attached to the Nine Heavens Thunder Ancestor returned.

It made him feel a little relieved.

He casually opened a layer of mental shield to block the attacking sand blade, and Li Yuchan flew away again.

Not far away, Li Yuchan drew a big arc and circled back.

There was no way, these mutant sandworms would be attracted to him for a while.

But once they are too far away, they will give up the pursuit and turn back.

In this way, Li Yuchan can only continue to hang on to this group of mutant sandworms to relieve the pressure on the Yunding warriors in the north.

To the east of the desert base, Xie Jingyuan was covered in blood and gasping for breath. One of his left arms had been bitten off.

"Captain! You should retreat and get treatment first!"

A soldier from the 524th Regiment supported him and said anxiously.

"No, the pressure on our side is the smallest, we must stop it!"

Xie Jingyuan took a deep breath and clenched the meteorite gold long knife with his intact right hand.

With a roar, he killed a fourth-level sandworm coming towards him.

"Hey, brothers, follow me!"

The warrior had no choice but to shout and follow.

Behind him, dozens of wounded warriors waved their long knives and fearlessly slashed at the mutant sandworms.

Above their heads, pieces of supernatural attacks of different colors passed by.

It caused bursts of explosions in the sandworm group.


Ten kilometers away from the desert base, a violent explosion suddenly occurred, and the night sky was illuminated by a variety of dazzling lights.

A huge white tiger fell from the sky, and the sand dunes were instantly blown apart by a huge force.

The white tiger shot out and ran rapidly towards the desert base in the distance.

There were two people riding on the back of the white tiger.

"Ahem, Fatty, I told you that the fighter planes would explode like this..."

Nie Chuan coughed repeatedly and complained.

"Okay, it's just two fighter planes! Saving people is important, and then I'll find Qi Sen to reimburse me!"

The fat man turned into a Gengjin White Tiger, opened his bloody mouth and roared.

Bai Wei on the side also nodded repeatedly, grabbed Nie Chuan's clothes without saying a word, and stared at the front with a cold look.

On the way here, they directly scrapped a crystal energy fighter and an ordinary fighter.

But the effect was significant. They arrived here in just over an hour.

Three minutes later, the Gengjin White Tiger was close to the battlefield in the south.

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