The girls blushed after what Su Yu and Mu Ningxue said, and the girl with short hair was even more ashamed.

Although she didn't try to promote herself like the other girls, she still said that sour remark.

Wang Mingyang patted his buttocks, stood up, and walked out.

"Let's go. Whether you can survive depends on you. Don't count on others."

Li Yuchan turned around and followed him out without saying a word.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue glanced at the girls, sighed softly, and turned to leave.

"Su Yu, leave the food in your backpack, as a thank you to the girl with twin ponytails."

Wang Mingyang's voice came from outside the door, his tone indifferent.

Hearing this, Su Yu handed the backpack behind him to the girl with twin ponytails.

"There are some food and water in it, use them sparingly!"

The girls' eyes lit up, and the girl with twin ponytails hugged the backpack in her arms.

He quickly unzipped the bag, took out a piece of bread, and took a bite without even tearing the plastic wrapping.

Su Yu saw this, shook his head and walked out.

This girl is really careless.

As Wang Mingyang and the other four left, the dormitory suddenly became dark.

In the darkness, only the sound of the girl with twin ponytails chewing and swallowing could be heard, and the plastic wrapping was rustling.

"Cheng Shanshan, don't eat yet!"

The girl with short hair could vaguely see the other girls moving slightly, and immediately frowned and shouted.

"Wei Shenxi, oh, raise your forehead!"

Cheng Shanshan muttered inarticulately with her mouth full of bread.

"These foods are not for you alone, how can you eat them alone!" A tall girl said hoarsely.

"That's right, these are given to all of us by those people, do you want to eat alone?!"

Another fat girl jumped off the bed, and with the moonlight shining in from the balcony, she walked straight to Cheng Shanshan, who was curled up at the computer desk.

"How could I eat alone? That handsome guy said he would leave it for me!"

Cheng Shanshan swallowed the bread with difficulty, hid the backpack behind her, and shouted at the top of her voice.

The other girls didn't waste words at this time, and slowly gathered around Cheng Shanshan with green eyes.

"Okay! Divide the things equally. It's not easy to survive. Don't fight over this little thing."

The short-haired girl suddenly separated several people and came forward to hug Cheng Shanshan.

"Lin Lu, this is obviously..." Cheng Shanshan said aggrievedly.

"Okay, Shanshan, I know...but if you don't share it now, I'm afraid they will do anything if they are hungry."

Lin Lu bit Cheng Shanshan's ear and whispered. The girl with twin ponytails looked at the girls who surrounded her, and her heart suddenly felt cold.

Cheng Shanshan and Lin Lu were originally in this dormitory. When encountering anything, they like to listen to Lin Lu, the class monitor.

At this time, seeing that the situation was a little wrong, coupled with Lin Lu's reminder, gritted her teeth and slowly took out the backpack behind her.

"Okay, let's make way. Let's see what's in the backpack. Let's make it clear first. No grabbing! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Lin Lu saw Cheng Shanshan take out her backpack, grabbed it, and grabbed a fruit knife on the desk.

"Haha, since Lin Lu said so, of course we believe you. Let's make way..." The fat girl looked at the fruit knife in Lin Lu's hand, her face twitched, and she chose to retreat.

The girls then made way, and Lin Lu pulled out a small folding table from the corner, opened her backpack and fell down.

A backpack of various packaged foods almost covered the small table.

Several girls stretched out their hands impatiently, but were forced back by Lin Lu's waving fruit knife.

"There are twelve people here, and the total is divided into thirteen portions. Cheng Shanshan takes two portions. Is that okay?" Lin Lu said while counting the food and water on the table.

"Why did Cheng Shanshan take two portions? She just ate a piece of bread!" The tall girl said angrily.

"Just because these foods were earned by her answers, do you still have any objections?" Lin Lu raised her head and looked at the girl with sharp eyes.

"Humph! Hurry up and divide it!"

Under Lin Lu's gaze, the tall girl did not speak again.

In fact, everyone knew that these foods did belong to Cheng Shanshan.

But how could they bear the food in front of them when they were so hungry!

Lin Lu made a timely distribution, at least everyone would get a little.

And the two portions that Cheng Shanshan took were also the products of the remaining shame of these girls and compromise.

Finally, the other ten girls took the materials they were given and quickly left the dormitory and returned to their own territory.

Lin Lu and Cheng Shanshan closed the door, breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly returned to the table and sat down.

"Lin Lu, what should we do? This amount of food is not enough for us to last for a few days..." Cheng Shanshan looked at the only half bottle of water and two packs of Oreo cookies left on the table, and said with a hint of tears.

"There's no other way. If you want to survive, you have to go out and fight for your life." Lin Lu looked at the moonlight falling on the balcony and said calmly.

"But, but... those zombies are too scary! My legs go weak when I see them..." Cheng Shanshan wiped her tears and cried.

"Either starve to death or be bitten to death by zombies, how do you want to die?"

"55555... I don't want to die yet... I don't want to die..."

Cheng Shanshan lowered her head slightly and shook her head desperately.

"If you starve to death, the process will be very painful. You will feel extremely hungry at first, and it seems that you can even eat your own flesh..."

"Slowly you will feel that you have no strength at all, and then you will have hallucinations, and you will not even feel hungry. You can only watch your body slowly become thinner, and then lose weight bit by bit. Toward death."

"And if you are bitten by a zombie, it will be like being bitten by a dog. It hurts for a while, and then you probably won't feel it anymore..."

Lin Lu didn't bother to pay attention to her and continued to slowly describe the differences between the two ways of death.

As Lin Lu said this, Cheng Shanshan's eyes became more and more frightened and her face turned pale.

"I don't want, I don't want to starve to death!"

"However, if we don't want to starve to death, we can only choose to face those zombies..."

"I'm scared...I'm scared! Lin Lu!" Cheng Shanshan kept shaking her head, tears streaming down her face.

"Cheng Shanshan! What's the use of being afraid! The worst is death!"

Lin Lu grabbed her shoulders, shook her hard a few times, and shouted sternly.

"Lin Lu...I..."

"I'm going, don't leave me...ok!"

Cheng Shanshan bit her lip with tears in her eyes. She seemed to have made up her mind. She held Lin Lu's hand tightly and cried and begged.

"Don't worry, I will stay with you. Only together can we survive."

"Don't think so bad. Maybe we can awaken our powers like those two girls, and then there won't be any danger!"

Lin Lu patted Cheng Shanshan's palm and kept comforting her, but the corner of her mouth curled up into a bad smile.

On the first floor of the girls' dormitory, Li Yuchan pushed Wang Mingyang with his shoulder, looking confused.

"I said, why did you ask Su Yu to leave food to them? There are so many hungry women, so don't cause any trouble!"

"How could I have imagined so much? Besides, if there are so many people, wouldn't they get a share? Just those tea dregs, what kind of trouble can they cause?"

Wang Mingyang looked like I don’t know, I have no extra thoughts...

"Tch, it's weird if I believe you." Li Yuchan raised his middle finger.

"Stop talking nonsense. Go out the window of this dormitory. There are too many zombies at the door."

Wang Mingyang didn't bother to pay attention to him and went straight to a dormitory at the end of the first floor. As for what would happen to those girls, it had nothing to do with him.

He is just adhering to a little bit of his original intention. You pointed out the direction for me, and I will give you some supplies in return.

As for whether I can hold on, that's not my problem...

In the end of the world, people always have to experience something to grow.

Waving his hand to remove the iron bars on the balcony window, Wang Mingyang jumped out first and quickly cleared away the zombies around him.

Li Yuchan shook his head, and with a thought, a chair flew to his feet. He stepped on the chair and stepped directly onto the window.

After glancing around outside, Li Yuchan jumped down calmly.

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