Seeing that Hai Liu didn't dare to take it, Wang Mingyang stuffed it into his hand directly.

"This ability is from the space system, which suits you best."

"As for your sister Xiaoyu and the others, you don't have to worry about them!"

Wang Mingyang said with encouragement and a smile.

What happened in the desert base and Hangzhou City touched Wang Mingyang.

He had also upgraded everyone before, but it was obviously not enough.

There are only a few people who can fight across levels.

Once a large number of high-level mutant creatures appear, manpower will be stretched.

Now there are enough reading values ​​in hand.

Wang Mingyang plans to upgrade the original ability level of Chu Hui, Shi Zhe, Hai Liu and others.

It doesn't need to be too high, just upgrade to S level.

In this way, the total reading value spent is only 10 or 20 million.

There is no way to SS level for the time being, and the reading value required is too much.

"This... is, boss!"

"I will definitely use this ability well!"

Hai Liu hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't control his heartbeat and nodded fiercely to express his opinion.

He has always been known for his defense.

Even though he often practices swordsmanship, his attack power is still much worse than other people of the same level.

[Buddha Kingdom in the Palm] is a space-related ability. As long as he studies it carefully and develops some space-related attack methods, it is still possible.

"This ability has the ability of storage, defense, suppression, and ban..."

Wang Mingyang then explained to him the characteristics of [Buddha Kingdom in the Palm] and added his understanding of space.

At the beginning, Buddha Siddhartha also had another SS-level ability [Emotion Manipulator], which controlled a large number of ancient angels, Buddhist believers and strange beasts.

So in Wang Mingyang's opinion, Buddha Siddhartha's development of this ability is obviously insufficient.

In other words, it is more developed in the aspects of storage and defense.

Suppression and banning are also abilities derived from defense.

The attack methods of space ability have not been shown.

Having said that, Buddha Siddhartha really doesn't need to consider attack methods.

So many ancient angels gathered together. If it weren't for Wang Mingyang, if someone else came, they would probably be blasted to pieces in one round of volleys.

"If you don't understand anything, come to me anytime."

Wang Mingyang said so much, but in the end, Hailiu still needed to figure it out by himself.

With a face full of excitement and gratitude, Hailiu said goodbye and left.

He couldn't wait to absorb this ability.

In the following time, except for Su Yu's A-level sword god and Mu Ningxue's A-level blizzard, they did not move for the time being.

Wang Mingyang spent a lot of reading points to upgrade the abilities of Li Yuchan and others to S-level.

Li Yuchan's A-level thunder control was upgraded to S-level evil-killing divine thunder.

The purple lightning has an annihilation attribute, which is somewhat similar to Wang Mingyang's gray destructive thunder, but it is more powerful.

Mo Bei's C-level shadow escape, Wang Mingyang still spent a little reading value to upgrade it to A-level shadow escape.

As for the attached second ability, A-level dark control was directly upgraded to S-level.

Evolving into an S-class Dark Walker, while controlling darkness, he greatly enhanced his ability to corrode and devour.

With the help of A-class Shadow Escape, Mo Bei even has a certain elemental ability.

He can escape into darkness and launch attacks very quickly.

Zhu Bai's B-class Divine Shooting was upgraded to A-class Arrow God before, so there is no need to continue to upgrade.

Instead, A-class Wind Control was promoted to S-class Wind Control.

The flight speed, the attack power of the wind arrows, and the power of large-scale hurricanes have all been greatly improved.

The fat man's original B-class energy conversion has long been promoted to A-class energy absorption.

Considering his other superpower, A-class Gengjin White Tiger, Wang Mingyang chose to improve his energy absorption.

Directly promoted to S-class energy devouring.

In this way, the fat man can not only absorb and store energy by eating.

He can also directly absorb elemental attacks and convert part of them into his own energy.

It plays a role in reducing damage.

It is quite like the Beiming Divine Art in martial arts novels.

However, the efficiency of converting into his own energy is very low.

In the battle, some energy can be used to attack directly.

In a sense, whether it is a single fight or a group attack, the fat man is not afraid of anyone.

Shizhe's A-level element summoning can currently summon five elemental giants of the same level.

After being upgraded to S-level, elemental summoning can be fused to a certain extent.

For example, by fusing the two elements of fire and earth, a lava giant can be summoned, which is very similar to the Japanese Asakura Mori.

But Shizhe's strength lies in that he can also integrate elements such as gold and wind.

The speed and resistance of the summoned lava giant have been greatly improved.

He can even directly enter the body of the summoned giant, and the body will no longer be a fatal weakness.

Only by breaking the summoned giant can he be hurt.

As for Chu Hui, after the A-level blood control was upgraded to the S-level blood lord.

His already huge blood energy has been taken to the next level, and he can also extract blood essence from mutant creatures or zombies and integrate it into himself.

Or directly stuff it into the mustard seed space.

Take it out during the battle, and you can create a small sea of ​​blood with a wave of your hand.

Whether it is defense or attack, it is more powerful.

According to Wang Mingyang's estimation, when Chu Hui is promoted to the eighth level and obtains the ability of the elemental true body.

He can completely turn himself into a sea of ​​blood.

Rebirth by dripping blood may be faster for him than those psychics whose bodies have been strengthened to the extreme.

What surprised Wang Mingyang the most was that after Mo Yan's A-level natural power was upgraded to S-level, it transformed into an S-level natural sower.

Originally, the A-level natural power was mainly used to output vitality and increase the growth rate of plants.

And the S-level natural sower can quickly improve the combat effectiveness of mutant plants.

As long as some mutant plant seeds are stored in advance.

With a wave of his hand, a large area of ​​peak third-level mutant plants can be spread.

At this time, Mo Yan was only at the peak of the fourth level.

Once upgraded to the fifth level, with the degree of leverage of the fifth-level psychic on the energy of heaven and earth.

It is completely possible to quickly produce a batch of fourth-level mutant plants.

Even a fifth-level psychic will still be besieged to death when facing a large number of fourth-level mutant plants.

Unless it is a fifth-level like Su Yu, ordinary fifth-level can no longer threaten Mo Yan.

Most of the core members of Yunding have improved their ability levels.

After a few days, Wang Mingyang's reading value shrunk by more than 40 million reading values.

But the effect is significant. A large number of fourth-level cores and a few outstanding third-level Yunding warriors now basically have B-level or above superpowers.

After the superpowers were upgraded, no one left Yunding.

Instead, they went into the library and read various books to get inspiration.

The upgraded library can bless the quick thinking effect and improve comprehension.

After the establishment of the six major bases, such opportunities are rare.

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