Hearing this, several students around him immediately stepped aside, exposing the boy.

"Oh! What's your name? Tell me, what kind of fire power does it have?"

Wang Mingyang's eyes lit up and he asked hurriedly.

"Uh...my name is Tian Lei, and I can release a chain of fire."

As Tian Lei spoke, a flame burst out from the palm of his hand. The flame quickly twisted and deformed, forming a winding chain of flames.

The boys around him exclaimed in exclamation, and the high temperature of the fire chain forced the boys around him to step back.

"Well, that's pretty good. Is there anyone else who has awakened his powers?"

Wang Mingyang nodded and signaled Tian Lei to put away his powers.

This ability should be a C-level fire power, Fiery Chain.

The lethality is insufficient, but it comes with some control. After increasing the strength, the number of chains can be increased, and the combat power is not bad.

"I...awakened the power of speed!"

"My arm strength has become much stronger. It must have awakened, right?"

"My eyesight has been enhanced. I can see farther and have night vision!"

"I seem to be able to control water..."

With Tian Lei as an example, four boys raised their hands in a row.

Wang Mingyang asked these people to show them one by one. Unfortunately, the grades were not high. The highest grade was Tian Lei's C-level blazing chain.

The others are basically D-level. The one with enhanced strength cannot even compare to Zhao Ding, and is only an E-level.

It is now the fifth night of the apocalypse. Among the more than twenty survivors, there are actually five awakened ones, although it is not known if anyone is still hiding.

But this probability is already very good.

But for now, it seems that these people are of little use to him.

Likewise, there is no threat...

Wang Mingyang was a little disappointed when he didn't find any high-level abilities.

But this is also reasonable.

Superpowers above level B are relatively powerful, and there are not many people who can awaken such superpowers.

Can meet three A-level awakeners, Su Yu, Mu Ningxue and Li Yuchan.

Wang Mingyang already felt that the halo of the protagonist was added to him.

After dismissing all the students, Wang Mingyang pointed to an unmanned dormitory that had been opened before.

"Dai Bin, you can have a good rest here tonight. I will call you early tomorrow morning."

Wang Mingyang took out two packages of food and a bottle of mineral water from his bag and threw them to Dai Bin, who was a little overwhelmed.

If you want a horse to run, you have to give it some grass!

Wang Mingyang is not one of those evil capitalists.

Next, they needed Dai Bin to show them the way, so Wang Mingyang also gave them some grass without hesitation.


Dai Bin reached out to take the food and water, and held it tightly in his arms.

After a few days, he had already finished all the stock in the dormitory, and these things made his eyes glow green.

The slight uneasiness that Wang Mingyang had before being forcibly recruited suddenly disappeared.

Turning around and walking into the dormitory opened by Wang Mingyang, Dai Bin couldn't wait to tear open the package, put a piece of bread into his mouth and chewed it.

"Brother Mingyang, do we want to stay here for one night?"

Seeing the door closed, Su Yu stepped forward and asked.

"Well, it's already dark. It's not a good time to go out. Let's stay one night first. We'll set off early tomorrow morning!"

Wang Mingyang nodded, put away the flashlight, patted his butt and stood up from the steps.

With the three of them, he found a relatively clean dormitory and threw the killed zombies downstairs.

Wang Mingyang used his strength to jump onto a bed, stretched out and lay down.

The three of them didn't hesitate when they saw this, they each found a bed and jumped on it.

Su Yu and Mu Ningxue began to practice their powers as a habit, while Li Yuchan looked at them curiously.

Wang Mingyang hung the flashlight on the bedside and took out the "Flatland" from his bag. He had not read this book yet.

Rubbing the book in his hand, Wang Mingyang pondered for a while and then stuffed the book back.

With his eyes closed and searching the system library in his mind, Wang Mingyang felt that he should change his mind.

Now he already has A-level metal control, A-level mustard space, S-level space cutting...

These three abilities should be enough to deal with the coming battle.

Therefore, it is time to extract some abilities to strengthen yourself.

""Speed ​​Reading", "Deep Reading", "Practical Reading Guide",..."

Wang Mingyang searched the library for books on improving reading speed and comprehension.

In his previous reading experiences, he found that his brain was completely insufficient.

Those advanced knowledge points without basic support are as difficult to understand as a bible.

Since the Zhutian Reading System can extract supernatural powers, maybe these books can add some BUFF to him...

"Just this one, I hope it can add some intelligence..."

Wang Mingyang finally selected a book and issued instructions in his mind.

[The present book "Practical Reading Guide", deducting 10 reading points, the host's current reading value: 6611 points. 】

A book quickly materialized in Wang Mingyang's hands. With the light of the flashlight, Wang Mingyang started reading mode.

"Hey, let me tell you, don't you forget to study at this time?"

Li Yuchan looked up and saw Wang Mingyang holding a book and chewing on the bed next door, and said in surprise.

Wang Mingyang rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Don't bother Brother Mingyang, he's so good..."

When Su Yu heard this, he stared at the changing shape of the dark flame in his hand without raising his head, and said softly.

"No, is he so studious? Why did I meet him in the library..."

Li Yuchan was surprised, but when he turned around, he saw Su Yu and Mu Ningxue, who had not rested, and were still fiddling with their superpowers.

"What are you doing?"

"Exercise! Brother Mingyang said that we must constantly hone our superpowers to become stronger!" Su Yu replied as if it was a matter of course.

"Is this... useful? Superpowers are not fixed?"

"Nonsense, you know that practice makes perfect, right?"

Mu Ningxue rolled her eyes, and the ice cone in her hand continued to compress, and the color became more and more blue.

"Uh... I understand."

Li Yuchan touched his nose, feeling that he seemed to do something, otherwise he would seem a little out of place...

"Hey, Boss Wang, how should I exercise?"

After thinking for a while, Li Yuchan didn't find any clues, so he simply asked Wang Mingyang.

"Your ability is mental power, so you need to focus on training your mental power."

"You can try to control heavy objects with mental power, and hold on until your mental power is exhausted, so as to exercise the toughness and strength of mental power."

Wang Mingyang raised his head, thought for a while and said.

This method is relatively simple, but it is still practical for now.

After all, Li Yuchan has just awakened and his strength is not high, so he just needs to lay a good foundation now.

The inspiration and experience he got from Taoist classics in his previous life are not very applicable for now.

"Is this okay? I'll try..."

Li Yuchan thought about it and felt that it made some sense.

Looking around the room, there were no heavy objects.

At this time, the roars of the zombies around came to his ears. Li Yuchan's eyes lit up, and he immediately jumped out of bed and ran to the balcony.

Gently opening the window, Li Yuchan looked down.

Under the hazy moonlight, the dense zombies had gradually dispersed because of the disappearance of the sound of the iron cymbals.

Li Yuchan stared at the zombies closest to the dormitory building, and his mind moved, and his mental power burst out.

A zombie floated up from the downstairs in an instant, and stopped six or seven meters above the ground.

The zombie danced in the air and roared continuously, but could not break free from this invisible force.

Li Yuchan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling no pressure, and then controlled another zombie to float up.

Li Yuchan stopped until there were ten ghosts outside the window at the same time.

Now he needs to control the bodies of ten zombies at the same time and support their weight at the same time.

This is much more difficult than simply moving a car, after all, a car will not move randomly...

Although he couldn't see what Li Yuchan was doing, Wang Mingyang could guess a thing or two by seeing him standing on the balcony.

He smiled slightly and continued to study hard.

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