Half an hour ago, in a spacious office in the largest military region of Yunnan Province.

An old man in military uniform stood in front of the window, frowning as he looked at the busy soldiers outside the window.

There were golden pine branches and a shining golden star on the old man's shoulders, and the cigarette between his fingers had burned a large butt, which had not fallen for a long time.

"Report to the chief! Gong Zhan of the Snow Owl Special Forces is here to report!"

A deep voice sounded, and a soldier in camouflage uniforms and fully armed stood at the door.

"Please come in."

The old man turned around, walked to the table and pressed the cigarette butt in his hand into the ashtray.


Gong Zhan stepped into the office, stood in front of the old man and saluted.

"Gong Zhan, are the teams ready?"

"Report to the chief, the team has been reorganized. The Snow Owl Special Forces currently has... 18 members, all ready to go!"

Gong Zhan replied in a sonorous and powerful voice, but there was unstoppable sadness and sadness in his eyes.

The special forces originally had five teams, with a total of nearly fifty people.

Now, there are only eighteen left.

"Okay! The shelter has been built, and there are other teams defending the periphery. I need you to perform a special mission now!"

The old man nodded, stepped forward and patted Gong Zhan's shoulder.

"Please give instructions, Chief! The Snow Owl Special Forces will complete the mission!" Gong Zhan's body shook, and he shouted with his feet together.

"Well, I believe you, but... just do your best, and if it's impossible, you must come back safely!"

The old man showed a trace of relief in his eyes, gently pinched Gong Zhan's shoulder, turned around and took out a few pieces of paper from the table and handed them to Gong Zhan.

"This is..." Gong Zhan took the paper and looked down.

"These are several important scientific research experts. I need you to bring them back, if... they are still alive."

The old man's eyes were deep. It has been five days and five nights since the zombie outbreak.

It is now the sixth day, and he doesn't know how many of these people in the information are still alive.

The end of the world is coming, and the army suffered heavy losses. Many soldiers turned into zombies without warning, biting their close comrades.

Even several military district leaders were not spared. In the end, after everything was settled, only he, the political commissar of the military district, was left.

In a few days, under his leadership, the zombies in the military district were cleared, and the remaining personnel of several nearby guard teams were gathered and incorporated.

Initially, a temporary shelter was established with the military district as the center, and the surrounding people were gradually gathered and rescued.

Yunnan Province is a border province, and the troops are mainly stationed in border cities for defense. On the contrary, there are not many troops stationed in the provincial capital, Chuncheng.

This is why the progress has been slow in the past few days, and it is not until now that we have freed up our hands to carry out rescue.

Insufficient troops, insufficient firepower...

"I understand! Chief, if you have no other instructions, we will set off!"

Gong Zhan put away the information in his hand and solemnly put it in his chest pocket.

"Go! No matter what the result is, you must come back before nightfall!"

"Yes! Comrade Chief, I promise to complete the mission!"

The old man saluted solemnly, Gong Zhan stood at attention, saluted, turned and walked out.

After Gong Zhan left, the old man sighed slightly, and someone quickly came in to report.

The bloodshot eyes became sharp again, and the old man quickly returned to the table to start working.

It can be seen that this old man in his sixties has not closed his eyes for five days and five nights.

Still like a steel gun, standing in this office, the soldiers coming and going in the square can see the busy figure of the old man at a glance.

This makes the iron-blooded soldiers who have experienced sudden changes more strong in their hearts!

Three helicopters quickly took off from the apron and quickly roared towards the city center.

What Wang Mingyang saw when he looked up was one of the armed helicopters.

Frowning and shrinking into the corner, Wang Mingyang had actually expected the arrival of the soldiers.

But I didn't expect it to be today...

"Brother, there is an armed helicopter, it must be soldiers coming to rescue us!"

Dai Bin also saw the camouflaged fuselage and shouted excitedly.

"It's coming, but it's hard to say whether it's to save you."

Wang Mingyang said lightly, with just one plane, how many people can be saved...

"Look, look! The plane is flying towards us!"

"Uh, why is there only one..."

Dai Bin also reacted, there are so many survivors in the school, if they really want to save people, how could there be only one helicopter.

The helicopter hovered in the air for a while, and finally chose to land on the roof of a teaching building near the experimental building.

From the perspective of Wang Mingyang and others, they could only see the circling propellers of the plane slowly stop.

Many zombies around were attracted by the huge sound and ran towards the teaching building.

"Brother, what should we do, should we go find them?"

Dai Bin's eyes were full of hope. Compared with Wang Mingyang and others, he would definitely prefer to stay with the soldiers.

"Okay! I'll take you there!"

Wang Mingyang pondered for a moment. In the fight for the spiritual object that night in his previous life, there were soldiers present.

It would be good to make contact in advance, just as a way to investigate the opponent's situation.

"Uh, really?"

Dai Bin didn't expect Wang Mingyang to agree. He didn't have much hope at first.

"Get ready, let's go to the other side first, they will probably come over here."

The helicopter hovered over the experimental building for a while. It seemed that because the roof of the building was covered with wisteria flowers, it was not suitable for landing, so it chose the rooftop of the nearby teaching building.

Wang Mingyang estimated the distance and found that the target of these soldiers was most likely the experimental building.

Several cables were suddenly thrown down from the side of the rooftop, and six heavily armed figures appeared on the side of the rooftop.


Wang Mingyang's eyes lit up, and he quickly led Dai Bin towards the corner.

The six soldiers descended from the rooftop neatly and silently avoided the group of corpses rushing towards the door of the teaching building.

There was an explosion on the other side of the teaching building, and it seemed that the remaining soldiers threw a grenade over there.

The violent explosion attracted a large number of zombies, and they rushed over there.

The six soldiers quickly dropped to the corner, set up their rifles and ran towards the laboratory building in a battle formation.

Wang Mingyang quickly led Dai Bin to a laboratory. After cleaning up the zombies in the room, Dai Bin immediately ran to the window and looked at the soldiers.

The six soldiers moved quickly, quickly running across a distance of several hundred meters. With silencers on their rifles, they cleanly killed the zombies blocking the way.

"This way! This way! There is someone here!"

Seeing that the soldiers had deviated from the direction, Dai Bin quickly opened the window and shouted anxiously.

The leading soldier heard the sound, turned his head and looked over. Seeing that it was a living person, he immediately made a gesture, and the team quickly adjusted its direction.

Soon the six people ran to the window. The leading soldier glanced inside the window and saw only the excited Dai Bin and Wang Mingyang sitting on the test table with an indifferent expression.

"Get up!"

The leading soldier quickly gave the order and he held up his rifle to cover. Several soldiers quickly climbed into the window and jumped out.

"Captain, come in quickly!"

Seeing everyone else entering the laboratory, the leading soldier stepped forward, jumped over the window and jumped in.


Wang Mingyang was a little surprised when he saw this. This captain was a little different.

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