"Answer my question first! I'll consider whether to tell you."

Gu Zemin snorted coldly and sat down slowly.

Gong Zhan on the side was stunned. He never understood why Wang Mingyang followed to see Professor Gu Zemin.

But Wang Mingyang's four questions made him feel that something seemed wrong.

"Actually... I have got the answer I want."

Wang Mingyang pulled a chair and sat down calmly.

"Since I can answer your question... young man, you should also answer my question."

Gu Zemin put the notebook in his pocket, picked up the pen cap and slowly closed it.

"I guess the mouse should have run away six days ago?"

Wang Mingyang laughed, ignoring Gu Zemin's bargaining, and looked at him playfully.

"There are three in total, but two died and one ran away."

Gu Zemin did not insist, and said calmly, but his eyes were fixed on Wang Mingyang.

"I guess, the mouse that ran away must be black!"

"It's black..."

Confirming his guess, Wang Mingyang said slowly with a cold look in his eyes:

"Gu Zemin, Professor Gu... don't continue this research!"


"Why? Hehe... because if you continue, I will definitely..."

Wang Mingyang stood up, spitting out three murderous words in a frivolous tone.

"Kill you with my own hands!"

"Wang Mingyang! Calm down!"

Feeling Wang Mingyang's gushing murderous intent, Gong Zhan stood in front of Gu Zemin and pointed the gun at Wang Mingyang without hesitation.

Gu Zemin frowned and looked at the tall young man in front of him with a puzzled look.

He was very sure that he didn't know this young man, let alone offend him.

But what Wang Mingyang said set off a huge wave of shock in his mind.

"That mouse... is related to these zombies?"

Gu Zemin's expression was serious, and he didn't seem to care about Wang Mingyang's murderous intent towards him.

"It has nothing to do with it..."

"Then why did you kill me?"

"Because this...smart rat you created may kill thousands of people...including me!"

Wang Mingyang's eyes were deep, and the memories of his previous life kept emerging.

Before his rebirth, he died at the hands of a high-level zombie.

However, that incident was not just a trap set by Zhao Yimin and others.

Before that, the extremely smart Rat King had risen step by step from Chuncheng.

Then he crossed the two provinces and led the mutant rats to the largest shelter in Sichuan Province.

The two sides fought, countless casualties, and a large amount of fresh blood and flesh attracted many high-level zombies.

He escaped the rat tide, but he did not escape the sudden attack of the high-level zombies in the melee.

It can be said that he died in the hands of the Rat Beast King in disguise.

It is a pity that he never saw the true face of the Rat King until his death.

When Wang Mingyang met the second-order mutant rat king, he once thought that it was just a smarter mutant rat.

But the more he thought about it, the more wrong it seemed.

Why could the mutant rat king be so smart?

He even knew how to trigger a rat tide to raise Gu, give birth to first-order zombies, and then hunt for crystal cores to strengthen himself.

On the third floor of this laboratory building, after seeing everything in Gu Zemin's laboratory.

Thanks to the intelligence blessing of quick thinking, a more distant memory emerged in Wang Mingyang's mind.

During college, he once regarded a piece of news as an anecdote.

Let Wang Mingyang finally connect everything together...

Once, scientists cultivated a large number of neuronal cells, aggregated to produce human-like brain tissue, and injected them into the brain and body of mice, thereby causing the fusion of mouse brain cells and human-like brain tissue.

Thus, mice with evolved brains were created, making these mice extremely intelligent!

In some ways, it becomes more and more like a human...

(Serge Pascal's human-rat hybrid brain experiment)

Additionally, the end of the world is coming, and the unknown energy has caused biological mutations.

That smart second-order mutant rat king is likely to be the mutant rat king that will cause a rat tide in the future!

"Impossible! Although the rat has become smarter, it is still a rat!"

Gu Zemin grabbed his gray hair with both hands and shouted. He was indeed doing this experiment, but rats are rats, not monkeys or chimpanzees that are close relatives of humans.

In his opinion, there is no ethical issue at all.

And how could a rat kill thousands of people?

Suddenly, Gu Zemin recalled that the rat devoured two other rats when it escaped, and its size became much larger than that of ordinary rats...

Thinking of this, Gu Zemin's pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Wang Mingyang with some horror.

"Gu Zemin, you don't think that only this underground laboratory has an outbreak of zombies, right?"

Wang Mingyang said with a playful expression and a hint of mockery.

"Could it be..."

Gu Zemin suddenly felt something was wrong, and looked at Gong Zhan with a dull look.

"Professor Gu, for some unknown reason, zombies broke out all over the world six days ago, and even the animals and plants mutated and became extremely terrifying."

"In just a few days, most of the human beings have been killed or injured."

Gong Zhan, who had been listening to the two of them talking for a long time, noticed Gu Zemin's gaze, and the steel gun in his hand did not move at all. He turned his face slightly and explained helplessly.

"How is this possible?!"

Gong Zhan is a soldier, and in Gu Zemin's impression, soldiers will not lie.

So, he believed Gong Zhan's words.

But Gong Zhan's answer made him... so unbelievable.

"Just a few days ago, I met that rat."

"It was about the size of a wild boar at that time."

"Not only that, it has been able to launch tens of thousands of mutant rats."

"And those ordinary mutant rats are as big as a house cat."

"Gu Zemin, do you still think it... is just an ordinary rat?"

Wang Mingyang's sarcastic tone made Gu Zemin feel like he was struck by lightning, and there was a look of fear in his eyes.

After hearing these words, Gong Zhan couldn't help but think of the terrifying scene of rats the size of house cats, overwhelming and attacking.

Shocked involuntarily, Gong Zhan swallowed his saliva and pulled the corners of his mouth with difficulty.

"Wang Mingyang, are you kidding?"

"Gong Zhan, do you think I'm kidding?"

Wang Mingyang's face was calm, and he turned and walked out, leaving the two people dumbfounded.

"Gong Zhan, take Gu Zemin back to your shelter!"

"Remember my words, don't let him think about how to make mice smarter, and study more about how to kill those mutant creatures!"

"Otherwise, I will definitely kill him... with my own hands!"

Wang Mingyang's leisurely voice came, but he had disappeared outside the laboratory.

In the room, the two looked at each other.

After a long time, Gong Zhan put away the rifle he had raised for a long time and swallowed his saliva.

"Professor Gu, hurry up and follow me! The head of the headquarters has issued an order to take you back to the shelter safely."

"No...I can't leave yet, there are experimental instruments here, I have to do something..."

Gu Zemin pondered for a while, slowly shook his head, his tone was low, but full of determination.


"Captain Gong, even if I go to your military shelter, I can't do research without these scientific research instruments!"

"Otherwise, you come back with me first, and I'll ask the headquarters to arrange people to move these instruments away later."

"No, you arrange people to move them first, and I'll stay here. Those zombies are experimental samples. I'm going to start studying... the reasons for their mutations right away."

Gu Zemin clenched his fists tightly in his white coat sleeves, and a trace of pain and regret flashed in his eyes.

"Well... okay, I'll ask the head of the headquarters first."

Gong Zhan saw that he couldn't persuade the old man, so he had to nod helplessly.

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