The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 943 Two arrows, one dead and one seriously injured!

A few minutes ago, Zhu Bai decisively rescued Zhai Xing and forced Cangming back.

One man and one horse flew out into the air and headed straight for the injured Cangming.

As for the other dark-level seventh-order corpse king, Zhu Bai and Fatty didn't plan to pay attention to it for the time being.

If three intermediate seventh-order psychics can't even delay the dark-level corpse king...

Then they deserved to die.

Such a waste has no chance to be promoted to the ninth order and become the main force to resist the ancient angel army.

The Gengjin White Tiger ran fast in the sky and pounced in front of Cangming almost when he just reacted.

The huge tiger paw slapped down suddenly, and the ice wall that Cangming had condensed in a hurry was shattered by a palm.

Cangming flew backwards, with several deep claw marks on his chest, and frost mixed with dirty blood splashed everywhere.

Before he could think about it, another wind arrow appeared in front of him.

In Cangming's horrified eyes, a dark tentacle suddenly wrapped around his waist.

At the critical moment, the dark tentacle suddenly dragged.

Zhu Bai's eyes moved slightly in the distance, and the moment the wind arrow was about to deviate, it suddenly exploded into countless tiny wind arrows, shooting in all directions.

"Puff! Puff! Puff..."

A series of piercing sounds rang out.

Cangming, who was dragged away by the dark tentacle, was hit hard again.

Anyou, who sneaked back to save Cangming, was also shot by a tiny arrow when he was caught off guard.

Fortunately, he was still far away, plus the dark shield applied to his body.

As a result, the power of the split arrow was insufficient, and he was only slightly injured.


The dark tentacles dragged Cangming, and Anyou flew towards the direction of the Corpse King Pojun without hesitation.

Anyou didn't care about the three seventh-level humans before.

But the man and the tiger that suddenly appeared had already seriously injured Cangming in an instant.

Even though it was only a brief fight, this strength made Anyou instantly judge that they were definitely the top existences among humans.

Anyou had met such a person before following Pojun.

If it weren't for the special nature of the dark ability in escaping, Anyou would have died before.

With two people appearing at the same time, Anyou couldn't even raise a trace of desire to fight.

Being able to take Cangming with him when escaping was already the reason why the corpse clan had a preliminary sense of clan.


The Gengjin White Tiger let out a low roar, and its limbs borrowed power from the void, shooting towards the backs of Anyou and Cangming.

Zhu Bai didn't expect that these two seventh-level corpse kings would turn around and run away so decisively.

Looking at their direction, it was obvious that they wanted to find the eighth-level corpse king.

Zhu Bai pulled the cloud-patterned bone bow into a full moon, and a meteorite gold arrow was wrapped in the power of wind, and the tip of the arrow flashed with the penetrating power blessed by the arrow god's supernatural power.


The meteorite arrow was shot later but arrived first, brushing against the ear of the Gengjin White Tiger, and shot straight at Cangming, who was being dragged by the dark tentacles.

Cangming was covered in blood at this time, with holes all over his body, and even his neck had three holes.

Fortunately, his head was fine, otherwise he would have died just now.

However, a golden light suddenly magnified rapidly in Cangming's eyes.

"Not good!"

Cangming was horrified, and he exerted all his strength to quickly activate the protective iceberg.

In an instant, a hundred-meter-thick iceberg suddenly took shape.

It sealed Cangming's body tightly in it, and also directly cut off the dark tentacles that Anyou had wrapped around it.

The iceberg that was condensed with all its strength did not bring much sense of security to Cangming.

In its terrified eyes, the golden light directly penetrated the thick ice layer.

It shot into its cheek without any hindrance.


The next moment, the extremely violent power of wind was suddenly released.

Countless sharp wind blades shot out in all directions, quickly driving the airflow to form a tornado that covered the sky.

Cangming, whose half of his cheek was blown off, was wrapped in it.

This tornado was like a wall-breaking machine, cutting the apple in it into pieces.

And Cangming in the iceberg was the apple.

The dirty blood and ice blue quickly stained the tornado...

Yan Liao and Han Shan in the distance saw this scene.

The next moment, the two fast-flying corpse kings saw a flash of golden light in the sky again.

"Dark and dark!"

Yan Liao and Han Shan showed a trace of fear in their scarlet eyes.

I saw that the golden light shot into a ball of black fog, and suddenly exploded into a ball of sky-blue light covering an area of ​​200 meters.

Countless tiny wind arrows shuttled back and forth in it.

A flash of darkness shot down at the moment when the light ball exploded, and hit the roof below heavily.

Anyou, who had half of his body disappeared, looked up at the sky with blood-red eyes, revealing uncontrollable fear!

With just one arrow, its body was shattered.

If it hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and decisively abandoned half of its body to escape.

Anyou's fate would definitely be like Cangming's a second ago, turning into fragments all over the sky.

It finally understood why Cangming had used the iceberg defense that even he was helpless against, but was still killed instantly.

The wind arrow of that human warrior was far sharper than any wind warrior they had encountered.

It felt like it could penetrate everything!

Anyou, who survived the disaster, couldn't help but guess that even the master's gold defense would be difficult to withstand such sharpness!

In another battlefield, the eighth-rank corpse emperor Pojun transformed his hand into a sharp blade and cut off the arm of the dark assassin who suddenly appeared behind him.

Before it had time to make a last-ditch attack, the violent fluctuations in the sky in the distance immediately attracted its attention.

"Hmph, trash!"

Po Jun paused for a moment, and with his far stronger sensing power than the others, he instantly sensed that Cangming's aura had completely disappeared.

And the dark aura also dropped sharply in an instant.

One dead and one seriously injured!

The one who died was the one who had placed such high hopes on him.

I originally thought that after a while, I would have an eighth-level corpse king under my command.

Unexpectedly, he died in such a simple battle.

Po Jun couldn't help but feel disappointed.

At the same time, the dark assassin endured the severe pain and escaped into the shadows below, quickly escaping.

There were bottomless holes everywhere on the ground. A giant earth-yellow snake emerged from one of the holes and spit out a stone spear towards the sky.

On the other side, a giant eagle that had been torn into two pieces lay quietly there.

Among the ruins in the distance, Zhao Fei looked at the giant eagle with a pale face, his heart full of regret and resentment.

After being promoted to the seventh level, he can control two seventh-level beasts at the same time.

But after just one encounter, the giant eagle he had high hopes for was torn apart with his bare hands.

If the giant earth snake hadn't gone deep into the ground to start a guerrilla war, it would have died.

Without the ability to control the beast, his combat effectiveness is not as good as that of a sixth-level superpower.

More than a hundred meters in front of Zhao Fei, there was a seventh-level strongman with light powers.

It was firmly nailed between the ruins by several sharp steel cones.

What is already dead cannot die again!

This scene only happened within one minute of the battle between the two sides.

Shen Li's team of four has lost most of its strength.

The seventh-level light element was crucified, the seventh-level beast-controlling wind-type giant eagle was cut into pieces, and the seventh-level dark element assassin had one arm cut off...

Shen Li was so arrogant before, but now his face hurts.

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