"Diamond Zhao, aren't you going to chase those three corpse kings?"

The fat man who was watching the battle asked in a low voice.

The three corpse kings all started to run away, but Zhao Tianji and his men were still staying here, as if they were not interested in them at all.

"Fat brother, it's just a seventh-level corpse king. It's not like we haven't killed them before. How can it be as meaningful as watching Boss Wang and his men fight!"

"But Fat Brother, I'll record it secretly. Will your boss mind?"

Zhao Tianji smiled and whispered to the fat man, but his eyes were always fixed on the battlefield in the distance. He held a satellite phone in his hand and filmed the battle scene with all his strength.

He has a diamond body, super defense, and is not weak in attack.

General seventh-level mutant creatures are really not his opponents.

This is a battle between the first and third on the list and the most mysterious King of Cloud Top, who joined forces to fight against the eighth-level corpse king.

It doesn't matter when to kill the seventh-level corpse king, but this kind of battle scene is probably only once in a lifetime.

Zhao Tianji doesn't want to miss such a grand occasion.

"Go ahead and shoot. We'll upload the video after the battle."

The fat man shrugged indifferently and pointed his finger at the top of his head.

Zhao Tianji looked in the direction of his finger and saw a Manta aircraft looming in the clouds a thousand meters above the sky.

It was obvious that the fat man was using the camera of the Manta aircraft to record the video!

"You are awesome, brother Fatty! Why didn't I think of that?!"

Zhao Tianji gave a thumbs up and praised him very flatteringly, but he didn't put away his phone.

Although he knew that this guy was flattering, the fat man still enjoyed it and laughed triumphantly.

The three seventh-level people under Mei Que looked at each other.

Bi Yanghui drew his weapon and said, "I'll go!"

After that, he glanced at the fat man and Zhu Bai, snorted, and then disappeared.

The next moment, Bi Yanghui appeared directly in front of Yan Liao who was moving quickly.

The long knife in his hand swept across and hit Yan Liao, who was still covered with frost.


A muffled sound spread out, and Yan Liao, who was caught off guard, was hit in the chest by the back of the knife.

His body flew backwards uncontrollably, knocking down a series of small buildings nearby.

The next second, Bi Yanghui's figure appeared behind Yan Liao like a ghost.

The long knife slashed diagonally and cut off Yan Liao's left arm.

Then, the right arm...


The violent flames exploded with Yan Liao as the center.

It didn't know how Bi Yanghui achieved such speed. If it didn't react, it would be cut into a stick by the other party.

As long as it protected itself with a large range of flames, even if this suddenly appearing human strongman was fast, he would definitely be afraid.

But the facts were far beyond its expectations.

Before the flames completely covered the surroundings, Yan Liao's left leg was cut off again.


Yan Liao roared in despair, not because of pain.

The zombies could not feel pain, just because they lost this thigh, which meant that their movement speed would inevitably be restricted.

In this situation, it was tantamount to determining their demise!

Red flames suddenly burst out from Yan Liao's body, and even the blood that was scattered by it burned rapidly.

At this moment, the area of ​​300 meters was shrouded by the blazing flames.

However, Bi Yanghui's figure appeared strangely 300 meters away.

He casually shook off the blood on his long sword, and looked at the fire corpse king in the explosion area with disdain, and his whole posture seemed extremely chic and proud.

"You... this is our prey!"

The five seventh-level people from Anhui Province suddenly stopped their flying figures and looked at Bi Yanghui with some annoyance.

With the five people joining forces and the restraint of their superpowers, this fire corpse king will definitely become their trophy in no time.

Now it is being interfered with by others, which is really disgusting.

However, they did not dare to act rashly.

Bi Yanghui's ghostly figure just now really scared them.

"You chased it for so long and still couldn't catch it, and you still have the nerve to say it's your prey?"

Bi Yanghui sneered and said with disdain.

His figure flashed and he appeared in front of Yan Liao directly through the sea of ​​fire.

The next moment, a fiery right leg broke away from Yan Liao's body again.

During the whole process, Yan Liao, who was almost at the peak of the seventh level, couldn't even react.

The five people from Anhui Province only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and Bi Yanghui had returned to the original position, and casually threw the right leg attached to the blade to the ground.

He glanced at the five people indifferently, as if looking at an ant with contempt.

"Ah... bastard!"

Yan Liao was going crazy!

The limbs were cut off without warning, and it didn't notice it at all.

He had clearly laid a lot of flames, but the only remaining right leg was still cut off by him.

Yan Liao knew very well that this human could have killed him with one blow when he first appeared.

But he didn't do that, instead he chose an extremely insulting way to make himself feel the coming of death little by little.

Escape was still hopeless, Yan Liao became ruthless.

The violent flame power went upstream and rushed directly to the fire crystal core in his mind!

The fire power was extremely explosive.

Rushing back to the crystal core in this way was very likely to cause the explosion of his own crystal core.

Once the seventh-level crystal core exploded, the power at that moment would definitely be stronger than the power Yan Liao himself showed.

But, God does not follow one's will.

Even if Yan Liao has become a zombie, he cannot escape this Murphy's Law.

Things often develop in the direction that people do not want to see.

A wind arrow fell from the sky and shot straight into Yan Liao's head. The violent wind blade immediately cut its entire head into pieces.

At the same time, a long knife suddenly cut open Yan Liao's head and picked out the fire crystal core.

The wind arrow and the long knife appeared almost at the same time.

Yan Liao's self-explosion came to an abrupt end, and the surrounding flames lost the support of Yan Liao's power and quickly extinguished.

"It is already dead, why do you have to do this?"

Bi Yanghui grabbed the seventh-level fire crystal core and looked at Zhu Bai in the sky with a cold look.

Zhu Bai put away the cloud-patterned bone bow and frowned slightly.

This guy belongs to Fengcheng and is a soldier under the command of Instructor Mei.

However, from the beginning, Zhu Bai vaguely felt the other party's vague hostility.

The arrow I shot just now was simply because I didn't want this fire corpse king to self-destruct.

I didn't mean to steal the head or the crystal core at all.

This guy's reaction is too big!

Facing Bi Yanghui's questioning, Zhu Bai simply didn't bother to pay attention and turned his head away and stopped looking at him.

Everyone in Yunding respected Mei Que, but it was only Mei Que.

The other people in Fengcheng Shelter had nothing to do with Zhu Bai.

Respect is mutual. Since the other party has made it clear that he doesn't want to respect himself, Zhu Bai will not be so eager to stick to the cold butt.

Everything is up to the boss and instructor Mei.


Seeing that Zhu Bai didn't pay any attention to him, Bi Yanghui couldn't help but frown.

But looking at Mei Que and others fighting in the distance, especially Wang Mingyang, Bi Yanghui had to take a deep breath and suppress the resentment in his heart.

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