With this gold-type strongman speaking up, everyone else stopped discussing and looked at Wang Mingyang with burning eyes.

They wanted to see how this young strongman with the dragon-transforming ability would respond.

Many followers took up their phones to take pictures.

"Oh, gold-type ability, this crystal core is indeed suitable for you..."

"But if you want to get it, prove your strength first!"

Wang Mingyang chuckled, put the crystal core into the mustard seed space, raised his hand and waved to the big man.

He looked down on Jiang Jingyi, who was only good at talking, but was a little interested in this big man.

So many people obviously wanted the crystal core very much, but they covered it up with the so-called tasting.

Instead, they were not as straightforward as this big man!

Seeing Wang Mingyang's action, the gold-type man looked serious, clasped his fists and stood slowly and said: "Shicheng, Hebei Province, Wu Xinghe, please teach me!"

"Wu Xinghe, he is Wu Xinghe!"

"The 25th strong man on the top 100 list is said to be the descendant of a Bajiquan family, and his combat power is extraordinary!"

"Shicheng area is a martial arts hometown, there are many strong people in the strengthening system, when the sea beasts landed, they were the happiest!"

"People who practice martial arts have a big appetite, and the landing of sea beasts is just a meal for them..."

The top 100 list has become famous all over the world. Although everyone has not seen the real person, the name is basically familiar to everyone.

When he heard the name, many people started to talk.

Someone raised a question: "But Wu Xinghe has a gold-based ability, which doesn't match his martial arts very well. How can he become the best in Hebei Province?"

"You are ignorant! Some enhancement-based ability users will have certain elemental attributes, but their abilities in this area are not as good as those in physical enhancement. They can only be said to be icing on the cake." A middle-aged strong man in the crowd said.

Some strong men who didn't pay much attention to this aspect suddenly realized it after hearing this.

In fact, it is true that some enhancement-based ability users will show certain elemental attributes while strengthening their bodies.

Just like Ding Cheng in Yunding Warrior, his steel skin belongs to the enhancement system, but it will have certain gold-based attributes to enhance the skin's defense.

However, this part of the gold-based attributes is not enough for him to control metal, but can only enhance himself, and the ability can only be classified as enhancement.

Similarly, when an elemental-based ability user awakens his ability, his body will also be enhanced.

But this degree of enhancement is much shallower than that of a real enhancement-based ability user.

The battle strength is still reflected in the element control.


The other party made a full gesture, and Wang Mingyang also smiled in response.

Wu Xinghe made a starting posture of Bajiquan, and the energy around him surged, and a layer of light golden energy quickly covered his body.

The next moment, he stepped heavily in the void, and his figure shot out.

In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Wang Mingyang, and his right fist was wrapped in thick energy and hit hard.


A muffled sound spread, but his fist was firmly grasped in the palm of Wang Mingyang's hand.

A circle of energy ripples burst out between the fist and the palm, rippling around.

Wu Xinghe was a little stunned. This punch not only carried the skills he had practiced for more than 20 years, but also with the blessing of enhanced strength, even if a mountain blocked in front of him, he was confident that he could punch it open.

But the figure of the young man in front of him did not move at all, as if his majestic power was a breeze blowing past.

"Not bad, but unfortunately, it's still a little short."

Wang Mingyang chuckled and shook his head slightly.

Wu Xinghe's face tightened, and he didn't care that his right fist was still in the opponent's hand, and he gathered his strength and leaned close to him.

Wang Mingyang raised his right hand and lightly pressed it on Wu Xinghe's shoulder, took advantage of the momentum to step back slightly, and kicked with his right foot.

Wu Xinghe quickly raised his elbow to protect his shoulder, and the light golden energy quickly gathered at his left shoulder to increase protection.


With the same muffled sound, Wu Xinghe's whole body was directly kicked away by Wang Mingyang's powerful kick.

There was also a faint sound of bones breaking.

Wu Xinghe flew sideways for dozens of meters before slowly stopping, and his shoes were worn out in the air.

After a successful attack, Wang Mingyang frowned slightly and muttered: "I didn't control my strength..."

With an angry shout, Wu Xinghe ignored the broken bones on his shoulder and forcibly displayed Bajiquan Kung Fu and rushed over again.

He did not use the out-of-body energy, but chose close combat.

Various Bajiquan moves continued, blasting in the air.

Wang Mingyang had a strong interest in traditional Chinese martial arts, and he was interested in countering them.

The two of them fought with fists and feet, starting a battle between Chinese martial arts.

Wu Xinghe seemed to be extremely brave, but Wang Mingyang keenly noticed that the injury on his shoulder had affected his performance.

Wang Mingyang slightly withdrew his strength and did not directly smash the opponent's bones as he did just now.

The people around frowned at this scene.

They couldn't understand why Wang Mingyang didn't fight with the body of Yinglong.

"Could it be that his transformation time has expired?"

Jiang Jingyi murmured in a low voice, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

As we all know, the transformation ability has a certain duration.

The more powerful the transformation, the shorter the duration.

But it can last for at least one hour, and as the strength increases, the duration will be longer.

Just now they only saw the Eighth-Level Corpse King being defeated by Yinglong with one blow, and then the Eighth-Level Corpse King turned around and fled.

But it was chopped into pieces by a large net composed of countless black space cuts.

No one knew what happened before.

The previous waves of people left quickly, and no one told them the whole process.

The shock brought to everyone by Yinglong's transformation came more from the Chinese people's desire for the dragon.

Many people speculated that Wang Mingyang should have two major superpowers, space system and Yinglong transformation.

Now he is fighting with Wu Xinghe in human form.

Perhaps, before they arrived, this young man had been fighting with Yinglong transformation for a long time.

The breath of the Dark King Yeying and the Sword Master Mei Que has been very weak, obviously after a hard fight.

There is a great possibility that this young man who can transform into a dragon is fighting against the eighth-level corpse king with these two.

Otherwise, Mei Que would not have spoken for him just now.

Perhaps the duration of Yinglong's transformation was consumed during that period.

Three minutes later, Wu Xinghe was directly blown away by Wang Mingyang's collapsing fist.

At this moment, Wu Xinghe could no longer control his body. After flying backwards for dozens of meters, he lay in the void and gasped for breath.

With a strengthened body and the protection of the gold system, Wu Xinghe's ability has certain similarities with Ding Cheng.

However, the gold system blessing is more reflected in the inside, rather than on the surface.

Wu Xinghe's upper body clothes have all been torn apart, and there is no good meat on the exposed skin, and it is all purple.

Even though Wu Xinghe's body is very well strengthened, it is impossible to recover these injuries for a while.

After panting for a while, Wu Xinghe still struggled to get up and sat in the air.

The broken bones in his shoulder are still aching, but other places are just flesh wounds.

Wu Xinghe looked at Wang Mingyang with extremely complicated eyes. He knew very well that the other party had shown mercy in the previous battle.

Otherwise, he might not be able to hold on for even a few seconds.

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