The End of the World: Start with a Book, All Superpowers Depend on Reading

Chapter 975 Reconstructing the ruins, blood sacrifice summons

In the Kyoto shelter, Du Feibai and Meng Jingwu, who were sent back by Zhu Bai, ran to the office non-stop and reported Ye Ying's situation to Long Hanhai.

Long Hanhai sat behind his desk, pondered for a few seconds and said slowly: "This matter will be kept secret for the time being. I will handle it."

"But, chief..."

Meng Jingwu suddenly became anxious and couldn't help but wanted to say something, but was pulled back by Du Feibai beside him.

"Chief, let's go rest first."

Du Fei Bai bowed and said respectfully.

"Well, go ahead!"

Long Hanhai nodded slightly and said nothing more.

Du Feibai dragged Meng Jingwu out of the office quickly.

"Fei Bai, why didn't you let me say it?"

As soon as he walked out, Meng Jingwu threw off Du Feibai's arm and growled.

Du Feibai sighed slightly and pulled Meng Jingwu to an uninhabited corner, "Xiao Wu, what are you going to say, can't the chief not guess it?"

"But, are we just going to let Wang Mingyang hold the leader hostage?"

Meng Jingwu snorted coldly and said with a hint of anger.

"Believe the chief, and don't you think this matter is very strange? What reason does Wang Mingyang have to attack the chief..."

Meng Jingwu paused for a moment and said dejectedly, "This... I really can't figure it out."

Du Feibai patted him on the shoulder, "I believe you also know the relationship between the chief and the chief. The chief will only care about this matter more than us. The fact that we can all come back safely shows that Wang Mingyang is not hostile to us. Among them... …There’s definitely something we don’t understand.”

"I'm just worried about the leader, she's a woman...Wang Mingyang is not a gentleman." Meng Jingwu snorted.

The Hidden Dragon Guard has been established for decades and has its own selection mechanism. It is basically impossible for people who are not upright and popular to be selected into the Hidden Dragon Guard.

This is the escort team that directly protects the supreme leader of China. It is a higher level than the guard regiment where Zhan Yuanlong belongs.

Many of the Hidden Dragon Guard members are direct relatives of the chiefs.

Everyone has been trained since childhood to be the most loyal warrior in China.

During peacetime, the Hidden Dragon Guards hide in the guard regiment to perform security work, or transform into other identities to perform special tasks.

After the end of the world, due to the emergence of various supernatural powers, they covered themselves in black robes and were mainly responsible for guarding the few remaining leaders.

At the beginning of the zombie outbreak, the Hidden Dragon Guard also suffered heavy losses in order to protect the leaders.

Now there are only seven Hidden Dragon Guards left.

Ye Ying was originally the leader of the Hidden Dragon Guard of this generation and Long Hanhai's niece.

This information is naturally known within the Hidden Dragon Guard.

And how could Du Feibai and Meng Jingwu, members of the Hidden Dragon Guard, not know that Wang Mingyang had three women?

"Wang Mingyang is not the kind of anxious person, and...after he appeared again, I always felt that he had a sense of irritability and worry, as if something was bothering him."

Du Feibai straightened his face and said solemnly: "I believe that he will not take action against the leader because of selfish desires."

After hearing Du Feibai's analysis, Meng Jingwu sighed, "Okay, what you said makes sense."

"Let's go and recuperate first. By the way, I'll explain how you used that Gang Qi transformation..."

Du Feibai held Meng Jingwu in his arms and walked toward the end of the corridor, and the two figures gradually moved away.

In the office, Long Hanhai lit a cigarette and looked at the satellite phone in front of him, with a little struggle flashing in his eyes.

Just like Du Feibai's analysis, he also has deep trust in Wang Mingyang.

But when it came to his only relative, Long Hanhai couldn't help but feel a little worried.

In the end, Long Hanhai hesitated for a long time and still didn't call Wang Mingyang.

"Boy Mingyang, don't let me down..."

In Mingdao Jilong Port, night falls slowly.

The ruins of buildings that had been floating in the air for several hours had strangely overlapped together.

It turned into a somewhat damaged building and stood on the ground again.

Wang Mingyang opened his eyes, reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and let out a long breath.

Hours of non-stop calculations and simulations consumed a lot of his mental energy.

However, the results are quite gratifying.

He finally discovered something strange.

The figure disappeared in a flash, and the next moment Wang Mingyang appeared in a large flat room on the thirteenth floor.

The dark room was full of cracks, and many places were missing.

Even though Wang Mingyang spent a lot of mental energy to calculate the approximate location of each fragment.

Omissions still cannot be avoided.

Fortunately, some omissions do not affect the overall situation.

The moment Wang Mingyang appeared in the house, his eyes looked at the living room floor.

Even though the floor was somewhat damaged, it could still be seen that strange patterns had been carved on this ground.

"Hexagram, runes... blood sacrifice summons!"

After seeing the entire pattern clearly, Wang Mingyang's pupils narrowed and he murmured.

Those lines and runes were all drawn with fresh human blood, but after a long time, they were stained with a lot of dust, and the blood stains had turned dark brown.

But Wang Mingyang could still tell that it was the result of fresh blood spilled on the floor.

It is not the result of the dark red blood staining of zombies.

"Back then, someone used the Blood Sacrifice Summoning..."

Wang Mingyang recorded the incomplete runes in his mind and recreated the original patterns.

Suddenly a flash of inspiration occurred, and I found a thick ancient book from the mustard space.

"Devil's Bible"!

This book was the strange book that William and the other two had confiscated after they summoned him to the Rooster Kingdom.

He could be summoned by the magic circle, so maybe the Dark Lord's spirit was also summoned by this magic circle.

Wang Mingyang felt that this was the closest possibility to the truth.

As his mind moved, the pages of the book turned over, and finally stopped at a page full of summoning rituals.

One of the ritual magic circles was the one that summoned him at the beginning.

The same six-pointed star magic circle, but there was a clear difference in the key summoning runes.

Obviously, this magic circle on the floor does have the ability to summon.

Wang Mingyang is not clear about the function of those runes for the time being, but his intuition tells him that it must be related to summoning the Dark Lord's spirit.

After getting the "Devil's Bible", Wang Mingyang did not study it in depth.

He just took a rough look at the content related to demon summoning.

"After returning, take some time to study it carefully..."

Wang Mingyang looked at the ancient book in his hand and murmured in a low voice.

Perhaps, you can try to summon.

I just don't know if my current strength can deal with the new Dark Lord's clone.

The summoned Dark Lord's clone is fundamentally different from the clone of the Light Lord through the reincarnation of the true spirit.

The Light Lord's clone has become an independent individual, and no matter how many of them die, it will not affect the Light Lord's body.

But the summoned Dark Lord's clone is different. It is a spiritual body separated from the body.

Every loss will affect the strength of the Dark Lord's body.

If it can be killed...

Then before the arrival of the ancient angel army, the strength of the Dark Lord can be weakened in advance.

Putting away the "Devil's Bible", Wang Mingyang opened the portal again.

As he stepped into the portal and left, a space wave shook the entire building.


The reorganized building collapsed again, burying all the secrets in the ruins.

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