The sky was getting darker.

"Swoosh!" A freshly-cooked egg still had a few streaks of blood.

Under Luo Ren's powerful projection, it seemed to have grown wings in advance and flew into the distant sky!

This was the last egg in the backyard.

At the same time, the invisible spiritual fluctuations were like a big net, bursting out suddenly with Luo Ren as the center, and pounced on the egg!

It was a pity that he used too much force, and the egg flew too fast, and it was about to exceed the storage range of the space ring!


"Zhao! Brother Ji, stop yelling. It's all your fault that I'm distracted!"

"System, add points!"

With a thought, a cool and clear spring suddenly emerged in his mind.

Wherever the spring flows, everyone feels comfortable and refreshed!

Even the nerves that were overly tense due to continuous training were relaxed under the influence of this clear stream, and the mental fatigue was relieved!

More importantly, his mental attributes increased again, and the mental power "net" that he could use with ease suddenly became half a meter longer!

Don't underestimate this half-meter distance.

The egg that was originally going to "grab the ground with its head" was captured accurately by Luo Ren in a dangerous situation and put into the space ring!

"Huh~ Cool!"

Luo Ren exhaled a breath of turbid air and smiled.

His development and mastery of spatial ability did not rely solely on attribute points, but gradually adapted through practice and felt the subtle changes in it!

From adding 1 point each time, to adding 5 points directly later, in one day, his spiritual attribute has increased to 80 points!

And he has mastered it perfectly!

Luo Ren now feels that this space ring is an extension of his own body, which can be controlled at will!

He threw the egg just now with all his strength, and its flying speed is no less than the pitching speed of a professional baseball player!

Even so, as long as it is within 8 meters, his spatial storage ability can still accurately catch the egg!

His attribute panel has also changed significantly compared to before:

[Name: Luo Ren

Strength: 38

Spirit: 80

Physique: 170

Speed: 30

Item: Reaper Dagger

Skills: Reconnaissance, Primary Zombie Control

Free attribute points: 69]

"69... This number is a bit subtle~"

He seemed to have thought of something, and a smirk appeared on his face.

Turning his head slightly, he caught a glimpse of Brother Chicken's eyes, which were almost popping out!

What the hell?

"Why are you staring at me? I said I borrowed it, and now I'm returning it to you!"

Luo Ren spread his hands helplessly and put the bloody eggs back into the cage.

Cluck, cl ... "Hey? Master, what do you do?"

"I, I'm the chef here... Chef, I, I'm here to get some free-range eggs."

The white-hatted uncle was confused by the question and stumbled over his answer.

"Chef? Then let me ask you, who raises the chickens in the backyard? Why does one of them look so bad-tempered?"

"Boss, you mean A Kun! That's the pet chicken raised by the wife of the village chief. It's been two and a half years!"

"Oh, so that's the case. It's okay. Go ahead and do your thing."

Luo Ren sent the white-hatted uncle away and walked through the kitchen into the lobby on the first floor.

He originally wanted to send someone to teach Brother Chicken a lesson. After all, that little black-footed chicken had been bothering him for almost a whole day!

But the life span of a chicken is very short, only three to five years in total.

Hearing that A Kun was going to die, he didn't have to hold a grudge against an old chicken, right?

"Luo Ren, this way!"

At a dining table in the distance, Han Suiru was waving at him with a sweet smile on her face.

Since the three of them met and talked frankly last night.

After a profound and easy-to-understand philosophical exploration, Han Suiru was obviously more open than before!

She no longer cares about other people's eyes. In fact, no one dares to bite the tongue of the awakened.

Life is short. If you want to love someone, why not love them clearly?


"I'm here."

Luo Ren's eyes were smiling, and his lips were curled up with a doting arc.

He trotted to the main table of the restaurant.

Everyone had specially vacated this table for him. Apart from him, only Lin Lili and Han Suiru dared to sit there!

"Suiru, why are you alone? Isn't Lili with you?"

Luo Ren sat next to Han Suiru.

He looked normal, but under the table, a big pig's hoof was already wandering restlessly!

Han Suiru blushed and glared at him unhappily, but she didn't refuse after all.

"Sister Lili took the escort team to deliver food to the villagers in the power station."

"I say, Luo Ren, what have you been doing all day?"

"Just your new secretary, a girl, she was so busy crying without a backbone, and she came to me to find someone!"

Who? Oh, that math teacher? !

Luo Ren slapped his forehead in annoyance.

He was so busy training his space "superpowers" that he forgot about the beautiful secretary!

There should be quite a few survivors who want to join the craftsman group and the construction group.

He ordered the secretary to take over his duties temporarily. It is estimated that there must be dozens of people surrounding the math teacher!

Even in a hurry, fierce words and verbal conflicts are inevitable!

After all, no matter how capable the secretary is, he is not him, and he does not have the boss's momentum and tough tactics!

"Luo Ren, it's okay to flirt with girls, but can we take some responsibility?"

Han Suiru said, putting a white hand on her thigh-below the skirt, above the white lace stockings, there was a big pig's hoof rubbing back and forth.

She pouted towards the distance, and Luo Ren looked along.

Sure enough, he saw a long-haired young woman in a gardenia dress lying on the dining table.

The young woman's face was completely buried in her arms, and her shoulders twitched and shook from time to time!

"Still crying? This, I..."

Luo Ren had no words to defend himself.

This time he was really wronged, and he swears to God, he didn't flirt at all!

At that time, he was also very annoyed, so he just found a "scapegoat" and didn't even have time to ask the name.

He admitted that this behavior was indeed a bit selfish.

But Luo Ren's character has always been selfish, and he is not a kind saint or a good man.

Especially after the outbreak of the doomsday, building his own happiness on the pain of others is his forte!

"Luo Ren, Sui Ru, I'm back!"

Just when he was embarrassed, Lin Lili came over with the escort team.

Before Luo Ren could speak, Han Sui Ru, as his good sister, took the lead in greeting him with concern:

"How is it, is it going well? Did you encounter any zombies along the way?"


Unexpectedly, Lin Lili remained silent upon hearing this, and sighed worriedly.

Luo Ren's heart skipped a beat when he saw this, and he quickly counted the number of people.

He found that there were still 7 people in the escort team at noon, but now there are only 5 people left!

"Lili, what happened?"

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